The army had gone into full attacking mode. Every single person in the building had a gun and was ready for the final battle of this war. Yet an unnerving calm had settled throughout the building as selected soldiers had gathered in hallways. The alarm still ringing through each ear, something wasn't quite right.
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That is when the Elementos pounced on each guard, disarming and shooting. Each not going down with a fight. In the west wing, Anika was taking out the final guard and letting the others know through her walkie. Deshi on the east wing was struggling with his team as more guards swept from out of the training rooms armed with knives. With bullets running out, he turned to his training routines. This is what he had been working for.
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Hope was disturbed at how there were no guards whilst she walked through the south wing. Something was going to happen. The prediction becoming true as Clint came from behind and let his bullets rip through the soldiers. Luckily Hope and a few others had hidden from the attack.
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"OH, so you wanna play a game?" Clint shouted.
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"Well let's play. I will let you all go free, running back to mommy Anika if the dumb bitch comes out."
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He was stalking the hall, trying to get any glimpse of the girl he wanted. The girl he had just walked by who was crouching beside medicine trolley, holding her mouth shut. The footsteps had quietened and as he had turned a corner. Waiting a couple of minutes, Hope slowly came out of hiding and ordered everyone to carry on and turn left. Doing as they were told they carried on.
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Hope walked up the hall hiding some needles and drugs from the cabinet in her pockets, the Elementos had been running out of supplies and needed everything they could grab. She turned left taking a step forward.
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Yet she ended up in the arms of Clint who had a death grip around her front after he had dragged her back by the neck.
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"Think you outsmarted me eh, try again." he spat through a whisper, aggressively pushing his head towards her ears.
180Please respect copyright.PENANALwKQeYbthG
With his other arm, he got the gun and shot every member who had walked away, letting the blood on the floor trickle its way down the hall and seep into the two's feet. He chuckled as he threw the woman into the pool of burgundy and shoved her face into the floor until the liquid entered her mouth. The metallic taste burned her throat, her eyes tearing up from the dehumanization.
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"You taste that! Death!" another maniac laugh erupted from his soul.
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"If I were you, I'd get used to it."
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Clint let go of her head and grabbed the walkie talkie from the place it had been comfortably sitting in her belt. It had been going crazy for the past few minutes of Anika asking what was happening, scared her girlfriend had run into trouble.
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"Don't worry baby, I got your girlfriend. She is going to be just fine when I take her to your dead friends."
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The smirk on his face only got larger with each scream of fury from the leader, threatening to kill the man. Each cry silenced as he crushed the machine under his foot. Walking back to Hope he once again grabbed her neck and pushed her forwards taking her into the darkness.
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"Hope! Hope!" Anika screamed repeatedly with no answer-back.
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She picked up as many guns as possible and told her army to follow. Running through the long, dim halls they traveled their way to the east hall to meet up with Deshi. The noise of footsteps grew as she saw the tall man running towards her. The Elementos ducked so each of the west wing crew could take them out. After it was all clear, Anika held her hand out to deshi and gave him a gun.
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"Where's Hope?" Deshi asked with heavy breath.
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"Clint got her. We need to start making our way upstairs as it seems clear down here. "
180Please respect copyright.PENANAY4q2elGKOB
"What about the North hall?" As this question was spoken, a body had been hurled across the walkway, just missing the duo. A smiling Ellie came drifting forward, smile plastered on her face. It was quite easy for her to check the north since most of the guards had stood still from fear - the rules of Frost's army stated they could never cower away from a fight so technically they didn't break anything. That was left to Ellie and how she dealt with them.
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"Cool. Now come on, we need to find them now or we won't ever see them again."
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The room had been silent for some time now. Only gunshots could be heard. Tanya sat there waiting for someone to come get them but was starting to get agitated. Her foot started to bounce against the floor.
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Everyone dies, shouldn't we use what they have left to help profit us?
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She closed her eyes as she shook her head trying to get rid of the reoccurring thought but more voices built up. Each shouting or whispering how she should act and what she needs to do in accordance to be the best possible self she could be. The best possible Frost follower. It was all about to burst out until a small hand came and stroked her cheek letting all the anger slowly disappear.
180Please respect copyright.PENANACSg9muWMe4
Opening her eyes she was met with the deep brown ones that had been keeping her company for the past week. Frost had let Hashim out of his handcuffs due to good behavior but that didn't stop the starvation and torture that they had been put through.
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"Thank you." She signed to the boy who replied back with a small two-fingered salute. Their little interaction. It grounded her and she needed it right now or else she would have turned to the wrong side of the fight. The Frost side.
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They were interrupted by the door swinging open and Hope being tossed to the ground.
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"And stay there bitch." Clint hissed with venom before closing the door.
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The two prisoners immediately engulfed the elder into a hug (or in Tanya's case a lean). It was only returned with the same energy and kisses to each forehead and small whispers of worry.
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"I'm sorry we didn't come earlier, the plan had to be stuck by. Are you guys okay?" It was clear to everyone's eyes that both were not fine physically. More blotches of blue and yellow littered their skin and the small shadow around Tanya's neck helped to highlight the darkened circles beneath her eyes.
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"I'm fine, let's get out of here." Hashim signed. Hope took out one of the needles and used it to unlock Tanya's cuffs. Once she did she got up and headed to the door but was halted when the creaking of the door started to fill the room.
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"What is happen-" Clint's voice drowned into helpless gurgles as Hope had taken the knife she had hidden in her boot and stabbed him right in the chest.
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"Thought you deserved to have a taste of death too." Hope spat. Clint's body fell to the ground, trails of blood dripping down the wall with him.
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"Now stay there, bitch."
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She turned to the door and started to walk out until a small whimper stated behind her. Hope was regretting killing the man in front of her son. She slowly turned around preparing herself to deal with the trauma stricken boy but what she saw was a surprise.
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Tanya had a tear rolling down her face, slowly drenching her cheek. Hashim was hugging her as hard as he could but nothing would take away the sniffles of fear.
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"He ... helped. He made me ... right." Tanya's voice was hoarse. Her mind had returned back to the state before the fire had erupted. Nothing but the voices shrieking in her mind.
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Hope stepped forward, laying her hands softly on the teen's arms. Her eyes never leaving Tanya's.
180Please respect copyright.PENANAUOGgAQFOUl
"Baby they wanted you dead because you are too strong. You are a threat to them. Remember all the tests we did together. Where they got angry because you didn't fit the physical exam or when you helped me. They don't truly care... but I do." Hope's sincerity and care bounced from wall to wall. She wiped away more tears that fell from the younger's eyes.
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"Remember, I met you in the cafe? We were happy someone else hadn't given in to his words. That's what they are trying to do to you now. He has, is, and will always be a liar." Hope let go of the girl and stepped back and held her hand out.
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"Don't succumb to their voices baby. You are much stronger than them."
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Tanya looked down.
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"We need our future to be bright and we can't have it without our president."
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Tanya's eyes closed, letting the last droplets slip. Then re-opening she looked up and grabbed onto her friend's hand and smiled. Hope smiled back muttering a small "That's my girl." Before leading both Tanya and Hashim from the room and into the silent corridors.
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They had to be silent and walked with caution. No attacks were made. It was all quiet until they were coming up to the stairs connecting the second and third floors. Small chatter could be heard and many violent and harsh footsteps battered against the floor. Hope let go of the two's hands and got her gun out. After taking two breaths, she burst into the light and aimed at the group but did not shoot.
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Putting the gun down after many questions of whether she was okay she silently nodded.
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"Hope, what happened?" Deshi's voice could finally be heard loud and clear.
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Hope's head turned to face the two and nodded in approval. Hashim, who was now being carried by Tanya, and the teen slowly walked out and faced the group. They smiled at all the familiar faces. Sighs of relief could be heard.
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Deshi ran to them all and Captured the two in a hug.
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"I promised myself I wouldn't let you die!" His voice was withering and clearly distressed.
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Tanya put the boy she was holding down and slowly put her arms around the boy who had given her faith for her future, remembering all the training and talks they had. She felt comfort in his arms.
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"I can't wait to meet your family too." She had never said it back that night and now she would. Her mind was telling her to go against her actions, to kill everyone right now. But she was stronger than that, ignoring the voices and taking comfort in her family.
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They came apart when they heard a soft yell for Hashim come from behind them. An ecstatic Anika appeared from the doorway, she had been hanging back to check they were really in the clear which they were for now.
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The biggest smile appeared on Hashim's face when he saw his mother. Anika dropped the guns in her hand and ran towards the steps ...