The luxurious white car carefully pulled into a parking space nestled in between two vehicles. Sarah put the gear into park and completely turned off the engine, cutting the music on the radio off. It was an awkward quiet ride the rest of the way there. Ned couldn’t help but feel bad about what he said. She’s obviously not the best person but he still doesn’t like to hurt others feelings.
Sarah opened the driver’s side door and stepped out, adjusting her crop top as soon as she got out. Ned warily opened the door and put his foot out. He stood up and looked at the mall that laid before them.
It was a huge white block of a building with the words, “Fontclair Mall.” It was in big bold black text that stuck to the wall. Down below many shoppers walked about into the automatic sliding doors that opened up to the expansive insides. Countless rows of cars were lined up in parking spaces, a huge array of differently colored automobiles laid dormant. Some of them were pulling out, having enough for the day and heading home to relax.
“I forget how much I hate malls.” Ned said to himself out loud as he absorbed the scenery around him.
“What are you talking about?” Sarah questioned. “Malls are so much fun, even if you don’t have the money to buy anything just looking around at all of the stuff is cool.”
“Oh no, I didn’t mean it like that. I’m just not that good when a bunch of people are around. I get nervous.”
“So just social anxiety?”
“Yeah exactly. I’m not the best at communicating with people.”
“Well you are with me.”
“I guess.” He chuckled at it even though the memory of the comment he made earlier lingered in his head.
“Let’s go, I’ve been waiting to come here all week.” She started wandering off towards the entrance.
Ned quickly paced himself and caught up with her, they were almost shoulder to shoulder with each other. They strolled along and into the entrance, passing in between the hustling crowd.
Inside the complex was a multitude of various shops and fast food places. Clothing stores, jewelry, merchandise, books, games, commodities from foreign places, and even toys. Mainstream brands littered the whole area with banners and paintings that decorated the ground. The whole place had this glistening white tile floor that was typical of major malls around america. A second story hung above them with a food court and restrooms.
It was a very crowded day that they chose to go on, so when trying to squeeze through the hoard sometimes they were mushed together. Both of their arms being forcibly pushed together by ongoers.
Sometimes when Ned would just be lost in thought inside his head and didn’t even realize that he was brushing up against her. Sarah took full notice of it, even intentionally rubbing up against him whenever she could.
Getting through the crowd, Sarah led him to the clothing store she wanted to peruse. The store was labeled, ‘Kirk.’ A heavily tailored towards women clothing store, holding products that targeted the female audience. Lingerie, fragrances, makeup, and a huge variety of women’s clothes.
She dragged him into a store where he was completely uncomfortable. He’s only looked at the outside of these types of places, but never even dared to go in or even go further than a simple glance as he passed by.
“This isn’t really where I wanted to go but I just had to stop by.” She turned and told Ned. “We won’t be here for long, don’t worry.” She seems to notice his nervousness, though not seeing it clearly, she understands well enough how he feels.
He didn’t respond at all, just kept looking around and psyching his mind out by thinking that people are looking at him when they’re not. His vocal cords can’t even produce a single syllable, he’s very choked up. In extreme social situations his voice completely shuts down and just stays silent.
Sarah toured the aisle in the lingerie, Ned clinging next to her. He doesn’t want to be seen in the store alone and be viewed as this sort of creep. They were in the bra section and she kept browsing the category that was displayed. She took a little too long before ultimately deciding that she wasn’t going to purchase anything.
Prancing out of the store, holding Ned’s hand as she forcibly pulled him along and to the next stop on her list. This was the first time he has ever held a girl’s hand before, he was so caught up with the sudden blast of anxiety that coated over his body that he was oblivious to it. When the realization struck him he was flustered to the brim and tried to tug away from her grasp, but stopped himself. He didn’t want to come off as rude and was worried he was going to hurt her feelings. So he beared through it.
“Ooo, right there.” She pointed at another clothing store. “That’s where I saw it.”
Ned didn’t even get enough time to look at the name as he was hauled over into it. Inside it was not really well lit up, compared to Kirk’s that is. Many of the t-shirts they had displayed on the wall that expanded to the edge of the store were darkly colored with rock band designs on them. Ranging from a variety of genres of punk, metal, and mainly what people usually describe as emo stuff.
Sarah was strictly looking for a hoodie which was in the back with all of the other stuff that was not so openly available to the public. Sex toys and other lewd items were stashed in the back. When Ned spotted them he just averted his gaze and prayed that she wasn’t looking for any kind of freaky stuff like that.
Thankfully for him and her she was just searching for clothing. The hoodies were in its own section with some of the same designs from the shirts. It was like it was copied and pasted over.
Sarah and Ned haven’t really exchanged that many words together, so it had an awkward atmosphere between them. They were holding hands like a couple and just saying nothing. She was looking through the selection and Ned’s eyes were drifting off trying to keep his mind focused on something to not make him feel weird, when one of the designs caught his eye.
A rock band name plastered onto it with the design being a butterfly that’s spreading its wings with the color scheme mixed with a light green and dark yellow mixture. It somehow tickled his fancy, he’s never been really interested in this emo stuff, but it really appealed to his liking.
“Alright that was it.” Sarah said, pulling out a hoodie that had this skull and crossbones with a company logo on it. “I’ll try finding that jacket.”
Ned was so enamored in the hoodie that he didn’t notice Sarah tugging on his arm and wanting him to move.
“Come on, what’re you staring at?” She asked him.
“Oh sorry, I was looking at a hoodie.” He responded.
“You like it?”
“Very much, yeah. Sucks that I don’t have the money for it.”
“Want me to buy it for you?”
“No, no it’s fine you don’t need to.”
“I’ve got the money, don’t worry about it. Besides I dragged you with me to the mall, it’s only fair I reward you with something.”
“It’s ok really. I don’t need it.”
“If you really think I’m wasting money, that’s entirely untrue babe.”
“How do you even think I got a car like that outside? It wasn’t from working I’ll tell you that. So relax, pick it up and I’ll pay for it.”
He thought about it for a second and just said screw it, he doesn’t want to have this discussion anymore. He briefly let go of Sarah’s hand and grabbed it from the top rack. She quickly scrambled to take his hand as soon as it was available.
He wrapped the hoodie around his shoulder and they both maneuvered up to the denim jacket sector. She looked at all of them individually, pondering in her mind to make sure it’s really the one she wanted to spend her money on. After wasting an uncomfortable amount of time, she chose not to invest in it.
Heading up to the cashier she whipped out her credit card and paid for the items in a quick minute with no hassle. Walking out of the store they stopped right in front of the entrance.
“Is that all you needed?” Ned asked her.
“Yes.” She nodded. “Though now I’m unsure of what to do next. It only took an hour, though it would take me longer. Do you want to look at some of the other stores?”
“Whatever you’re cool with.”
“Then no more waiting let’s go. There’s this place that sells records that I want to take a quick look at.”
“Ok-” He gets cut off as he is drugged along as she bolts away towards the direction where the record store lies.
Doctor Strange Records was the shop that stored huge amounts of mainly punk music, rock and some of the most modern rap. Also some classic rock hits and the 90’s hip hop, if you’re looking for pop or any other kind, sadly you’re not going to find it.
Inside had this dark aesthetic that carried the same feeling as the previous store had. Many rows with labeled genres of records that you could spend countless hours scrolling through vinyls.
Sarah immediately darted her eyes and spotted the section she was looking forward to the most, the emo alternative rock. She scurried along to the rack and flipped through the phonographs.
Ned was looking at all of the band names and recognized absolutely none of them. This whole environment made him feel very alien. He’s always just listened to whatever was on the radio, music was something he never really dabbled in very much of different genres. In his pastime while doing homework he usually just listens to podcasts.
Maybe it’s time to actually expand my musical knowledge. I’ve always wanted to listen to more, just always forget. Maybe I’ll even like it.
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Rachel slams the car door before waving and saying goodbye as her mom drives off. Michelle also says her thanks before the mother drives off.
“Don’t mind her, she was just a little annoyed today.” Rachel reassured her after the awkward car ride where she had a disagreement with her mother.
“No, I understand completely it’s fine.” She laughed it off. “Just don’t focus on it
that much. Let’s have fun.”
“You’re right.”
They both headed into the huge mall complex, the Fontclair mall. Inside they follow along with what everyone else was doing, going into stores and looking at the cool stuff they had displayed that day. Talking a lot and cracking jokes. After several hours of this, they were having growing hunger and wanted something a little sweet.
There was this cute little yogurt stand propped up in the middle between some shops that was placed directly in the middle of the walkway. It was a little pricey for the both of them, but Michelle took the burden of the pay and ordered some scoops of yogurt for the both of them.
Rainbow sherbert and rocky road were the two flavors that they chose to eat. They picked a white table with classic white chairs in the food court.
“I actually can’t believe you like rocky road.” Rachel said.
“Everyone sleeps on rocky road, it’s so good.” Michelle defended. “Besides, rainbow sherbert is very overrated.”
“You did not just diss sherbert like that.”
“Yuh uh, I just did.”
“Why though? It’s perfectly rated. It’s so sweet and good, better than boring ass rocky road.”
“Boring ass? Nah you gotta be doing this just to get me mad I swear.”
Rachel started giggling.
“Hah!” Michelle enthusiastically pointed at her. “I knew it.”
“You know I’m always kidding. It’s fun to see you get so worked up.”
“I was not getting all worked up.”
“Oh you were.”
“Now we’re going to start gaslighting huh?”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” She laughed it off.
A hardy feminine laugh interrupted their conversation and darted their attention towards the yogurt stand. A blonde haired girl laughing and playfully hitting the dude she was next to, cracking up at that guy's joke.
“You’re so funny.” She snickered.
“Am I?” The guy looked around, nervous from the unwanted attention brought to them when she laughed out loud.
Michelle noticed that the voice sounded so familiar, like someone she knew. It was too recognizable but what took her off guard the most was the face of the man.
Glasses, black hair, and blue eyes. It was Ned.
She leaned into Rachel’s ear and whispered. “That’s Ted.”
“No way.” She gasped. “With Sarah?”
“Yes! That’s her.”
“There’s no way, what’s she doing with him.”
“They have to be on a date or something.”
“A date? Really!?”
“This ain’t something new. She always tries to date the most popular guy. I’m not surprised she suckered him in on a date. She’s surprisingly persuasive.”
“An absolute snake.”
They stopped their conversation to look back at the two, it was clear to them that Ned was totally uncomfortable. During their talk he would constantly just laugh things off and not give any detailed answers to questions she asked, or build off of anything she has said. They get served their yogurt and they stroll off to one of the tables near them to sit down at.
MIchelle hid her face and motioned towards Rachel to do the same. “Don't stare, you're going to make it awkward.”
“I know, I know. They’re not even looking our way so it’s fine.”
“I don’t want him to see me, it’ll be so awkward.”
“Don’t worry, he’s definitely not into her if you’re wondering that.”
“No, that’s not what I’m concerned about. I saw him yesterday and he’s already uncomfortable. I don't want to make it worse for him.”
“Sure girl.”
“You’re doing it again.”
“I know.” She giggled.
That slight little laugh caught the eye of Ned, who turned around and saw Michelle and Rachel. As soon as the two of them locked eyes he turned away as quick as possible, his face turned red in embarrassment.
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“What’s wrong?” Sarah asked Ned, tilting her head in confusion. “Are you blushing?”
“I’m sorry it’s just that.” He paused.
Why is Michelle here!? Why is she here!? Out of all places in the whole fucking city to be in she’s directly behind me. This looks super bad, so bad. I don’t want her to think that we’re dating, that’s not the case at all. Should I text her about it afterwards? Would that be weird? Oh god this can not get any worse!
“You’re scaring me.”
“I’m so sorry, it’s just that the girls behind us giggled loud and it caught my attention. I’m usually like that, see I grew up with not a lot of sound so when something like that happens I notice it. I’m more observant of my environment than other people and-” He was nervously ranting on.
“Alright you don’t need to over explain, I get it.” She interrupted him. “Even though it is kind of cute.”
“Don’t worry about it.” She leaned in close. “Were those girls making fun of you?”
“No, not at all. I mean, I don’t think so. Wouldn’t be the first time.”
“I’ll take care of it.” She started to get up.
“No no no!” He put his hand on her arm. “It’s fine really.”
“Are you sure?”
“It’s completely alright, I'm fine. I just ignore people like that.”
“So you’re just gonna let people pick on you and do nothing about it.”
“When you put it like that-”
“It is like that. You need to stand up for yourself more, and we’ll start with that today.” She tugged away from his arm and started to stride towards Michelle’s table.
Oh god no please! It can get way fucking worse.
“Sarah, wait!” He got up from the table, knocking the chair over as he did. It was way too late though.
“Hey you fucking bitches!” She scorned them.
“Woah woah, what the fuck was that for.” Rachel stood up to her.
“I heard you two giggling towards Ted.”
Ned got in between the two of them when they started inching towards each other. “Please Sarah this is not necessary.”
“Oh Ted it completely is.” She snapped back at him.
“First of all my name is Ne-”
“I’m not letting them get away with this, over there snarking at you like the condescending cunts that they are.”
“What are you even talking about!?” Michelle butted in.
“I’m so sorry you two.” Ned tried to explain. “This is a huge misunderstanding-”
“Don’t give them the benefit of the doubt.”
“I don’t even know if they were laughing at me.”
“Of course they were, why else would someone ever giggle at you. It’s just to make fun of you.”
“I mean, it could be something else-”
“Definitely not.”
“We weren’t laughing at him, you psycho.” Rachel interjected. “We were just making silly jokes to each other.”
“Sure, sure you were.” Sarah mocked.
“This is typical Sarah behavior, I'm so surprised to experience it in the flesh. The narcissistic bitch at its finest. Acting all high and mighty for someone who doesn’t even have an issue with it at all.”
“It’s fine Sarah, everything is ok.” Ned tried to reassure again.
Sarah gritted her teeth and looked into Rachel’s eyes fiercely. “You’re so lucky you know that, I would’ve slapped your ass if we weren’t in public.”
Their huge argument has garnered a crowd, people recording on their phones.
This is just like with Micheal. It’s gonna be posted on Instagram most likely. God motherfucking dammit this is one of the last things I ever wanted to happen!
Ned said in his mind.
“Let’s go Ted.” She grabbed his hand and then she stomped off.
“Sorry Michelle!” Ned yelled out as he was getting dragged along. “I’m so so-”
“Stop talking to her!” She screamed.
“I’m sorry.” He whimpered.
She stormed out of the mall and all the way back to her vehicle. Opening her car door, plopping herself down in the driver’s seat and slammed the door.
Ned was hesitant to enter the vehicle, but there’s no way he was coming home otherwise. He had to endure whatever came next.
He slowly opened the door and peered in before he dared to sit down. He saw her disgruntled face just looking out the window. She was doing some breathing techniques to calm herself down.
Do I say something? I don’t know what to say, maybe it’s best if I stay quiet.
“Stop standing there and get in the fucking car!” She barked at him.
Like a scared dog, Ned scurried into the seat, slammed the door and put his seatbelt on in less than five seconds. She roared the vehicle to life and reversed out of the parking lot in a hastily manner. Almost hitting multiple cars as she turned out of the plottage.
“Stupid bitch, fucking cunt I swear to god.” She was angrily mumbling to herself. “Absolute whore.” She kept hurling out insults.
Ned looked out the window at the passing scenery, trying to ignore the ongoing tangent that Sarah was rambling on about.
I’m never going to the mall ever again. I couldn’t imagine how worse it could’ve gotten any worse than that. Should I text Michelle? Probably later. Wait, hold on a minute. Where are we even going? Should I ask? She’s still going on about that altercation. I don’t think it’ll help if I just interrupted her. Hopefully she just takes me home. Hopefully.229Please respect copyright.PENANA0yAb3tyG6T