(Your a bit of a tsundere but not really lmao)
I huffed as I walked back into my apartment. I hate the cold and to add insult to injury there is supposed to be a snow storm tomorrow. I had already gone to the store yesterday so hopefully me and my boyfriend can just hang out till the storm ends. I set my bag down and took off my shoes. (and socks) Instantly regretting as my feet touched the cold hard wood floor. I called out “Kiri you home yet?!” no response. I sped up and walked towards the bedroom. I looked down at the bed and saw a lump under the blankets. “Ehh” I walked closer to the lump and pulled the blankets off. My boyfriend shivered and his eyes fluttered open. “W-what-oh hey” I stared down at him in confusion. He was huddled up and sinking into himself. “What's going on?” I questioned sternly. “U-uhm nothing. What do you mean?” I rolled my eyes and scoffed. “Youre sick aren't you.” I stated. The look in his eyes told me everything but he denied anyways. I turned away from him and walked into the bathroom.
I walked out with comfortable clothes on and a thermometer in my hand. I sat down next to him on the bed and looked him in the eyes. “So do you wanna admit to me that you're an idiot that got sick or what?” He looked away from me with a slight heat appearing on his face. I sighed and gestured the thermometer towards him. He took it and placed it in his mouth. (Don't even) I got up and turned on the TV and readjusted the thermostat. Even taking a quick glance outside. I walked back as the thermometer started beeping. He took it and gave it to me. “96.86 you have a really bad cold” I turned on my heels and made my way towards the kitchen to make some soup and get him some hot tea.
Once he finished eating I grabbed the dishes and threw them in the sink while also turning on the water so the pipes don't freeze. I gave him one of his warmer hoodies and layed down. I could feel him staring at me. I sighed and looked over at him. “What.” I said as harshly but as sweetly as I could. I don't wanna be mean to him because he's sick. Once again heat rose to his face. I couldn't tell if it was because of the cold or embarrassment but he mumbled something in my direction. I squinted at him. He groaned (no) “Can we cuddle” I smirked at him as he buried his face into the pillow next to him. I had no idea he was such a baby when he was sick. This makes winter a little bit better. “Yeah…we can cuddle” He looked up at me as I moved closer to him. Our body heat wrapping around each other. We stayed that way in a comfortable silence for the rest of the day.