The clouds covered the bright sun on this rather gloomy Wednesday. Outside of the school Ned and Chris are sitting down on a bench next to each other.
“So, how's your day so far?” Ned asked, trying to make conversation.
“Dude, I haven’t even experienced a full hour of this day.” Chris responded, with a little hint of snarkiness.
“I know, I'm just talking just to talk.”
“There’s not much to talk about. Except for what happened yesterday.”
“Wasn’t that crazy!”
“Yeah, and scary. What the fuck do you think we’re going to do today?”
“I don’t know, but I’m excited to find out.”
“Guess we are polar opposites.”
“Hey you!” A big strong guy about their age came over to them with a powerful stride like he owned the whole school.
“Uh me?” Ned said nervously.
“Yeah you!” The guy was now right up in front of Ned’s face, towering over him, his shadow covering Ned and Chris.
“What do you want?” Chris asked.
“I’m not talking to you!” The guy shoved Chris off the desk and placed his foot on his back to keep him down. Other teens started looking at the situation unfolding in front of them.
“What the fuck is your problem?” Ned said angrily. Ned was about to stand up, when the guy just held Ned down in place by his shoulders.
“You! Me! Tomorrow morning this same exact spot!” The guy threatened and then let go of Ned and Chris, and walked off. Chris got up from the ground and shook off some of the dirt on his clothes.
“Who the fuck was that guy anyways?” Ned said. “What did I even do to provoke that?”
“Oh, shit.” Chris shuttered.
“That guy is bad news.”
“You can say that again, that guy looks very strong.”
“No, that’s Micheal Lafton, the biggest bully in this whole school system.”
“A bully? Nothing new to me. Trust me, I’ve had my fair share of bullies.”
“No Ned, this one is different.” Ned looked up at Chris.
“How so?” Ned asked.
“This guy has been expelled from three different schools, all because he’s put multiple kids in the hospital!” Chris said that and it sent a shiver down Ned’s spine.
“He’s that deadly?” Ned started to freak out. “Why would he want to do anything to me!?”
“I don’t know!” Chris exclaimed. “But if he keeps his promise and does want to meet up with you tomorrow, then we’re fucked.”
“What do we do!?”
“Not go to school tomorrow that’s for fucking sure.”
The bell rings, signaling the start of another school day, and everyone waiting outside the school gate all crowd inside the school, and leaving Ned and Chris to sit there and wallow about the new situation they’ve put themselves through.
“Hopefully he isn’t serious.” Chris said, trying to relieve Ned.
“But why would he do that?” Ned responded.
“I don’t know, I’m not a psychic, I have no idea what he’s thinking. I’m just trying to put some light on the situation.”
“I’ll just think about it in class or whatever.” Ned said, getting up from the bench and walking to the front gate of the school.
Ned and Chris walk into school and wait until the end of the school day.
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During the fourth period of the day, Ned gets up from his seat in his class and goes to the bathroom. He walks into the musty bathroom, similar to the one at the strip club.
Out of nowhere, Micheal comes out of a stall and stares Ned down.
“Oh, hey!” Ned said with a shaky voice. “M-Micheal was it?”
“Well, look who it is.” Micheal walked fiercely towards Ned.
“Please don’t hurt me.” Ned put his hands up in front of his face. Micheal picked up Ned and slammed him onto the ground.
“Shut your nerdy looking ass up!”
“What the fuck did I even do to you?”
“Nothing at all.”
“So why am I being targeted?”
“Because, I just want someone to pick on, and you look like the stereotypical nerd.”
“All because I have glasses?”
Micheal took his hands off of Ned and went over to the sink. Micheal washed his hands thoroughly while Ned struggled to get off the ground.
“By the way.” Micheal said as he was drying his hands off. “If you tell any of the campus guards about our little encounter here today.” Micheal walked over to Ned and grabbed him by his shirt. “I’ll make sure you won’t walk out of this school alive.” He let go of Ned and he plopped on the ground, letting out a little grunt.
Micheal walked out of the bathroom, leaving Ned there by himself. He eventually got up and walked over to the sink, his back still aching from the slam. He used the urinal and washed his hands afterwards. Walking out of the bathroom, looking both ways down the hallway before exiting, checking for Micheal.
“I don’t think he’s bluffing anymore.” Ned said to himself as he walked back to class.
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School was over and everyone left their respective classes and stormed out the gates. Ned and Chris meet up near the library and take the exit from their school. Walking along the same path they did yesterday when they were picked up by Vanesa.
“You’d think she’ll pick us up here again?” Chris asked Ned as they started to walk slower.
“I’m pretty sure.” Ned said, looking up and down the street for her van.
“Maybe she got caught by those girl point thugs?”
“Don’t be ridiculous. I have a feeling that she won’t go down that easily.”
“What gives you that feeling?”
“Don’t know, maybe just by the look of her and the way she acted yesterday.”
“There she is!” Ned pointed up the street as a white van with a broken windshield and multiple holes in the side of it came flying down the street towards them.
“Yep, that’s definitely her.” Chris said.
Vanesa pulls up right next to the two and rolls down the passenger side window. “Get in you two.”
Ned and Chirs open the back door and toss their backpacks in, then climb in the backseat and Vanesa drives off.
“You guys ready?” Vanesa asked.
“For what?” Ned asked back.
“We’re gonna kidnap someone today.”
“Woah!” Chris said. “Really?”
“Did it sound like I was joking?” Vanesa looked back at Chris with a piercing stare, stabbing into him.
“Alright.” Chris managed to mutter back.
“We’re going to a nearby burger place that I know some of the workers eat at on their days off. We’ll take one of them and take them back to my parents house.”
“To your parents house?” Ned asked concerningly.
“Don’t worry, they’re on vacation.”
Vanesa turns right at an intersection and towards a little shopping center. Inside the shopping center are the usual food places and clothes stores. Though, Vanesa is heading towards a specific food place.
The burger place had that sign in bold black text with a red outline to make it stand out from the rest of the places surrounding it.
“There it is.” Vanesa pointed out the place. Ned and Chris both look out the broken windshield at the bright red building.
“Oh, Greasers.” Ned said. “Always heard of this place, never got to go here.”
Vanesa slowed the van down to a crawl, parked in a far away parking spot from Greasers. She turns the ignition off and turns around to face Ned and Chris.
“Listen.” Vanesa said. “This is how it’s all going to go down. Once we see them arrive here, we’ll single one of them out and snatch him using this.” Vanesa reached inside her glovebox and grabbed a stained yellow rag.
“We’re going to smother them with a rag?” Chris looked at it confused.
“No, this rag will hold a substance you have probably heard of before. Chloroform.”
“Ooo! A kidnapping classic.” Ned butted in.
“Yes, though.” Vanesa took a big sigh. “Since I’m the only one that can drive here I’m pretty sure.” Ned and Chris both nod. “One of you needs to put the rag around the person's face. Are any of you up for that?”
Ned and Chris both looked at each other, hoping one of them would be up for the task. None of them had the courage to speak up.
“I’ll do it.” Ned raised his voice.
“You sure?” Vanesa tried to make sure he was prepared.
“Good, now we wait for them to arrive.” They didn’t have to wait long, as only a minute passed when a blue camaro came into the parking lot and parked in front of Greasers. A bunch of casually dressed guys came out of the camaro, a whole group of four.
“There we go, that’s them.” Vanesa said, starting up the ignition of the car. “That’s Jim and all of them, a group of assholes.” Vanesa slowly backed out of the driveway. “Ned, take the cloth.” Vanesa’s hand came back and handled the cloth off to Ned. He takes it straight out of her hands and gets ready.
“If we see one of them alone, I’ll pull up next to them and you jump out and smoosh his face into the cloth. Got it?” Vanesa looked at Ned through the rearview mirror.
“Yes!” Ned said fast. Chris was looking out the window at the four men. It was like a coincidence as three of the guys walked inside and one stayed outside to smoke.
Vanesa took this opportunity to speed up and get close to the guy, making a huge screech and tire mark on the ground.
“Now Ned!” Vanesa got really close to the guy to the point where he knew what was happening and tried to get away.
Ned opened the back door and jumped out of it, landing on the guy and putting the rag over his face, putting his arm around the guys behind him. The guy struggles to get Ned off of him, and inhales the chloroform from the rag. The guy passes out and is laid out on the ground motionless.
“Holy shit, can’t believe I just fucking did that.” Ned stood there in disbelief.
“Get him in the van!” Vanesa yelled out the window.
“Right!” Ned picked up the guy by his head and shoulders and dragged him over to the van door, but he struggled to get the guy up off the ground and into the seat.
“Let me help!” Chris climbed out of the van and picked the guy up by his legs and they put the guy in the van with ease. They quickly scramble back into the van and Vanesa drives off in a hurry, almost breaking the speed cap on the van.
They drove out of sight from Greasers and out of view of the whole shopping center and up the street.
“Good job guys!” Vanesa praised the two.
“Thanks.” Ned said.
“Now, once we get to my parents house. Shit will get real.”
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Vanesa drives up a roughly nice neighborhood, with many of the houses in pretty nice shape and the yards with bright green grass. Vanesa pulls up to a two-story yellow painted house’s driveway, and puts the vehicle in park.
Ned and Chris both carry the limp body of the guy they picked up into the front door of the house, Vanesa following them close behind making sure none of the neighbors see them.
Vanesa opens the front door and they carry the body inside. Inside the house is a nice and spacious living room that connects to a kitchen. Alongside the living room is a door that leads downstairs to the basement. Vanesa opens that door and leads Ned and Chris down there.
They carefully carry the body down the stairs into the dimly lit basement. Vanesa flicks a light switch and the room lights up from a single piece of lighting from the ceiling. The room is surrounded by boxes filled with antique stuff and family photos. There’s a tool bench on the right side of the room with an overall empty middle.
Vanesa pulls out a rolling chair and they place the body down onto it, making sure it stands up perfectly.
“So, what do we do now?” Chris asked.
“Now we,” Vanesa pulled open a drawer in the tool bench, grabbing out pliers, a wrench, some wires, and some strange liquid. “Get some information out of him.” Vanesa laid out the supplies out on the bench as Ned and Chris looked on, getting scared at the thing they were about to do.
“We’re gonna torture him?” Ned asked, his voice quieter than ever.
“Yes we are.” Vanesa responded back, with a strange tone of happiness to her voice. “Good thing you got this Jim guy here, it’ll be easier for me to interrogate him.”
“Isn’t this kinda fucked up.”
“You have no idea what these people have done. Torturing them is at the bottom of the barrel of evil these people have done. I’ve seen these same exact people shoot a twelve year old in the face before. Trust me, they deserve this.”
Ned stayed silent and so did Chris, not knowing what to say to that.
“So, if you’re squeamish about this kind of stuff, I suggest you leave.” Vanesa pulled out another drawer in the tool bench, searching around for something, throwing stuff around. She does this for a good minute before slamming her fists down on the bench and cursing.
“What?” Chris said in concern.
“I thought they had rope down here! Fuck!” Vanesa barked. “Stay here and keep an eye out on him!” Vanesa started storming up the basement stairs.
“Stay here and make sure when he wakes up he doesn’t fucking move. Take the wrench and whack him if he does anything. You can also take this.” Vanesa reached in her back pocket and pulled out a gun and tossed it to Chris. “I’m going to the department store to get some rope! I’ll be back in five minutes.” Vanesa then exited the basement, closing the door behind her. Ned grabs the wrench on the tool bench, and walks over to Chris.
“Well, what do we do now?” Ned asked.
“Guess we just wait for Vanesa to come back.” Chris said.
“I guess so.”
They both pull out dusty wooden chairs that were just sitting in the corner of the room and put them in the middle of the room facing each other. They both sit down, with their weapons still in their hands.
“Are you thirsty?” Ned asked Chris after sitting down.
“Yeah.” Chris said.
“Do you think Vanesa would be okay with us just taking something from her fridge?”
“I don’t think so.”
“Then, I’ll go get us something.” Ned leaped up from his chair and walked up the stairs. He opened the basement door and stepped out into the living room and over to the kitchen.
Ned grabbed on the fridge handle and opened it with flowing movements. The inside was almost barren, it looked like it was a fridge that was abandoned. The only thing to drink in there were some leftover beer cans. Ned shrugged and took two beers then closed the fridge.
He went back down into the basement where Chris was waiting patiently staring intently at Jim who was still passed out in the chair.
“I got something special for us.” Ned said, shaking the beer cans in his hand.
“Woah!” Chris looked up at Ned in shock. “Why the fuck did you get us beers? We’re not supposed to drink that stuff.”
“It’s the only thing they had in there, and I’ve never had one. So, I wanted to know what it tasted like.”
“Couldn’t you just get some tap water or something.”
“Yeah, but it wouldn’t be as fun.”
Chris takes a big sigh. “Fine, I guess we can try having beer.”
“Yes!” Ned said all giddy like, tossing Chris the beer can and taking his seat in the wooden chair.
“Cheers” Ned said, hoisting his beer can up towards Chris.
“Cheers to what?” Chris asked in confusion.
“I don’t know, to the downfall of girl points?”
“I like that.” Chris puts his beer can into Neds and they clink together, they both back away at the same time and laugh.
“Alright then.” Ned cracked open the can, and so did Chris. “On the count of three, we’ll both take a huge gulp.”
“Ok.” Chris said.
“One,” Ned looked intensely into Chris’s eyes. “Two,” Ned took a long pause before shouting out. “Three!”
Like clockwork they both took the can and basically shoved it down their throats as they both took a huge swig. At the same time after only swallowing a little amount, they both spit out the drink onto the floor and start coughing.
“This shit tastes awful!” Chris said, trying to scrape the taste off his tongue.
“Can’t believe my mom likes this shit!” Ned said.
“My dad fucking drinks this shit?” Chris’s beer bubbled up and was spilling out of the top and down onto his hand, and onto the floor.
“Damn, now we’ve just wasted their beer.” Ned said.
“I’m sure they won’t mind.” Chris said, walking over to the tool bench to drop his soaking can, he shakes his hand off to get the little droplets of beer off of him.
“My mom drinks like five of these per day, don’t know how she does it. It tastes like fucking medicine.”
“Five?” Chris looked over at Ned concerned.
“Maybe more, it’s hard to count the cans so I just give up.”
“Holy shit, how much does she drink?”
“Don’t know, but I guess enough to make her pass out.”
“Pass out!? That must not be healthy.”
“I’m pretty sure it’s not, she keeps complaining about something in her body hurting, maybe the pancreas? Not sure, I’m not a doctor or anything.”
“How many times has she just passed out?”
“Everyday!” Chris jumped up a little bit, his arm flinging around and launching the beer can off the tool bench and onto the floor. “Shit, now we’ve got to clean that up.”
“Yeah, I’ll get a towel.” Ned was about to leave when Jim in the chair started to wake up, his eyes blinking rapidly.
“Where am I?” Jim asked in a little bit of a raspy voice, like he had just woken up from a long slumber.
“Get the wrench!” Chris said to Ned and Ned hurried over to the tool bench and quickly grabbed the red wrench, Chris pulled out the gun and pointed the gun at Jim. “Stay right there motherfucker!”
Jim looked up at Chris and let out a little chuckle. “Oh, that’s right. I forgot that you little shits kidnapped me.”
“If you do anything, my friend behind you will hit you with a wrench.” Chris threatened Jim to calm him down. Ned had the wrench lifted up in the air, ready to swing down on him if he did anything risky.
“Like you little punks are gonna do anything to me.” He said in a very cocky tone. “You both don’t have the balls to do it!”
“Don’t tempt me!”
“Oh I’m tempting you, fucking shoot me! I dare you!”
Chris’s arm shakes and his eyes widen.
“Don’t listen to him Chris.” Ned said. “He’s just trying to get into our heads.”
“Shut up you bitch!” Jim snapped at Ned. Ned swung the wrench on his back and he lept in pain, springing up in his seat and back down, the pain shivering down his spine. “You fucker!”
“I’ll gladly do it again.”
Ned looked fiercely at the back of Jim’s head, wanting to just thwack it and be done with this whole ordeal, but he kept his intrusive thoughts down and kept a level head.
“You guys plan on torturing me?” Jim asked in a strange polite way.
“That’s the plan.” Chris responded back, his arm still shaking.
“Heh, you’ll never even get a lick out of me.”
“Say that next time when we break your bones.”
“Even if you do that I won’t spill a thing!”
“Are you that devoted to this organization!?”
“They’re the reason I even have a home!”
“So killing innocent teenagers is all justified because you can jerk off peacefully in your bed!?”
“Whatever pays the bills!”
“You’re fucking sick!”
“Shove it up your ass kid!”
“Shut up both of you!” Ned broke the argument up. “Chris, there’s no point in talking with this guy. Wait until Vanesa comes back, don’t waste your energy on this piece of garbage.”
They stood there in silence for a good few seconds, it was hard for them to keep track, but it felt like they'd been there for a good hour.
“Where the fuck is Vanesa?” Chris angrily asked, gritting his teeth.
“She should be back here by now.” Ned added on.
Jim starts silently laughing, and it gets a little louder where Ned and Chris notice.
“What are you laughing about?” Chris asked him.
“You guys are so fucked. Like, so fucked!” Jim kept laughing.
“What do you mean?” Ned scraped the back of his head with the wrench.
“Doesn’t even matter if Vanesa comes back at all, you all will die here right in this basement.”
“Stop saying crazy shit, no one knows that you’re even down here-” Ned gets cut off as the sound of a window breaking blares throughout the whole house.
“What the fuck?” Chris said in shock as he turned his gun away from Jim in a sudden fright. “No way that’s Vanesa right?”
“Do you guys even check what I had on me?” Jim said snarkily. “My phone is tucked right into my pocket. My location has been tracked through it, and they are always checking where we are.” Ned and Chris’s heart drops and their faces turn to straight petrified fear. “You guys have no idea what army they’ve thrown your way, hope you lived a good life.”
“Shit Ned! What the fuck are we going to do-” Chris gets jumped by Jim who leaps out of his chair, lunging to get the gun out of Chris’s hand, the gun flies out of Chris’s hand and across the room.
“Chris!” Ned screamed out.
“You amateurs didn’t even tie me up! How laughable.” Jim takes one more step and slips on the puddle of beer that Chris and Ned spit up. He slips off of his feet and directly onto his head, making a loud crack sound. He then goes limp as blood comes dribbling down his head.
“Get the gun!” Ned yelled at Chris who was taken back by Jim literally dying in front of him. But it was too late, the basement door gets kicked in and two men come running down with rifles, ready to open fire on them.
“Get down!” Chris shouted across the room, leaping towards Ned and grabbing him to the ground and behind a huge stack of cardboard boxes.
The two men start opening fire on the stack of boxes, fortunately for Ned and Chris, the boxes are filled with certain car parts that are acting as their cover, because if they weren’t there, they surely would be dead.
“Holy fucking shit!” Ned screams as the roar of bullets is still ongoing. “We’re gonna die! We’re gonna fucking die!”
“What do we do!?” Chris thought to himself as the bullets clanged on the boxes. “If we had the gun we would be able to fire back at them, but we have nothing!” Chris looked over at Ned cowering as the firing still continued, clenching on to the red wrench. Chris’s eyes light up as he crawls over to Ned and yanks the wrench out of his hands.
“What are you doing!? We can’t fight back with that!?” Ned shouted at Chris.
“If you have a better idea, then you can tell me.” Chris shouted back.
The ongoing firing stopped as both men had to reload, they did it with such efficiency that it’s almost robotic. Once they were about to start firing, Chris pops out of the boxes, holding the wrench about to throw it. He releases the wrench and it soars through the air with near perfect precision across the room heading towards one of the mens face. It absolutely clobbered the man and made him fling his arms up in the air and lose his grip on his rifle, throwing it all the way to Chris’s feet.
Chris picks up the rifle, barely lifting it off the ground due to the weight of it. He puts over the cover and starts shooting randomly to get the guys off them. The two men scramble around, barely getting hit by stray bullets and run up the stairs and out of the basement.
“Are they gone?” Ned asked as the sound of gun fire still lingered in the air.
“I think so, no one is shooting back.” Chris said. He peered over the boxes and looked over to the stairs where it is absolutely riddled with bullet holes and shell casings. “They’re gone.”
Ned trembled as he raised his head, and slowly got up to look over as well. “Good.”
“Get the gun, we’ll slowly go up the stairs.” Chris commanded. Ned quickly stepped over to the gun, picking it up with such briskness. “Get behind me!” Chris was over by the staircase, with his foot already on the first step. Ned got behind Chris, like he was using him as a human shield as they slowly took steps up the stairs together. Every step making an audible creak, the tension building up between the two as they each took trembling steps up the stairs, Ned and Chris grabbing hold of their guns trigger, ready to shoot at the slightest of movement.
They approach the door at the top and Chris grabs the doorknob and slowly turns it slowly like a clock. He slowly opens the door, the sunlight shining through a broken window near the front door. The door fully opens as Chris and Ned tense up, expecting people to be on the other side. Except, there is no one there. Chris steps out of the basement door and into the living room, sweeping the area, looking for more goons or what not.
“Did they just straight up leave or what?” Ned, as he looked over at the kitchen. “There’s no way right?”
“I think they're just waiting outside.” Chris said. “That’s the only thing that makes sense to me.”
Chris takes a step over to the kitchen, stepping onto the tile that covers the ground. A little splash is heard when he steps, making him immediately look down at his foot. There was clear liquid with a little bit of a yellow-ish tint to it.
“The fuck is this?” Chris asked himself.
“The fuck is what?” Ned started to walk over but Chris put his hand on his chest.
“Do you hear that?”
“Hear what?”
The sound of something whistling like a kettle coming from under the sink, Chris gets on his knees, soaking his jeans in the unknown liquid and opens the cupboard underneath the sink. There was a slightly open gas pipe from under the sink, reeking up the whole cupboard. Chris connected everything together in his head, the liquid on the ground, and the gas pipe. They were gonna cause an explosion.
“We need to get out of here now!” Chris springed up from the ground and grabbed Ned by the hand as he booked it to the front door. Before they could make it out the door, a molotov cocktail came through the kitchen window and broke on the tile ground, causing the chain reaction of lighting up the gasoline on the floor and making its way over to the gas pipe.
The kitchen explodes causing a huge fireball throughout the house, Ned and Chris get launched out of the front door, just making it out in time as the whole house catches fire in a hurling fire.
Ned and Chris land on the front lawn of the house, catching a huge hot breeze as the house is burning to the ground, they both look up and gaze at the carnage unfolding in front of them.
“Holy fucking shit!” Ned exclaimed.
“Shit man! That’s fucking insane!” Chris joined in. “Can’t believe we just fucking-”
“Alright men!” A loud voice came from behind them on the street. Ned and Chris slowly tilt their heads to see three blue camaros lined up on the street, with people using them as cover as they point rifles at both of them. “Get ready to fire.”
“We’re fucking done for.” Ned screams as held on to Chris tightly, with Chris holding him as well.
“I don’t want to die!” Chris started to cry.
“Fire-” The man gets cut off as Vanesa comes in with her beat up van and crashes into all of the blue camaros, running over all of the men, crushing some of their skulls or critically injuring them, making them unable to use their rifles. Vanesa pulls up on the driveway and opens her door.
“Get in!” Vanesa yells at them. With no hesitation, Ned and Chris run over to the van and hop in. She pulls out of the driveway and barrels it down the street and out of there, leaving all the wreckage behind at her house. Neighbors come outside and record the wreck and call the cops.
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“God fucking dammit!” Vanesa was parked in the neighborhood Chris lives in, slamming down on the wheel as Ned and Chris look at her in distress. “Now we have nothing! Nothing at all!” Vanesa kept slamming down on the steering wheel. “I have no house! I have no lead at all! Fuck!” Ned and Chris still looked on, awkwardly staring at each other.
Vanesa soon calmed down after a good five minutes of just pure slamming and screaming, taking a deep breath and putting the van into gear.
“You live just up the street right Chris?” Vanesa asked him, her voice a little horse.
“Yeah.” Chris responded back timidly.
“I’ll drop you and Ned off, I need to cool my head.”
“We understand.” Vanesa started up the street for a good minute, parking on the curb of the blue house.
Chris grabs his backpack and opens the van door hoping out. Ned joins him as well, waving Vanesa goodbye as she slowly drives off and out of sight.
“So, guess this is where we part again.” Ned said.
“I guess huh.” Chris said, looking back at Ned scratching his head.
“Today was insane.”
“Yeah, but we got nothing out of it did we? Kind of a waste right?”
“At least we're still alive.”
“Thank GOD we’re still alive.”
Ned and Chris awkwardly laugh off the trauma and just stand there not knowing what to say to each other.
“I should get going.” Ned said, turning his back toward Chris. “See you tomorrow?”
“Wait Ned!” Chris said that and Ned turned to face him again. “I’m sorry about your mom.”
“Do you not remember when you told me about her? How she passes out from drinking too much.”
“Oh yeah, I completely forgot I told you that. Why are you saying sorry?”
“Because you have to deal with that, it must be hard. Though I'm only assuming.”
“It’s fine Chris, really, it’s fine.”
“You sure?”
“Alright then, whatever you say. See you tomorrow.”
“See ya!”
Ned walked up the street as Chris walked inside of his house, his parents eager to ask him questions on why he was late.
“I’m sorry Chris.” Ned said in his head as he walked up the street to his house. “I couldn’t tell you back there, I’m just not ready for that conversation.” Ned took a right turn. “Maybe someday I’ll talk to you about it, it’s just not your burden to carry. So for now. I’ll keep it to myself."223Please respect copyright.PENANAQYBpYxnaWe