"Momma! Momma! Guess what I learned today in school!"
"What did you learn about, my little flower?"
"What's a flower....?"
"Well, a flo-"
"No! You have to guess what I learned about! Its so cool!"
"Hmph... Did you learn about animals?"
"Nope! Guess again!"
"No, no no no. I learned about the sky."
"What about the sky, hunny?"
"It, used, to, be, blue! I can't even believe it!"
"Yes, it was blue, long long ago."
"You're old momma, did you see the sky when it was blue. What was it like!?"
"Now hold on, I'm not THAT old! I never got to see the sky when it was blue, but I bet it was very beautiful..."
"I wish I could see it... And not like in pictures... I have an idea!"
"We can go to Juuem! The teacher was talking about how their skies are still blue, and they have trees, and grass, and all kinds of animals. We can take a spaceship there!"
"Oh, hunny. We don't have enough status to visit another planet, but I'm sure that one day, you'll be able to see the blue sky."
"Hey momma...?"
"Can we make my hair blue, like how the sky was..."
"We'll come back to that when you're older."
"But mommaaa..."
"No buts! Shouldn't you be watching your lesson on, what was it... Year 2341. That was an important year you know, that's when the World Council was formed."
"But thats like a million years ago...."