Arema awake from his sleep and prepare himself for school. Before leaving his brother rooms he saw a newspaper on his desk. There is a red circle for a news called the missing people. While in the middle of reading the news, his mom already calling him for a breakfast.
"Arema, c'mon eat your breakfast! You are gonna be late if you prepare yourself for too long?" Shout his mom from the dining room.
Arema quickly go to the kitchen and his mom welcome him.
"Morning mom!" Said Arema.
"There you are. Now quickly eat the breakfast." Said his mom.
"Ok I will. Did you see Atlas mom?" Ask Arema.
"Atlas? He already gone since 5 am this morning." Said his mom.
"So early. Did he forgot to bring his newspaper?" Ask Arema.
"What?" Ask his mom.
"Yeah, the newspaper he is reading is still on his desk." Said Arema.
"Did he? Have you call him and ask him yet?" Ask his mom.
"Nop.. Shall I bring it to him?" Ask Arema.
"If you insist, then, go on." Said his mom.
"Yash!!" Shout Arema. He quickly went to his brother rooms and bring the newspaper he read before inside his bag. After that he go back to the dining room and bid a bye to his mom.
"Mom I'm going first~!" Said Arema.
"Wait you haven't finish the breakfast!" Said his mom.
"It's okay mom, put it to fridge, I will eat it for my snack after I back from school!" Said Arema, and he left the house.
While walking in the street, he is messaging his brother, Atlas.
Ar: Bro, are you in your office now?
At: Yeah, wassup? You miss me? Haha
Ar: Nah, I'm going there just bring the newspaper that you forgot to bring..
At: Ah, yeah, that's why I didn't found that in my bag, thanks for reminding me~
Ar: Aha! Pay me with a food!
At: Sure, I will wait for you here~
While sending a text, Arema bump into someone. That person looks suspicious. Arema bump him and he said sorry. That person looks like a 40 years old person.
"I'm sorry.." Said that person, bowing to Arema.
"N-no.. It's okay.." Said Arema.
After that, the guy keep walking but he is looking around everywhere. Arema look at him for a few second but then he continue walking to his brother office. Soon he finally arrive in the police office. Outside the building he is welcomed by a police guard who is on his duty.
"G'morning sir!" Greet Arema.
"Morning, what business do you have in here? Aren't you supposed to go to school today, kid?" Ask the guard.
"Yeah, but I have to deliver a stuff that my brother forgot to bring here. Can I enter?" Ask Arema.
"Who is your brother name?" Ask the guard.
"Atlas." Said Arema.
"Ah.. The new kid, alright you can come in!" Said the guard.
Arema finally come inside the building, there he saw so many police is working on his desk. Finally his eyes found Atlas, he is sitting on his desk so focus on the computer screen. Arema walk close to him and greet him.
"Yo bro! Here is your newspaper!" Said Arema.
"Ah! You finally come~ Thanks~" Said Atlas.
Suddenly there is a girl coming their way.
"Atlas~ who is that cute boy beside you~" Said the girl.
"Ah.. That is my little brother." Said Atlas.
"No wonder he is cute~ He is your little brother~ I'm Quinn, nice to meet you~" Said the girl while waving her hand to Arema.
"I'm Arema~ Nice to meet you sister!~" Said Arema smiling.
"Jeez.. Bunch of kids..." Said Atlas.
After that Quinn back to her seat. Arema looking at his brother screen.
"Atlas, who is that person on your screen?" Said Arema.
"A wanted person.. He is one of the suspect for this morning case that I read in the newspaper." Said Atlas.
Arema start staring at that photo for sometimes. That person looks familiar.
"Hush! You need to go to school now!" Said Atlas.
"Alright I will.." Said Arema.
Atlas take a new bento and a new bottled juice from his friends table and give it to Arema.
"There, take it and leave." Said Atlas.
"Bro... I mean a resto.." Said Arema.
"Hurry go!" Said Atlas.
"Alright. Thanks~" Arema running, he went to school.
The person beside his seat coming back from toilet and surprised.
Atlas only hold his laughter.
"Otto, it's okay, we need to go to cafe again later~" Said Atlas.
Meanwhile in other side, Arema finally arrive in his school. When he sit on his seat he suddenly remember the guy that he bump this morning. He chuckle for awhile because it's him who didn't look at him well, but why that person said sorry to him? Then he remember the photo in his brother screen. He quickly message his brother.
Ar: Atlas, can you send me the photo of the person in your screen before?
At: For what?
Ar: He looks so familiar...
At: Alr. Here you go. *Sending the photo*
Ar: Shit.. It's the same person I saw this morning I guess?
At: Damn! Where you saw him?
Ar: In the xx street, we bump into each other while I'm messaging you this morning...
At: Thanks for your info!
Ar: Ur welcome.. But what case he did?
At: The one I saw in the newspaper this morning..
Ar: The one that your circle with red mark?
At: Yeah! Anyway. I gotta go now, thanks for your info.
Ar: Yeah..
Back to the police office.
"Shit! My brother saw the suspect this morning! He bump onto him!" Said Atlas.
"Where did he saw him?!" Ask Otto.
"XX street this morning. We need to hurry now!" Said Atlas.
"I'm coming too~!" Said Quinn.
"Alright, he might be not too far around that area." Said Atlas
"Yeah. I will prepare the car right away." Said Otto, quickly take his car.
"Do we need to call your brother too? Maybe to, interrogate him..?" Ask Quinn.
"Good idea. Let's go." Said Atlas.
The 3 of them team up and went to Atlas school and take him with them. While he ask the police team to take a look at the area.
In the police office.
"Brie, I got a call from a parents just now, his child is missing.." Said Ned.
"Have you ask where is the area?" Ask Brie.
"Yeah, around XX street." Said Ned.
"Shit. How's the victim looks like?" Ask Brie.
"15 yo. Girl. Lost while doing her part time job in a restaurant last night.They haven't sent the photo yet." Said Ned.
"Atlas already with his team. Maybe the suspect is not too far from that area." Said Brie.
In suspect place side. 119Please respect copyright.PENANADAqSU4i7iy
"Shit! Let me go!" Said the kidnapped girl.
"No! We will get married and live in other country.. Far away from people.." Said the kidnapper.
"I don't want!!" Said the kidnapped girl.
"Sit there and stay quiet!" Said the kidnapper.
Back to Atlas car.
Inside the car there is already 4 people, including Arema. There inside the car he got questioned on how the suspect looks alike and how he met the suspect.
"We need to be quick.. I think he is not too far from this area." Said Atlas.
"I got a message from Brie, there is another new victim. A 15 yo girl who work part time around this area." Said Otto.
"Alright. We need to surround the area." Said Quinn.
"Uh.. Can I go home now?" Said Arema.
"Oh sure. You can go back by yourself right?" Ask Atlas.
"Yes. Just drop me to the nearest station." Said Arema.
"Thanks for your help Rema." Said Atlas.
"Ur welcome, bro." Said Arema.
After that Atlas drop him to the nearest station and Arema go home by himself.
When he arrived at home, his mom is watching the news.
"Mom, I'm home~" Said Arema.
"Welcome home Arema~" Said his mom.
"Mom what are you watching?" Ask Arema.
"Of course a drama. Oh! Wait! Breaking news!" Said his mom.
"Wow!" Arema surprised.
"Look! Isn't That YOUR BROTHER!! ATLAS!!" Said his mom.
"Yeah he is!! Did the culprit have caught!?" Said Arema.
"Yeah look like he is.... Hiding on the old empty house... That's scary.. it's around XX street, the street where you always passing when you go to school... You have to be carefull.." Said his mom.
"I bump on him this morning mom..." Said Arema.
"WHAAAT!!? Why didn't you tell me?! Are you okay? Not hurt anywhere?!" Ask his mom, while checking his body if there is any scratch or not.
"Nothing mom. He is already caught anyway... I'm going to my room, please call me when brother is back~" Said Arema.
"Alright..." Said his mom.
To be continued...
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