The next morning arrives and I find myself in an awkward position laying against the bookshelf.
“My king?” Lundo appears in front of me. His robe has been pulled to reveal a bandage wrapping around his leg.
“Did I actually hit you that hard?”
He laughs before answering with, “no Damian, it’s just your claws got into my skin.” He peels off the fabric to reveal three lines, each with a white substance. I assume mother has given her some medicine.
“Sorry.” I wipe my eyes as he kneels down to my level. Lundo was always taller than me, beating me in almost every sport. Though, hiding was always my strength.
I spent years playing “hide and seek” with Lundo. He knew some Earthian games and taught them to me. One time I spent the whole evening hanging from a chandelier, like a monkegy? No, wait… monkey.
I notice something and Lundo’s eyes and decide to ask, “how did it happen?”
“Your hair, what did mother do?” It seems he’d rather forget that night but I know better.
“T-that’s none of your business.”
“You help kill Yehain, so yes it is.” I raise my voice. Nobody decides to quiet me down. Instead, they silence one of the training guards, who had made a small remark about me.
“What’s with you and that c-cat?!” He brings his face up to make a statement.
“She’s my friend!”
“She looks more than that, y-you idiot!” The insult echoes through the halls. Nobody acts out until I declare them to. I don’t like what I did with the lady.
“If you knew her you would understand. I’m staying here until I get her back.”
“You're doing all this for a person who you’ve only known for a few days.”
“There’s something in my chest that pulls me to, okay?! I can’t explain it.” He tries to open his mouth to contradict me, unusual for him to have no words.
Finally he gets up, stumbling on his leg. Tracing the spines of the books, he walks to the end of the shelf.
“That’s more than friendship, Damian. That’s a problem. You shouldn’t have told that to me. Just d-don’t tell anyone else. Especially mother.”
“O-okay, Lundo.”
And at that, I’m left alone.