(read the time machine to catch up with the rest here)
I was going when suddenly I got a call from the boy I sent to look for help and he wanted me at the entrance since no one can get in. I told the rest that I'll go get them and they wait here and I went to get them.(another fricking time skip)
I got back and was with a bunch of people and went in. There was a long hallway with another door at the end "how many doors are there?!?" Ferble yelled and we all laughed and I was walking and walking and walking till I finally reached the door and looking back I saw Clareese signalling me to look at Camila and I saw her tensed up. And in one second I got yanked back. It was a trap that she saved me from. We had a tiny talk and I went and opened the door.
I saw a man with a lot (I mean a lot) of armour and I said "what is this, some kind of Fallout that you're wearing a power armour?!" and indeed he chuckled. I whispered to Ferble and Ben (MY BRO) and went for a direct attack. He deflected it and I swung my sword again and trapped his sword and on that que Ferble and Ben dashed in outta nowhere and slashed his armour off!
I punched him and he said "you're so pathetic, using weapons against me! Let's fight like real men! Hand to hand!" and I went closer to him and asked him "how did you get in here?" and he replied "I didn't. I was born here. I was always restricted to this devilish city and could never go out because of my father and when your father killed mine, that was moment I planned to kill him"
I went even closer to him and whispered "hctib a fo nos uoy" and inserted my sword into him. And pulled it out causing blood to slowly pour out and I left him there to die slowly and painfully and talked to the new people saying "well, what did you guys want again?" and they said "we heard there's something special in this city" and I said "for you help in killing Derrick for me I most gladly allow you to visit Shambhala. But if I hear any sort of killing I'll be back" and I took them out of that bunker and told Ferble, Clareese and Polly and went out of shambhala. "let's continue our good old university life"
We said our good byes to every shambhalian and had a burial for all the lives we lost and then suddenly a strike of lightning struck infront of us and it was a woman. She came to me and said "you have done well child, any wish of yours shall come true" and I said "I want my friends back" and then a few more lightning bolts struck and there they were, all of the people who died including Pearce.
I made him in charge till I was gone and then the ten of us left shambhala.