Chapter 12: The Definitive Death
Police tapes warned that no one outside the London police investigators entered the house, but two people, a tall man covered in strange black clothing and a young woman in a police suit, seemed to be looking for clues here and there.
Seras at first thought they wouldn't find any hints that might have overlooked Scotland Yard, but D gathered a lot of strange elements. Clues that the researchers overlooked because they did not see the supernatural character in them.
Strange scratches on the walls, decomposing matter in the pipes and so on.
“They came down the drain," said D.
“But you said the kidnappers were humanoids.”
Mice can pass through any gap as it passes through their skulls. The creatures that kidnapped the people didn't have collarbones, so they can use the pipes.
“But how do they get people out?”
“Supernatural forces use physical methods to enter houses, but once inside they can use dark magic to get out, taking anything with them.”
“Like the kidnapped cats?”
“What do you think they're looking for whoever they are is behind all this?”
“They used necromancy spells. The created entities carried out the kidnappings, the reason? I still don't know it. But there's something we need to be concerned about.”
“Is there still anything else?”
“The theft of dinosaur fossils is a matter of great concern.”
“What could they do with all those fossils?”
“Necromancy requires absurd amounts of magical energy only for zombies. Anything that can reanimate dinosaurs indicates a force to be reckoned with.”
“Don't tell me that when we find a zombie dinosaur we should run.”
“Unless we have no choice, that is what we must do.”
Seras was surprised, if someone as brave as D suggested not to confront the danger directly, then the situation was more dangerous than it was.
"I wonder what the master would think of all this."
Alucard did no research work, but he was sure he was in the realms of evil.
It seemed to be in an underground maze of colossal extension, far below the streets of London, even below the River Thames.
Aside from the penetrating smell of dampness, the constant sound of droplets colliding with the stone floor was omnipresent.
“You, stranger. How did you discover this place?” Suddenly a hard, cold voice said, causing Alucard to raise his eyebrows.
“Evil knows the cursed places of the world, I had no problem finding this charming place.”
“You're interesting.... vampire. What's your name again?”
“Alucard, and I've been walking the path of men.”
“You can tell, especially by the stench of humans you carry.... You smell of women and tobacco. Are you the dog that drinks blood under the orders of that "Sir".”
Alucard looked surprised, but then he recovered while smiling dementedly.
“Stop talking to secrets, show yourself unknown.”
“Why should I introduce myself, when instead of a name I only received an anagram?”
“Dracula, that's my name," said Alucard, this time seriously.
“Interestingly, when I first came to this time and gathered information, I expected to meet you sooner or later, but not in this way. It doesn't matter, it simplifies things.”
“Your name! Or are you so pathetic that you prefer to hide in anonymity like that nosferatu of Incognito?”
“My name is not important, but my alter ego like the one you carry. But don't worry, I'll tell you, I was known in my day as Ghost Face.”
The underground labyrinth suddenly lit up with a reddish light that seemed to come from all over, thus exposing diverse alchemical machinery from a strange mind.
“What is all this?”
“No more questions, my curious guest. It's time for you to serve me.”
“I serve only my mistress.”
“No more.”
Integra was drinking her tea when a strong earthquake hit the mansion. It lasted only a few seconds, but it was so violent that most of the windows exploded.
“What the hell was that?! An earthquake? Alucard," the woman called the vampire, but her servant did not come to her call. “Alucard, your mistress is summoning you!”
Alucard felt Integra's call, but he couldn't go to her. Of the proud vampire, only his head was left.
Alucard's eyes moved, focusing on one spot on the wall, then moving to another sector of the moldy wall, his lips moving but he could say nothing.
“A pity, you offered a good fight, but everything was decided when you found me, after all, what is a vampire without the souls he absorbed? Yeah, those stupid Nazi Millennium dogs, they did good.”
Seras felt something strange in the depths of her chest, somehow reminding her when she saw her father and mother die.
“Master.... Master!”
D felt it too, he didn't have as deep a connection to his distant father as Seras did, but he felt it anyway.
“D, oh D... the master, the master... is dead. “
She couldn't explain how she knew, but she was certain that Alucard was dead. It was not like when she carried Alucard's head, guarding it from the Vatican's vampire hunters, now she could feel that the crimson vampire had met his definitive death.
D approached Seras and embraced her to comfort her, the young vampire who was groaning realized the loss of D and looked up.
Anyone would have said that the man was not upset by the death of his father, but Seras saw that D was suffering at heart. Alucard may not have been the best father of all, but he was the only thing D had, now he was all alone.
She was not driven by any teenage fantasy, it was just grief, she wanted to ease her friend's pain in some way. She raised her hands, circled around D's face and then kissed him on the lips.
Unlike the other time, D now reciprocated Seras' kiss and wrapped her in his arms. He remembered Doris Lang, Larmica Lee, both young women who in the future felt love for him, but he could not love them, he could not, it was his destiny as his left hand told him. But now, he had decided to deny what was written in stone, he had decided to love.
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