Renard: "Where are you taking us?"
Wagon Driver: "Back home, Renard. To Hayford."
Hayford Enforcer: "Won't be your home for long. Even if your lord father is merciful."
Red Prelate: "You should be grateful you won't suffer the same as your lover next to you."
Zinnia: "No harm will come to me."
Renard: "Zinnia, don't. You'll only make things worse."
Red Prelate: "Go ahead, shadow-shifter. Say your words. They won't save you, or do us harm."
Zinnia: "My tribe has walked this land far longer than your congregation. Those trinkets your faith carry are that of a lesser—"
Red Prelate: "And by Rez'mele's divine blessing, we conquered them. You must be the last of them. How dare you call these symbols of his blessing trinkets!"
Zinnia: "Hmph. You said my words wouldn't do harm, yet see how furious you get when I talk about your staff and necklace? They are but pieces of metal."
Red Prelate: "... Well, there are many 'pieces of metal' in the steel coffin we'll put you in."
Renard: "NO! Please, don't do that to her. Just send us away! We'll never set foot in this part of the world again."
Red Prelate: "You know that will not happen, Renard."
Renard: "Let me take her place, then."
Hayford Enforcer: "Don't be stupid, boy. There is a reason why we use such methods on shadow-shifters."
Red Prelate: "I can see she is with child, too. I'm am ashamed of you, young Renard. To be with such a creature and keep it hidden for years ... "
Wagon Driver: "We are here."
Hayford Enforcer: "Get out. Both of you."
Renard: "What are you doing? Stop dragging her!"
Zinnia: "Renard, my love, calm yourself. There is no need to—"
Hayford Enforcer: "Argh! Almost broke my jaw, boy. I'll forgive that, but strike me again and your demoness will suffer more before we throw her in the ground."
Zinnia: "How merciful ... "
Red Prelate: "Silence! The lord approaches."
Lord Voss: "We are gathered here today to witness the trial of-"
Renard: "Father! Please, let us go! We will never set foot here again. I have shamed you ... disown me and let me and Zinnia go far away. Exile us, I beg of you!"
Lord Voss: "Truly, you are no longer a son of mine. You lay with the shadows, therefore you are not even fit to be seen in His great light. To allow you freedom would be an act of weakness"
Renard: "Father ... what do you-"
Lord Voss: "Do not call me father. As for your fate, you will be buried alongside your lover. Bring forth the coffins!
Hayford Enforcer: "Don't struggle, young Renard. Unless you're as tainted as your lover, you'll perish quicker from all your injuries. If not ... well, I could care either way. Hahaha!"
Onlooker #1: Kill them! Send them to hell!
Onlooker #2: May Rez'mele have mercy on your soul, young Renard!
Onlooker #3: Hellspawn! I want to lock them in myself! Kill them!
Onlooker #4: Look! Up in the sky! Clouds?
Hayford Enforcer: In the middle of a sweltering summer? Impossible!
Onlooker #3: It's coming this way ...
Wagon Driver: "Ah! The rain is cold! I'm freezing!"
Red Prelate: "The end is near! We must make haste! Hurry, the defilers, kill them! Kill them and-"
Onlooker #3: "Holyman Barr! Struck down by lightening! Run-"
Onlooker #2: "Save me!"
Renard: "Zinnia, stop this! You must stop!"
Zinnia: " ... "
Renard: "Zinnia, what is wrong?"
Zinnia: "This is not my doing! ... hehe ... haHAHAHA!"
Renard: "Zinnia ... "
Lord Voss: "You ... You've brought this demoness upon us!"
Renard: "No, Fath- I mean Lord Voss, I-"
Lord Voss: "Your mother, your cruel, adulterous mother, forced me to take you in. You are not mine. You never were! A curse is what you are! I'LL KILL YOU MYSELF!"
Renard: " ... Lord Voss?"
Zinnia: "Even lords are not above its wrath! HAHAHA!"
Renard: "Yet us lowly creatures are spared from the bolts ... hehehe ... Hahaha!"