"Esle gnihtyna?" I asked him but he said no. I went for a walk in the forest and ferble followed me so we were just talking about what would be happening in the real world. "I bet Gallie is crying like a baby coz we're not with him" I joked to ferble and we just couldn't stop laughing now. "He sure would" I heard a familiar voice.
"Who's there?!' I said while taking out my sword. He said "oh you know me.. it's your BEST BUDDY". "The only best buddy I have is ferble". "Oh really?!?" Another familiar voice said. "Umm yeah?" I said in confusion. "Did you forget about us?!?!" One of them said and came sraight at me.
I dodged and quickly started to fight back and I tore of its hood and it was.. Alvin. I gave a cut on his leg and went to Fere who also had a sword and told it was Derrick. "How did Derrick even get here" I asked myself and told Ferble "You handle Derrick, I'll take care of Alvin" and he immediately replied "So the other one is Alvin, not really surprised" and we went to our own opponents and fought.
I knocked out alvin and then went to Derrick who was also knocked and asked him "How did you get in?" And he replied "This is my home, I am the dark lord called demonstrate, not actually I just made that name up" and I started laughing but while that he ran to Alvin and ran away. We tried to follow them but they were too fast.