I stared at Sero as he walked by. He never noticed when I stared at him. He is so oblivious. I have a huge crush on him but i can't tell anyone gotta keep that info on lock. I saw what the girls did when Jirou confessed about liking Kaminari. I mean how could I not like him. He is cute and funny. When he is mad he speaks in spanish but i can't let him know I know what he is saying so I have to act like I don't understand espanol. He says the funniest things in Spanish. One time he roasted Bakugou so hard I had to leave the room so I could burst out laughing.
I wanna confess to him I just don't know when or how. I could maybe catch him in the hallway alone and pull him into an empty classroom. I could confess to him in Spanish to make it ummmm……spicy.
~~~~2 days later~~~~
Ok, the anticipation is eating me alive. I have to tell him today because it is getting harder not to lose my cool around him!!!
I was in position in the empty classroom. I knew Sero was gonna walk around this corner. I waited 2 minutes then he showed up. I reached out and grabbed him. He was freaked out until he saw it was me… “uhhmm y/n what are we doing in here” i took a deep breath in. “Estoy muy enamorado de ti y podríamos salir o mabey simplemente nunca volver a hablar porque no te gusto.” (I have a huge crush on you and we could date or maybe just never talk again because you don't like me back.) He was shocked that I had a crush on him and the fact that i knew spanish! “Espera asi te gusto como yo y sabes español?!” (wait so you like like me and you know spanish?!) he questioned “si y si…” (yes and yea…) I was scared he hasn't even said anything and I'm already expecting rejection. “Bueno, no sé si puedo decir que deberíamos salir ahora mismo, pero podríamos tener algunas citas en secreto, por supuesto.” (well i don't know if I can say we should date right now but we could go on a few dates in secret of course) i smiled my dreams were coming true I thanked him for giving me a chance. Before I left he winked at me it gave me butterflies 🦋 then I went back to my dorm I already had his number so I just waited for him to text me.