I am soooo bored (I should be learning for my midterms that determine half of my grades) . My first exam is gonna be history tomrw and I'm sitting here with curlers in my hair and listening to cardi b. I transferred to a new school this year and I swear I regret it so much. I mean yeah an all girls Catholic school was hell but this sucks even more. Not only is art an extracurricular activity but the teachers also suck at their jobs. The only upside here is , that English is much more complicated ( as a subject), but I've got a severe addiction with my phone now after transferring. I'm srs not gonna make it to any College like this (let alone University), but it's fine I suppose since I was thinking of doing a double major in literature and philosophy so I guess my grades don't have to be over the top (younger me would've gone feral if she saw my grades , in a negative way)