LIFE IS AMAZING .IT'S WONDERUL. I GOT A ROSE FROM THE GIRL I SIT BESIDE ON THE BUS I TAKE HOME. WE BECAME RLLY GOOD FRIENDS ON OUR WAY HOME BCS WE SIT IN THAT BUS FOR MORE THAN AN HOUR (*cries*😞💔) AND WE TALKED AND ARE AMAZING FRIENDS NOW EVEN THOUGH SHE'S IN SECOND YEAR OF COLLEGE BUT STILL AND THEN SHE SUDDENLY ASKED ME IF I LIKED FLOWERS AND I SAID YES I LOVE FLOWERS (*coughs* I once pressed a flower I got from my crush to not lose it *cough*) AND A FEW DAYS HAVE PASSED BUT SHE GAVE ME A PINK ROSE ON THE BUS AND I SWEAR IF I COULD I WOULD'VE JUMPED UP AND HUGGED HER. I think I've used up all my luck for the month 😭 because there's no way this day was so magnificent. Firstly , this , then the English exam was also suspiciously easy , then my classmates talked with me an abnormal amount (which made me so happy and fuzzy) and then I won some art competition, then I got the chance to hold open the door for a few girls from year 8 and 9 and they called me sweet , and then the teachers also smiled at me today ! I SWEAR IM SCARED I MIGHT GET HIT BY A TRUCK TOMRW BCS I'VE USED UP ALL OF MY MONTHS LUCK I'M SO SURE 😨 AND IM USUALLY VERY UNLUCKY AND TODAY WAS AMAZING , even though I bruised my foot and slightly scraped it but that's fine. Now I'm going to make a birthday card for a friend , it's gonna be her birthday tomrw , and an appreciation card for the girl who sits next to me in the bus.