"You really did it this time, Sarah. I can't believe you would do something like this."
"Blaine, come on! How was I supposed to know that telling him about you would mess up your relationship?"
"Common sense, Sarah. Listen to yours sometimes. If you just kept your mouth shut then he wouldn't be freaking out about nothing!"
"Honestly I felt bad when I told James about that guy because he was so devastated. But I think this works out for you."
"In what universe does this work out for me? I am about to get dumped by my boyfriend."
"Well, being single again is better than having a boyfriend who gets jealous over the smallest thing! He's playing the victim here but the truth is he is a manipulative cray-cray of a boyfriend."
"Don't call my boyfriend cray-cray! James is not crazy, he's supportive and attentive. Something none of my boyfriends in the past weren't."
"Fuck, dating is so messed up. I am glad I am self partnered."
"Shut up Emma Watson, no one believes you are self partnered. You just gave up because you don't have anyone sniffing around your lady goods because you are weirder than ten otakus combined!"
"Being an otaku has nothing to do with me being self partnered. Guys are just either really creepy or self-involved so I don't want to be with anyone like that."
"Women are plenty weird and we definitely invented being self-involved. But that is neither here nor there. You still haven't helped me figure out how I can get my boyfriend to stop freaking the hell out because of Ivan!"
"Just tell him that Ivan is interested in me and I mixed up the signals. Tell him that Ivan actually wants to go out on a date with me and I was just too dense to realize it."
"If I tell James a flat out lie, that might blow up in my face later. I hate lying to James."
"For crying out loud, you told the guy that he was your first everything and that you ripped your hymen when you were a figure skating trainee. Anything less than your fake virginity is forgivable at this point."
"You are so not helpful."
"I wasn't really bringing my A-game. I told you that as per this guy I am pro break-up because he is just way too possessive. He might kill you one day over a text message coming from a male colleague. I do not want to have to organize your funeral before we are 95 at least."
"The life expectancy is now 118. Why are you killing me so early."
"I figured that for every year that you live as that guy's partner or girlfriend, one year is shaved off the maximum life expectancy."
"I have only been his girlfriend for a year! Shouldn't I die at 117?"
"Nah, I am sure you won't have the self-esteem level high enough to break up with him sooner rather than later so I am estimating that you would stay with him for a bit. Till life knocks some sense into you. Or he knocks you to the ground a few times."
"That is the worst thing you can ever say to me, Sarah. I can't believe you're my best friend. Seriously messed up."
"Look, I am trying to be honest with you and as a matter of fact, I truly believe he would escalate to being violent one day. So all I am saying is to put me on speed dial just in case. The first one should be 911 just in case."
"You are scaring me now. All that from James being jealous over Ivan's post of the two of us volunteering together?"
"Right now James has a valid reason. Your photo with Ivan is way too cozy for him to see any reason. But this incident aside, James snarls at almost every guy who even so much as breathes within twenty feet of you. You are a head turner Blaine."
"No I am not, people have not been doing that since I dated James because I exude the aura of something taken."
"Taken hostage to be more precise. You haven't walked beside you and James before, I have. I have seen him give about a hundred death glares at men when we walk around the mall together. It's seriously max creepo. He even motioned to one guy who wouldn't stop looking that he would slit that guy's throat."
"That is an exaggeration. You must have been seeing things."
"It's your funeral, babe. Don't need to say I told you so when he actually goes all Silence of the Lambs on you."
"You are not helping."
"Like previously advertised, here to tease not to ease."
"I hate you."
"I love you too, brat. Call me when your craylove ends up breaking your uke heart."
"Uke my ass."
"That is actually redundant as an uke is the bottom ad so Uke my ass is technically Bottom my ass. Which is a weird sentence."
"Stop otakusplaning things to me. Sick of it."
"Bye, biatch."
"I don't want to hear it. I just want you to do one thing for me, Blaine."
"What is it? I'd do anything. Just please don't be mad anymore."
"I hate that you spend time with Ivan who clearly is trying to seduce you."
"James, he is just a friend. We just do some things together. He's been my friend since Sarah and I were nine. He's like a brother to me."
"The fact that you don't see that he is messing up our relationship is what's troubling me. He is trying to peacock around you so that you would compare me to him. I am a normal guy. He's some flashy YouTuber freak who does things for clout. You are beautiful and he wants you to be his girlfriend so he can flex you to his subscribers and followers!"
"I have always supported him in whatever he does. His followers know that Sarah and I are like his sisters. It would weird them out if we started dating. So we never did and we never will because dating Ivan is like being with my brother. It's incestuous, James. It would never happen."
"Then why is your brother calling you at odd hours in the morning for late-night chats? Are you guys stepping out and fucking while I sleep."
"What are you talking about? How do you even know that I am talking to him at dawn? Did you check my phone?"
"I cloned your phone. I can see your call history, text messages, and even the hidden folders you have of your new boyfriend's photos. If you have nothing to hide, why do you have a password on that folder."
"Because you keep making me keep secrets from you! Do you know what it feels like not to be trusted by the person you love the most in the world?"
"Stop victim-blaming, Blaine! You did that because you didn't want me to see those cheesy and disgusting selfies you had with that fucker Ivan!"
"James, god. I love you but you are really crazy. Sarah was right. This is not working. I won't be able to survive to 117 if I keep loving someone who is clearly so toxic that he can't even be reasoned to."
"Where are you going?"
"Let go of my hair!"
"Running off to your Ivan, that dickless dog?!"
"James, let me go! You are hurting me! Stop squishing my mouth. Ihh fhukin hwurts. (It fucking hurts)."
"I would rather rip your lips off before I let you kiss that bastard with it."
"Let me go! You shit, take that!"
"Ah that hurts, my balls."
"Come back here! Blaine, you bitch. Get back here!"
"Sarah, Sarah, call the police I am at James apartment building. I am going to try to run to the first floor. I am in the fire escape stairway, 20th floor."
"Fuck, I told you to call the cops first! Are you insane?"
"Tell my parents I love them. And if anything happens to me it's definitely James' fault. He's crazy."
"Just call the cops and I will call them too. Run as fast as you can and get away from him. Try to find people who can help you. Just get out of there as fast as you can and I will call you as soon as I call the police."
"I love you, Sarah. You are the best friend a girl could ever have. If I get out of this I will definitely listen to you about everything."
"Just call the cops already."
"Right. Ok. Bye. Love you."
"Hello 911, what's your emergency?"
"My boyfriend is trying to kill me, I am running down the emergency stairway at 308 West Side, the Golver Condo. I am on the fifteenth floor now. Please help me. He hurt me and I ran away from him but he is running after me."
"Okay, I am sending a dispatch to your location. What's your name honey?"
"It's Blaine. I am Blaine."
"Okay, Blaine, I'm Judy. I want you to stay on the line until you get to meet another person who can help you. Just stop running in the stairway and get out so you can find someone who can help you. Do you know anyone else in the building?"
"No, I don't. I just need to run to the lobby, the security guys are there. I can get help from them."
"Okay, Blaine, dispatch is coming to you but I am also going to alert the security personnel of that building so they can come and help you, okay?"
"Thank you. Thank you."
"It's going to be okay, Blaine. I got you."
"Help me!"
"You think you can outrun me, I am a track champion, you bitch. Running off to be with your fucking lover isn't going to work out for you. I would rather bury you first before I let anyone else bury their dick in you!"
"Help me, someone please help me! Fire! Fire!"
"That whole fire bit won't work. People don't really care about other people anymore. No one is coming to help you, you're mine and no one else is going to get the chance to be with you."
"My family will come looking for me."
"Not if you want them to stay safe. After all, I can know the code to your parents' house, your sister's house and Sarah's house. I can easily come in and kill them all in their sleep."
"Fuck you, you are a psychopath!"
"You made this way because you are a slut. Why are women such sluts? I am a nice and loyal guy but I am surrounded by sluts who can't keep it in their pants. My mom cheated on my father then left us behind because of some welfare dick. My sister has boyfriends even if she's married, her pussy husband just lets her. I am not going to let that happen to me. I am going to be wearing the pants in this relationship. I am going to make sure no one touches what is mine! And you are mine, Blaine. All mine."
"James, you are sick. You should get help. Please let me go. I won't tell anyone that this happened. Please. I loved you. I don't want you to get hurt anymore."
"Love me. That's the right word, love not loved. You can't love anyone else but me, Blaine. I don't deserve to be screwed over by a cunt and a slut."
"James, please let me go. I won't tell anyone."
"And I will make sure that you never could. Maybe I should cut your tongue off. That would keep you from talking. But I love kissing you with tongue so it's a hard decision to make."
"James, please. You're hurting me."
"Not as much as you hurt me when you fucked that douchetuber Ivan."
"I never fucked him. I never had sex with anyone but you."
"Do you think I was born yesterday? I already know that you had sex with Ivan and so many other men. I already catfished all those information out of all of the fuckers who flapped and fucked you. You dirty slut. I am going to kill you and then send the box of your parts to that douche so he can unbox them on his channel."
"James, please please."
"Stop begging and start walking. I'll draw you a bath so you can wash off the filth and sweat. Then we will have our sweet time together all day long."
"James, please. No."
"Get your ass up or I will drag you by the hair!"
"James, please."
"You will be changing your tone later once I am banging your head on the headboard."
"Police! Put your hands up! Get away from the girl! Now!"
"Fuck. Blaine? You fucking called the cops?"
"Sir, stay away from the girl now!"
"Fuck this."
"Run after him, I'll take care of the girl."
"This is Officer Smith, we responded to the 217 (assault with the intent to murder). Officers need 129 requesting back-up. The suspect is running up to the stairway. Level 16 and going up."
"Blaine, oh my God! Are you okay?"
"No, but they got him."
"That bastard! I am going to kill him when I get my hands on him,"
"Take a number. I get first dibs."
"Ivan! What are you doing here?"
"I called him. I need muscle just in case the police arrive late."
"Need to use these muscles I got for superhero work."
"Stop it. You would have gotten hurt. I am glad that police found us in time."
"I am just glad that you are okay."
"Ivan, you are squishing me. I need to breathe."
"Yes, Ivan. Stop the squish and let's get her home."
"I still need to go to the police station to file the report and everything."
"We are coming with you then."
"Thanks, Ivan. I owe you guys a big one."
"Well, we can arrange for something in return."
"No, I am not telling my brother that you think he is hot."
"Come on. We could be sisters for real if you do that."
"I can't believe this muscleman is a pride parade member. The irony of it all."
"Sarah, come on. You have always known that we are three sistahs."
"If only James knew that you were gay, he never would have flipped out like that."
"Blaine, you need therapy and bad guy withdrawal support group meetings. James is a sick bastard who wanted to kill you and you are still defending him."
"I just can't believe I got it so wrong this time too."
"James is the worst of the bunch. Trust me. When really horrible things happen, the universe balances things with something awesome. Balance is key."
"Speaking of awesome things. Look at that hottie."
"Blaine, I call dibs on the hot cop in the left. He looks like he has a magnum in his pants."
"I can't believe you guys are slobbering over the cops who rescued me minutes after I got rescued."
"Miss Perez, I'm Office Smith and this Officer Herrera. We are going to escort you to the police station if you are up for it."
"Doesn't she need to go to the hospital first, Smith?"
"No, I don't. I am just shook up. I didn't get a whole lot of injuries since I ran."
"Ma'am, we need a doctor to check up on everything. We have the CCTV video that should the assault but it's best to get a medical certificate to back it up."
"I am not sure if my injuries are enough to get him locked up."
"Ma'am, not all injuries are physical. That's why we try to get the bad guy sooner, so you won't have to get any more hurt than you already are."
"Thanks, Officer Herrera. You guys are my heroes. Thank you so much."
"Just cry it out ma'am. Let's get you to a hospital so we can get everything checked out."
"We'll follow the patrol in Ivan's car. See you in a bit, Blaine."
"Okay. See you then."
"I am not sure if this is a good idea. I mean, he probably thinks I am a crazed cop fan."
"Blaine, for heaven's sake. The guy saved you from an abuser. He's a hero. Your hero. The least you can do is thank him."
"It's their job to save people. That's kinda what the cops are for."
"Are you going to chicken out again or should I drag you to the police station in your pajamas?"
"Fine. I am getting dressed. I can't believe this is happening. Why do I have to triple date with you and Ivan?"
"Well, Smith told Ivan that he's cute. Then Ivan said Smith's buddy Jorje is cute. So Herreta is tagging along because Smith's his partner and he's bored. We told him that we would go clubbing together and that you are flying solo too. He's supposed to keep you company."
"So I am the pity date. Great thanks."
"Woman, you told me that you would listen to me from that day until you die so you better put on that little black dress we bought and some of those famous skimps you call underwear. We need to get you some Mexican polla tonight."
"I can't believe that you just looked up the Mexican word for dick to use it on me."
"When else would I use it?"
"I can't believe you're my friend."
"I am your savior so I am gonna save you from your bad boy fetish and hooking you up with a decent guy for once. Now get your sexy on!"
"I am sorry that they forced you to be my date, Herrera."
"You can call me Marco, you know. It's not like you are in the force. No need to call me Herrera."
"Right. Marco."
"And just so you know, I have been begging Smith to set us up. But Ivan keeps saying that you are still not in a good place. I am glad that they finally got around to doing this."
"I am saying that I like you."
"Marco, I'm not - "
"It's okay if you aren't ready for anyone to be a part of your life again. I am a patient guy. So just take your time. I can be your friend for as long as you need me to be. I just want you to know that I do want to be your boyfriend at some point."
"I am sorry if I can't..."510Please respect copyright.PENANAcJnDmTyKnf
"Like I said, friends?"510Please respect copyright.PENANAr3Blv2UZ2c
"Friends."510Please respect copyright.PENANA0LWdOd50zG
==510Please respect copyright.PENANAnSLSzFhHai
"You must be crazy not to like that guy back."510Please respect copyright.PENANAsfYzsBnNsv
"Ivan, you know that I can't be with anyone right now. I am messed up and I can't drag him into my messy head right now."510Please respect copyright.PENANAaKlM5XHahV
"If I didn't have Smith, I would make Marco gay and send you nudes of us just to spite you."510Please respect copyright.PENANApCtfT5cTVo
"Dude."510Please respect copyright.PENANAG0cxVCZT1w
"Sarah, please. Blaine is being a complete love shut-in. We can't let this happen."510Please respect copyright.PENANALEX3fjpzzI
"Let her make her own mistakes. If she doesn't date Marco, we can just set him up with one of our other friends who have common sense."510Please respect copyright.PENANAYSA5RB486w
"Look, I am healing. I can't heal if I am relying on someone else."510Please respect copyright.PENANAThdADRjyXm
"Just make sure that you don't regret it in the end. Guys like Marco have a small singlehood window. He might rescue some model from a pervert and end up marrying here and having a dozen bronze beauties for kids."510Please respect copyright.PENANAwaaPDYffX7
"What she said."510Please respect copyright.PENANAPDc670JVK2
"I hate it when you two make sense together. It's so rare but annoying nevertheless."510Please respect copyright.PENANAoMYAmxg9cz
==510Please respect copyright.PENANA0UvyQ1BQJQ
"What are you doing here, Marco?"510Please respect copyright.PENANAJos922eue6
"I volunteer in this center."510Please respect copyright.PENANAXsVLWDP7zN
"You already work so hard. How do you find time to volunteer in the women's center?"510Please respect copyright.PENANAQBo5AmugVl
"My sister works here so she asked me to help teach some teenagers how to get out of a sticky situation. It's better to teach them than find them in a back alley somewhere, you know."510Please respect copyright.PENANAV3lOlViIBZ
"That's true. That's why I am taking self-defense lessons here."510Please respect copyright.PENANAOPrzcb5faJ
"I am glad that you are getting some exercise."510Please respect copyright.PENANAQVajFhQ8yd
"It also helps me keep my mental health stable. I felt so helpless then. I feel less so now that I know what to do."510Please respect copyright.PENANAyY5ayBj1Hw
"If you need any help practicing, call me. I can set up some one-on-one lessons for you."510Please respect copyright.PENANAKhBTne6LEi
"I don't want to be rescued next time."510Please respect copyright.PENANAetE48a29hv
"If you stay close to me, you wouldn't be in a dangerous situation like that."510Please respect copyright.PENANAqFaobsvsCb
"Really now?"510Please respect copyright.PENANAch6izws8P8
"Prevention is better than cure. If you are with a good guy who would love and support you. Someone who can trust you and you can trust fully, all you need to be is loved and protected. Learning self-defense would just be for emergencies outside not in your life."510Please respect copyright.PENANAErq7mbP4Cp
"I'll keep that in mind, Officer Herrera."510Please respect copyright.PENANAhUGupaWNY2
"Glad to be of service, ma'am."510Please respect copyright.PENANAVpJV6IwRTv
"Text me when your next day off is."510Please respect copyright.PENANAukbsCYuPXh
"Whatever for?"510Please respect copyright.PENANAf1FVrMjSwU
"I need that private lesson after all."510Please respect copyright.PENANAVbbd5Mt2ES
"I am sure you can teach some stuff too."510Please respect copyright.PENANAybn2B2V4Cg
"Oh, you can count on that."510Please respect copyright.PENANAnm0kTo7Cq0
510Please respect copyright.PENANAXSdVsDoxTQ