Today was the first day of school (of the 2nd Term) and it was also a surprise paper review day (💀) . But surprisingly I got okay marks (I'm saying surprisingly because I didn't study for any of the midterms) , in English I got a 90% (I WAS ONE MARK AWAY FROM HAVING THE HIGHEST MARKS FUCCCKKKK I CANT BELIEVE IT ONE SINGLE MARK NOO 😭😭) , in geography I got a 92% (I got a four mark reduction for skipping two questions , I was kinda expecting a 92% and I was right lol ) , in science I got an 88% (AYYYY I SCORED THE HIGHEST OUT OF MY CLASS IN SCIENCE LETS GOOOO AND IT HAD 18 PAGES DAMNN HOW DID I DO THAT) , in maths I got a 64% (I estimated a rough pass and it was exactly the grade I was estimating so yeah wasn't rlly surprised BUT I GOT A HIGHER SCORE THAN PEOPLE WHO STUDIED FOR THE EXAM) , now history was the most shocking one HOW THE FUCK DID I GET A 60% IN HISTORY??? I GOT THE HIGHEST SCORE LAST YEAR DAMN RIGHT OUR TEACHER DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO TEACHE THE FUCK , and yeah now there's religious studies left I think we'll get the results of it tomrw , BUT DAMNN I GOT OKAY MARKS WITHOUT STUDYING. Oh right and I relapsed.