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After being commanded, the three laid down their weapons and then raised each hand in in the air. They were defenseless. Each segment of the plan, each individual and progressive thought they had was just washed down the drain. Just a lifeless and pathetic try to actually change the world. All for nothing. They should have known Jasper would crawl back to drag them to hell.
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"Frost really is pulling them out of nowhere huh."
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It wasn't him. Tanya looked between her two comrades. Just two other pairs of confused squints followed. If it wasn't Frost then who was it. Tanya did both the bravest and the most stupid option possible and turned around to face her captors. When she did the vision of three men with guns clouded her vision. The voice that had spoken before did once again, telling the men not to fire. It was quite delicate but strong in power. One which held victory, viciousness, and want. Tanya had to take her chance. She wasn't prepared to die in the middle of nowhere for nothing. Maybe she was just being delusional by thinking the plan was going to work but even a stupid person can worm their way into the best of situations.
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"We don't work for Frost, we escape..."
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"You escaped the highest guarded institute in the world. Believable."
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They were blunt. Whoever they were, they were a leader who took no nonsense. Hopefully for the better.
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"Yeah, we did. I am Tanya. This is Deshi and Hope." A loud ouch came from the girl as Deshi had stood on her foot. Harshly. Clearly, he was angered at her moves and wondering why the hell she would let someone who has the potential to kill them or even take them back to Jasper so he could callously torture them.
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"Deshi. Deshi Wang?" The voice spoke. Deshi and Hope finally turned around to face the men. If they were confused before they are completely dumbfounded now. Why were they interested in Deshi? The guards parted to see a tanned woman. Standing tall at average height with stern brown eyes and thinned lips. Her hair was all over the place despite the efforts to control it with a high pony. In Hope's eyes, she was breathtaking. In Deshi's eyes, she was a threat. In Tanya's eyes, she was a fierce leader, someone who could do them a lot of good if she speaks those precious words.
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"We could do with someone like you in the Los Elementos son supieriores." Her thinned lips turned to a smirk. She was cunningly making them fear her at first but now that was music to their ears. The three explained that they had been trying to hunt the group down and told the journey so far. The caliber of danger each person was facing was high but now as they banded together now they were going to be unstoppable.
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Introductions were exchanged and each learned of the others' life whilst journeying. They were heading back to the Los Elementos base which was ironic. From what Tanya knew, Frost has been trying to look for and take down this base for at least a couple of years and the trio found it in a day. Righteousness was there's.
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It turns out the leader was called Anika, short for anarchy. A Hispanic woman aged thirty-six, these years fueling her to want the world to experience the bliss and happiness she did before frost took over. She had talked about how she had been leading the group for years and they created a civilized group to be able to show the future the earth should have. One which Frost could and would never achieve. The expectation of this future in Tanya's mind was high, believing every word Anika said sending her expectations higher.
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It wasn't until when reaching the base and seeing the diversity of the society that her expectations were seen to be just a little speck of water in the ocean of hope that had been created. Men, women, and children, (children!) of all different heights, weights, nationalities, races, religions, sexualities, and more all lived harmoniously, coinciding in each others' lives. Happily moving on but at the same time having this unspoken bond of wanting to restore the earth to is glorious originality. It's where she belonged, where everyone belonged. It was just unfortunate that frost was ruining it for everyone.
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A small child, about the age of eight, came running up to the group jumping into Anika's arms. it was refreshing seeing how love is still capable to be alive in this state. When asked if he had done his chores the boy only nodded. He turned to find the three staring at him. He waved and made some signs with his hands. Tanya was devastated she couldn't do sign language as she wished she could communicate with the boy but to her rescue Anika let her know the boy asked what their names were but also told them his name.
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Even though the friendliness exhaled from his skin, Hashim was reluctant to be in contact with the three. After hiding behind Anika, who was telling the story of how she adopted the boy, Tanya approached him. It was been explained that Hashim had run away and found Anika after witnessing Frost's torture on them when he stepped out, not letting himself cower in anxiety. Tanya poked his chest waiting for him to look down and when he did she flicked his face, just like her father did to her when she was younger. She saluted to which he returned saying how happy he was the three were staying.
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After showing the trio around and answering any questions left Anika was leaving them to their room. It was a nice cozy room, one which made you feel truly welcome.
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"I like it here." Hope smiled.
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"Why are you so smiley?" Deshi threw one of the stuffed animals left as a welcoming gift at Hope. She had been in a trance-like state since meeting Anika but that wasn't what was most important right now. They needed to learn from the Los Elementos so they can overthrow Frost because now it isn't just a possibility.
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It's inevitable.