Previously, Olliver and Xander are being chased by Yin's subordinate. But sadly, their car sink in the water. It's a large pond. Yin's subordinate came out from their car and check the two of them from a far, after that he go back to the basecamp to report Yin that the two of them already died. Some hours later people saw their car floating and help to take both of them out from the car. The two of them was sent to hospital. But, sadly, Olliver aka Atlas, injured a lot and died at the hospital, however Xander survived the accident.
In other side, Yin's basecamp.
"How is it? Have you done your mission?" Ask Yin.
"Yep done." Said his subordinate.
"Really? Have you check it yourself?" Ask Yin.
"Well, I cannot see it well, but then, their car is sinking." Said the subordinate.
"Their? Who else was in the car?" Ask Yin.
"Xander is also inside the car." Said the subordinate.
"SHIT! I told you to kill Atlas! Not Xander! Are you both stupid?! She is doing well with her job!" Said Yin, looks so angry.
"I'm sorry. But the two running away together." Said the subordinate.
"What else did you found in his apartment?!" Ask Yin.
"This. His second phone." Said the subordinate, handing him Atlas phone.
Yin is checking his phone throughly. There he found the calling list is full with "Boss" names. He also check all the messages on that phone. Including his family.
"I found a message from his family. This guy named Arema, I think he is so close with Atlas.." Said Yin.
"Maybe it is his brother." Said the subordinate.
"Atlas is died. So just make sure that you take care of this mess, just reply normally everything in this phone." Said Yin, handing the phone to his subordinate.
"Alright." Said the subordinate, taking the phone.
Few days later, Xander finally open her eyes. She is looking around her. She is in a hospital. A nurse came to her room to check on her.
"Oh thanks God you finally awake!" Said the nurse.
"Where is it?" Ask Xander.
"You are in the hospital, Miss." Said the nurse.
"How many days I'm here...?" Ask Xander.
"It's already three days.." Said the nurse.
"Where is Olliver?..." Ask Xander.
"Who? I didn't see anyone come to this room this three days.." Said the nurse.
"My friend.. He is in the same car with me.. He is sitting right next to me..." Said Xander.
"Ah that guy.. I'm so sorry for you.. When he is gotten to the hospital, he is already died.." Said the nurse.
"Where is he now?" Ask Xander.
"Still in the hospital.. Morgue room. We have saw his identity, but we found no one to call on his contact list, so we are waiting for you to awake.." Said the nurse.
"Where is he now? I want to see him now.." Said Xander.
"But you are just awake, Miss.." Said the nurse.
Xander taking out the infuse needle on her arm, and wake up from the bed. She is walking to the morgue room to find Olliver's body. The nurse is helping her and guide her. She finally arrived in front of the morgue room. The nurse lead her to Olliver's body which has been covered with the white cloth. Xander open the face part. She look at it, it's really Olliver. She burst into tears.
"Can you leave us for awhile? I want some privacy to talk with him for the last time." Said Xander to the nurse.
"Sure.. I will be outside the room, incase you need anything, just call me." Said the nurse, after that she left the room.
"Olliver.. I don't know what happen with you and why they are chasing you. But from today onwards I promise myself and you to find out what happens and I will revenge them what they did to you. I don't know your family or how to contact them, but I promise you to rest in a beautiful place." Said Xander. After some words are said, she start praying for some minutes and walkout from the room. There she prepare to Bury Olliver near her hometown.
In other side, the boss of the police station haven't heard an news from Atlas for few days already. But then, Arema already got a reply from his brother phone.
Ar: Atlas! Where are you?? Mom and me waits you home..
At: Nice. I can't come home.
Ar: Eh?! Why is that???
At: I'm busy.
Ar: Alright, good luck with your works. Oh yeah, Mars is fine here, don't worry he is eating so well.
At: That's good.
Ar: Ok. Bye~
At: K.
Arema who is confuse with his brother's typing asking her mom.
"Mom. This is weird. Why Atlas replying like this??" Ask Arema, showing her mom the chat.
"Maybe he is busy.." Said his mother.
"His typing is unnormal. It's not like him. It's unusual.." Said Arema.
"Maybe I will ask the police station tomorrow, we will go there and visit him. It's already a long time since his visit to our house.." Said his mother.
"Sure.. I'm coming too." Said Arema.
On that same day at night, Xander leaving the hospital. She came to Olliver's apartment. She check on his apartment. His apartment is in a mess. Some stuff in the cupboard inside his room is missing. She also check every shelf in the livingroom. She only found a photo of his mom and Arema on the TV shelf.
"This might be his family, his mom and his brother." Said Xander.
She also find another clue and found a document left on the bedroom. It's written Atlas name and there is a sign on the document. While he is checking, someone coming to the apartment. She went outside to check and find out a man with police uniform standing on the living room with a shock face after looking at the mess apartment.
"Who are you? Who called you here?? Why are you here?" Ask Xander.
"Calm down. I'm Oliver's friend.. I came to visit him since I haven't heard any news about him for this past few days." Said the boss.
"... He is dead..." Said Xander.
"Dead?! How?!" Ask the boss.
"It's a long story." Said Xander.
"Then why are you coming to his apartment?! Stealing?" Ask the boss.
"No.. I'm searching an information about him and his family... I want to get a revenge for his dead.." Said Xander.
To be continued........