There was no one there all the toilets were empty and so we walked out and told everyone about it. Sasha and Pree went to the female toilet just to be sure that he's not there. I went to the Shambhalians and told them to look for a young, brown, short-tempered boy. "retsam sey" they said and went to look.
(A few hours later)
Everyone was panicking about him so I went to check on my men. "gnihtyna?" I asked calmly and got a reply "deid evah nem ruo fo ynam tub, gnihton" they said making me mad, whoever did it will pay for it. I went to my friends and told them about this and Dorris shot out "We shall look for him or her or it, your order? King?" And I replied "Pfff, not like you're gonna listen but anyways you're right. We have to go and find whatever's been killing my men!"
"But we don't even know where to look" Maria said with the most epic accent ever and I replied "we do! We'll start where my men have died, that'll be something right?" And everyone said "YES!!" And so we started to get ready.