Training may not be needed but it is essential. Today they had to train as the time was slowly running away from them to prepare for the attack on Jasper. Stepping onto the training field, finally dressed in some appropriate clothing, Tanya felt like she had walked into the mortal combat series. Everyone was jacked and even if they didn't have muscles that barely held within their shirt they could still kick some ass. Tanya and Deshi stretched as Hope came running up, giggling like a schoolgirl.
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"What you laughing at?" Deshi was genuinely confused about why she was acting this way.
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It was then Anika came and ordered everyone to find a station. Hashim had asked Deshi and Tanya to train with him on hand to hand combat. Apprehension triggered within her body but let the child join. I mean if he can take a head butt he could take some training. They first started with punches they could do. Jabs. Right-hooks. Left hooks. Uppercuts. Trying all the different combos were good but Hashim thought otherwise when looking in disbelief at the two thinking they were top notch.
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"What do you mean we are shit!" Since when was Hashim allowed to swear? The twenty-year-old was fuming. Never had his boxing skills been so poorly rated. After all, he had been training to box since he was three years old. Dreaming of being in the ring, every light shining on him. Just him and the enemy. Battling it out as all macho men do. Yet it wasn't for the masculinity but for the greed of winning consuming his body. It ate him up inside that it was never achieved to this day but someone deciding to say he wasn't average boiled his blood. Even if it was a small child.
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"I mean that you are as slow as my grandma running a marathon!" Hashim wasn't lying. The two were nowhere near the bar that the Los Elementos had put up. Meaning only one thing. It was all down to him to motivate them.
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"Come on now do it again but faster." The two did exactly what he said with no happiness coming to the younger. Again. Again. Again. Over and over they did the same combo until their muscles were nearly seized up. Aching to move a finger never mind a whole arm. Mercy did not avail and they had to continue. Pulling together each bit of stamina and determination they could muster, Deshi and Tanya continued.
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When Hashim was finally happy he let them have a five-minute break; the hustle never ends. This time what was needed was sharp and clean punches. Sloppy doesn't make an impact. Sloppy gets you killed. Bubbling through the veins of the two, anger was rising. Working this much in so little time was running them ragged but they didn't have time to take breaks. If they did the final break what they will be seeing is their face after captain Stevie steroids punched them. So training continued.
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Cutting through the wind with each movement and piercing the cold temperatures of the ongoing day proved another barrier to the duo. Yet it did not stop them. Clean, crisp hits were what they were striving for so crisp, clean punches were what they were going to get. It took around an hour for this to be achieved, soon proving that the duo had the capability to be some of the best fighters. Fighters for good. It wasn't ready yet.
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Finally, to be effective they had to pack some power. So Hashim decided the two needed to be on the punch bags. The bags were of quite high quality deemed of the time. Only those who trained with Jasper got to saw these babies but somehow the Los Elementos had them. It just goes to show how powerful the group actually is.
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Each hit had to be hard or else it wouldn't impact the opponent. If it didn't make the bag swing or put a dent in it there was no way it was strong enough to be used on a person. Hashim brought out new combos each time, even adding in some kicks they had practiced. Anger raged through them but it was only used to fuel the punch. Like it seeped through the body and pushed their hands further into the bag. After finally reaching the stage where Hashim was satisfied that the two were worthy and up to par. He nodded and walked off, hips wiggling with entitlement.
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Neither could resist the urge to laugh as he left but hidden inside it was both curses and gratefulness. Now it was time for gun training because we all know Jasper had an armory of a mafia boss. As they say, never bring fists to a gunfight. You will only bleed through the night.
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In the shooting area, whilst showing the basics of gun handling Anika had to use a more hands-on method with her mentee. Hope fits perfectly in Anika's arms. Slowly running her hands from Hope's waist to her arms whispering small pearls of wisdom and confidence to the thirty-year-old. Holding her hands over the gun and lacing their fingers together on the trigger of the gun, bliss delved into her skin. Now one arm was around her waist and another tanned one securing the girl's arm to a gun stance, she felt a warm pang in her heart.
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In the world of heat, the fire in Hope's body proved a bigger force to be reckoned with. Even though she was just being helped with how to fire a gun her mind focused on other things. The sweet musk of lavender that protruded the leader's aura. Her skin tanned and soft, so easily bruised. Lips so plush and swollen she could just reach up and...
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"Yes, girl shoot your shot." The high pitch scream coming from Deshi's mouth. That foul but amusing language had not been heard for a long time. So even though it proved cringey, it was nostalgic. Thinking about the world before did tinge sadness into each heart but for Anika and Hope, the rage and embarrassment of been caught in an act of innocent lust derived them from that pathway.
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"Come on you need to grab a gun. Empty your pockets too." It wasn't harsh yet it was a demand. Anika was good like that. Not too bossy. Not a pushover. Just perfect.
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Tanya felt in her pockets to what she had in her pockets stopping when coming across a small, cold cylinder. She had worn the same trousers as yesterday which was lucky as the vial she had forgotten about amongst all of the fighting she had taken from the base. The vial of the last plant on earth.
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As she took it from her pocket everyone's eyes bulged to the scene.
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"I had totally forgotten about this." She breathlessly sniggered.
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"How the fuck do you forget about a plant!" Deshi once again shouting. If you hadn't guessed already, yes he is a bit of a loudmouth but it was an important loudmouth that he had.
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"Well I don't know maybe being shot at and nearly fucking drowning from an imaginary tidal wave really lets me focus on a vial in my pocket!" Tanya retaliated.
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"Since when did you have the fucking vial?"Hope joined in on the screams.
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"Can you all shut the fuck up with the fucking swearing!" Anika took control of the situation, getting a guard to store it safely she continued training us. Holding a gun wasn't empowering or fun. It was terrifying. It should always be terrifying as the potential within one of the objects to obliterate anyone in its pathway was not a joke. Under no circumstances were the Los Elementos allowed to use them unless under attack or for training. It brought in factors that guns shouldn't be a part of normal lives because when emotions (for some a lack thereof) the consequences could be deadly. The key was to focus but allow yourself to feel that little horror within. That's how you know you are human. That's how you know that Frost hadn't got to you.
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Even though by the end of the training they got used to shooting a gun they would never get used to the weight of it. Physically and emotionally. That had to be put aside. Frost wasn't going to let them go easy. After the plan, they had conjured up whilst over dinner, if they wanted to restore the earth they would have to kill Jasper. As we know, Jasper clutches wouldn't loosen without force.