“I’ve never thought I could die of boredom.” Chris mumbled to himself as he laid his head down on the pillow of his bed. “There’s only so many times I can open up my phone and scroll through Instagram. It’s the same fucking shit over and over.”
He has been stuck in his room the past two days, his punishment for getting suspended. He has his phone and that’s basically it. The only times he can come out of his room is for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. He’s been texting Ned and getting updates about the current situation. Nothing big yet, haven’t heard back from Vanesa in a while now.
They both had an extensive conversation about Ned’s little study session with Michelle. Chris congratulated him, although he was stuck in his room he still supported him from afar. They had an entire conversation about all of the attention he garnered at school. Videos of the fight spread everywhere on multiple kids’ Instagram pages and other social media accounts. Countless comments about how impressed everyone was that some random nobody took down the infamous Micheal Regal.
Ned was the biggest attention grabber, the person who survived Micheal’s ruthless attack and come back to school the next day. Micheal has been expelled from multiple schools for his behavior, so it’s shocking to see him get such a light punishment. Granted, he usually sends other kids to the hospital.
Chris sat in his bed as he scrolled through all of the numerous rumors, just chuckling to himself that he and Ned made it out with a few scrapes.
“Just three more weeks of this.” He said to himself as he closed his eyes. “You can make it through this. Hopefully.”
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Ned’s blaring alarm clock woke him up, his still squinted eyes tracked his phone and his limp arm sloppily turned it off. He rubbed his eyes as he sat up in his bed. Yawning super loud and stretching his arm out, he got up from his mattress and walked out of his room.
The first thing he noticed was Sandra’s door wide open. Her bed laid dormant with the covers all thrown around the place. The room smelt of the usual stank.
She probably went off to work.
He thought to himself as he went downstairs and ate some breakfast. Quickly cleaning up the plate and cooking materials he used to cook the eggs. He headed back upstairs to take a shower.
What should I do today?
He pondered as he laced his body with the soapy body wash.
This is one of the few days where I have nothing to do. Vanesa hasn’t contacted me and I’m scared to text Michelle after what happened. Hmmm, maybe I could water the lawn. I haven’t done that in a week, it’s extremely overdue.
He turned off the water and dried himself off completely, put on deodorant, brushed his teeth, washed his face, brushed his hair, and dressed up for the day. He grabbed his phone and keys, locking the front door as he stepped outside.
Turning on the hose while holding the nozzle. Water came squirting out then became a constant stream as he poured out onto the dead grass. The lawn has been dead for so long but he still tries to keep it maintained. There’s no other person who’s willing to do so.
“Wished the sprinklers worked.” He said to himself as he just sat there bored as the water spurted out. “It would be so much easier to do this.”
A white car passed by the front lawn of his house. It was clean and looked expensive. He was confused about how such a nice car could even live here, his whole neighborhood was considered to be below poverty level.
He shrugged it off and decided that was enough watering for today. He dropped the hose on the ground as it continued to pour and went to turn it off. Then, he heard a car skidding their tires. Like they were making a sharp and fast turn.
The engine roared as the car came barreling to a stop right in front of his house. The same luxurious white car that passed by mere seconds ago. He was frozen in fear, could it be one of those girl point workers.
The window rolled down and it was a blonde-haired girl. She looked so familiar but he couldn’t place a finger on it. She waved at him and smiled.
“Hey Ted!” She called out to him. “I didn’t know you lived here.”
Ted? Only the people at school call me that. Just some random fangirl. Though she does look so familiar.
“Um, hi.” He awkwardly waved back.
“Whatcha doing?”
“Just, watering my lawn.”
“That’s nice. Got anything planned today?”
“Not at all.”
“Good.” She gave off this devil-like smile. “Why don’t you hangout with me then? I’m going to the mall.”
“No, I’m good.” He responded hastily as he started walking towards his house.
“Wait! Remember in the hallway you promised to hangout with me!” She shouted out.
“Huh.” He whispered to himself.
No, it’s her? It was that girl that was flirting with me in the hallway that day? Oh god what was her name? Shit! I can’t seem to remember. I guess I was so focused on getting to math that it completely crossed my mind.
“Ted! Come on, you can’t back down from a promise!” She kept shouting. “I know about your mom.”
Ned felt this huge wave of shock paralyze him in place. He couldn’t respond at all.
“Wouldn’t it be nice just to get outside of the house sometime and get away from her? All she does is just bring you down. Just let loose a little, you’re in the best time of your life to have fun.”
He gained his courage and walked all the way over to her car. “How do you know all of that?”
“Look at your house man, it’s run down and dirty. Plus I’ve heard rumors about your mom being a drug addict.”
“You don’t know shit! Stay out of my business and don’t listen to any of those rumors.”
“Woah calm down, I’m not trying to offend you or anything. I’m just saying what I’ve heard.”
“Don’t go spouting shit like you know what your saying is true, those are all rumors. Now can you please leave-”
“Are they just rumors? Or are they the truth?”
“I’m saying from your reaction, it sounds like all I said was the truth.”
“It really struck a chord with you, I’m not trying to provoke any reaction from ya. You’re the one that went up here and started getting aggressive. Hmmm, and I really thought that you were very nice when we talked during passing period. Oh well, I wonder what the rest of the school would think if the perfect and strong Ted was actually an explosive asshole. Maybe people would start hating you, stop talking to you, and instead of praise they just degrade you.”
“You’re gonna tell everyone that I was mean once? Because you came up to me and talked shit about my mom? Do you really think anyone would believe you?”
“Remember Jessica Doyle?”
“Jessica Doyle?” The name caught him so off guard because it completely ignored his question.
“She was this little bitch that was the most popular girl in school during sophomore year. Everything I despised, she was always above me. I hated being second place. I was with my boyfriend at the time and then I heard from someone that he was texting her. Rumors started spreading that they were dating and that took all of the attention away from me. So, I spread this rumor that she was this absolute slut who blew every guy on the football team. Then, it was the basketball team, then the baseball team, then the volleyball, hockey, wrestling teams. The story changed many times. It even went as far as to be the softball team, don’t ask me how that happened. All that was important was that everyone thought she was this dirty little whore. She was bullied to the point where she didn’t go to school for a whole month before moving away. Leaving Ethan all to myself. Then, he broke up with me. Let’s not talk about that, my point is that if I had that kind of influence at second most popular in the whole school. Think about what would happen if I started rumors about you.”
“Holy shit.” Ned’s face turned into concern for his own safety. He backed up and became nervous, scratching his arm in little ticks.
This girl is totally unhinged
He said to himself. There was this awkward silence that fell between them.
“So.” She spoke up. “Do you wanna hangout now?”
“Are you crazy!?” He responded. “After everything you told me, you’d expect me to get in that car with you?”
“Yes. You know what’ll happen if you don’t.”
A brief image flashed in his mind. Michelle being absolutely disgusted by him and Chris being disappointed in him. All of the hate comments being hurled at him, reminding him of junior high all over again. It gave goosebumps all over his body.
Please not again. I don’t even know if she’s even telling the truth. Should I even take the risk? I hated junior high so much, I don’t ever want to go through it ever again. Maybe just going with her won’t be so bad. We hangout for the day and that’s it? Sounds easy enough, I’ve been through worse. It’ll just be a whole day where I’m doing nothing, just give basic responses. Though, why does she want to hangout with me? If she was flirting with me already…Oh god.
“Are you going to get in or not?” She asked him.
“Yeah yeah.” He said, startled. “I’ll get in.” He scurried around the side of the car and flew the passenger side door open and sat his rear down in the seat. He quickly buckled the seatbelt into the socket and the girl put the car in gear. She sped up down the street, almost blowing through the stop sign as she turned right.
“Don’t worry, I’ve had my license for a year.” She tried to reassure him, even though it’s very difficult when she fully revealed her intentions.
Ned looked at her worryingly. Scared to even ask her a normal question like, what’s your name?
She has to be the same person that talked to me in the hallway that day. God what was her name I completely forget. I’m even scared to ask. I don’t think I’ve ever been more afraid of women than I am right now.
“Quick question Ted.” She said,
“Y-yeah, what is it?” He responded after being forcefully thrust back into reality.
“Do you remember my name?”
“Uh, uh huh.”
“What is it?”
“Oh well it’s-” He stuttered.
Holy shit come on don’t crap the bed on this one. What the fuck was it. It started with an S, I’m pretty sure. Or was it a F? No it’s gotta be S, I hope. Can’t think for too long, gotta give an answer now.
“Susie?” He nervously spoke up.
She started laughing, it started off as giggling to full on belly bursting laughter. “Oh my god that is so cute.”
“I’m guessing that wasn’t correct.”
“Yes you silly. You did get the starting letter right, I’ll give you that. It’s Sarah Kalechure.”
“Kalechure? That’s a unique last name.”
“It…Is.” She strangely chuckled at that.
“If you don’t mind me asking. Where are we going?”
“We’re going to the mall. I want to go to this clothing store they got there that has all of this designer stuff that I adore. Some of the top brands, theirs this hoodie and jacket that I want that will fit so perfectly with my normal school outfit.”
“You like wearing hoodies?”
“Yeah I know, not usually my style but they are so comfy. Like what you have now is like my dream fit. Hoodie on, and some jeans to match it. God it’s so good.”
“Then why aren’t you wearing that right now?”
“Just wasn’t in the mood.”
“Ok, what kind of mood do you have to be in for you to wear it?”
“I actually don’t know. Here’s a secret between you and me, don’t tell anybody this. I’ve never worn a hoodie and jeans combo before.”
“Really!? That’s like-I don’t believe that.”
“I know it’s hard to believe it but it’s true. I’ve always worn a crop top and shorts because everyone seems to like it, and if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.”
“It seems like you wear what appeals to everyone besides yourself.”
“Well when you say that you alway wear a crop top and shorts because everyone seems to like it, it looks to me like you’re a people pleaser. I feel like if everyone liked you wearing a hoodie and jeans you would never divert from that.”
Sarah went silent while paying attention to the road and turned on the radio to make some noise in the background. She completely ignored Ned and just focused on the road.
Did I say something wrong?
Ned pondered inside of his head as he awkwardly fixed his gaze out the window at the passing scenery.
I mean I guess my assumption was correct. She is a people pleaser at heart, which I never said was a bad thing. Maybe people like that don’t really like getting called out so perfectly. God I just made this so fucking awkward. I’ll just go on my phone until we hit the mall. Maybe she’ll get over it. Hopefully.
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Michelle’s phone vibrated on the coffee table as she was munching down on some freshly made waffles drizzled with delicious maple syrup. She quickly sucked on her fingers and wiped it off with a paper towel. She picked up her phone and saw a text message from her friend Rachel.
“heya babe was just wondering if you wanted to hangout since you don’t have work today.”
She started typing out very fast.
“I would love to hangout babeeeee. Where would we want to go?”
She got up from the couch and cleaned her plate in the kitchen. Scrubbing the plate squeaky clean and drying it off with a small hand towel. She placed it back in the cupboard.
With her dishes cleaned and tucked away, she went back to her phone to see if Rachel responded.
“I’ll try and get us a ride to the mall, my mom should be able to take us.”
Michelle smiled and typed back enthusiastically.
“Yes, I’ll get ready right now.”
She started to run upstairs in excitement until her phone buzzer went off. She then whipped it out of her pocket to check the notification.
“How was your little date with Ted?” Rachel messaged her.
Michelle gave out a big sigh and started typing away.
“OMG it wasn’t a date, it was a study session. I don’t even like him like that at all. He’s just very smart and he helps me with my homework. There’s nothing there at all, you act like we went on a picnic together or something.”
She put her phone down and looked off into space as she waited for the buzzer to alert her to Rachel’s new message. She didn’t have to wait long.
“Wow you’re so defensive. I’m just messing with you lol, don’t get too hung up on it. Get ready because we’re gonna come pick you up soon.”
After reading that last message, Michelle rushed into the shower and placed her phone down to blast some music. As she was washing her body off, she couldn’t get what Rachel said out of her head.
I don’t really like him like that. Why does she always tease me about that everytime I talk to a boy. Why can’t we just stay friends, it’s not even like that with him. We’re more like mutuals. Like, we know each other but we don’t have any feelings for him. I’ll just try not to think about it and just have a nice day. Though I’m sure Rachel will just continue teasing me about it. Just focus on something else. I’ve never liked a guy like that before and it won’t happen for a while.266Please respect copyright.PENANALSVFn9w3PY