Getting to the courtyard is difficult. Though passing through the restricted zone was easy. I’ve spent years and years of my time peeking through the glass window staring into none other than an ordinary office. Not to my surprise, it was mother’s office, containing lists and lists of complaints from the ningers. Ningers are what humans call “citizens”, which I learned in Kingdoms and Clans mainly because they seemed interesting. “Ninger” is demon language for commoner, or citizen. Though, demon language isn’t actually a language. We just rename some things.
I knew the restricted area had golden name tags on every room so I expected to find the courtyard easily.
“Damian? Are you lost or are you disobeying your mother’s command?”
“Lundo? Oh, I’m lost. I would never disobey an order! You know that!” Mainly because mother is terrifying when she’s angry. She hates it when the rules break her commands. That’s one weakness that keeps me alive.
“Sorry for assuming that. You need help?”
“This way.” He leads me back through a dark hallway. When did I pass this? But, in the end, there seems to be light, shining through a pair of large glass doors. That must be the courtyard.
“Aren’t you coming?”
“The mistress is reluctant to see me.”
“Why? What did you do?” Mother loves Lundo after he stopped talking to himself. It would be very suspicious if mother started hating him.
“The mistress will tell you, herself.”
“Why can’t you tell me?” And just like that, Lundo has disappeared.