After Olliver and his boss left the room, Takeyama subordinate panic. The two subordinate quickly chase Olliver and his boss and leaving the room. Meanwhile a woman waitress came to the room, grinning, and taking all the diamonds on that table and then she left the restaurant. Outside the restaurant she take off the restaurant uniform which is a kimono and untangle her hair, and continue wearing her casual clothing. Turn out, she is working under the same boss with Olliver. Now she is taking all the diamonds with her, and she left back to the headquarters with a sport car that she own. Meanwhile the two subordinate failed to chase Olliver and his boss. They lost their footprints.
Finally Olliver and his boss arrived in the headquarters. The two of them are sitting on the sofa. They are waiting for the girl who took the diamond to comeback. For some minute they are quiet. Then finally Olliver start the conversation.
"What did you put to his tea?" Ask Olliver.
"A poison of course. A deadly one." Said Yin.
"And what are we waiting now?" Ask Olliver.
"Of course the diamond." Said Yin.
"How? His subordinate chase us??" Said Olliver.
"Easy. You think I'm too stupid? Of course I prepared my subordinate too.." Said Yin.
Right after that, a woman with a blonde hair, came to them.
"Greetings." Said the woman.
"Hey, how is it? Did you get it?" Ask Yin.
"Yeah I did." Said the woman.
"Who is she?" Ask Olliver.
"Oh! Sorry, forget to introduce you, she is Xander. One of my subordinate who is expert in disguising herself as whoever we need." Said Yin.
"Hi, nice to meet you~" Said Xander in a sexy tone voice and her eyes winking at Olliver.
"Oh.. hi." Said Olliver.
"Now that we already done the bargain today, you guys can go back to your place. Oh and before I forget, Olliver got 2, and Xander got 2, balance." Said Yin, distributing a full small bag of the diamonds.
"Thanks....." Said Olliver.
"Thankyou boss~" Said Xander.
Right after that the two of them leave the headquarters and go back home. Olliver get back home like yesterday, parking his car far away from his apartment, and using public transport to get back to his apartment.
While he is doing that, Xander is following him quietly without he knows and she report it back to Yin.
Right after Olliver arrived at his apartment, he quickly lock the door. He take out the diamonds he got and put it on a small plastic bag. He gonna use it as an evidence and put it back to his shelf placed in his bedroom. After that he take a shower. Soon at night time, after he has done his dinner, he call back to his director in police office to report.
"How is it?" Ask the director.
"Day 2 of getting used to my new life.." Said Olliver.
"Hahaha what did you get? Any info?" Ask the director.
"Yeah, 2 piece of diamond for a new evidence, and have you get the message I sent you before?" Ask Olliver.
"Ah yeah, to go to that Japanese restaurant. I already done that. No worries I got the evidence of that poisoned tea in my office now." Said the director.
"Great. We already got 2 evidence." Said Olliver.
"Actually 3. I also count Mr. Takeyama's dead body." Said the director.
"Oh by the way, I think I need another help from you." Said Olliver.
"Oh yeah, sure. What is it? Just tell." Said the director.
"Can you come here to pick my cat and send it to my families?" Ask Olliver.
"Oh, right now?" Ask the director.
"Tomorrow in the morning at 7 AM. Make sure you wear a casual clothing, I'm scared some of their subordinate following me here. Also, I will give you the diamond evidence that I get." Said Olliver.
"Oh sure I will come to your place tomorrow." Said the director.
"Alright, thanks. I will inform you again later when I have the new info." Said Olliver.
The next day, the director came to his apartment, taking the cat and the diamond for the evidence of this case. After the director accept the cat, he went to Atlas aka Oliver's house, where his brother Arema and his mom stayed.
The director finally arrive and he ring the doorbell.
"Good morning! You might be Atlas' mother!" Said the director.
"Oh yeah, I am, and you?" Ask Atlas mom.
"I am, Ollivers colleague, I'm here to send this cat to as what Atlas asking." Said the director, lying himself as Atlas colleague, and give the cat to his mom.
"Oh.. I thought he gonna came and give it to us by himself. We are sorry to bother you.." Said Atlas mom.
"Oh no worries. Atlas is so busy lately that he doesn't have a day off from the office.." Said the director, lying again
"Alright, thankyou then, please send him my thanks and ask him to visit his home when he is free." Said Atlas mom.
"Okay. I will tell him that. I have to go now." Said the director.
"Alright thank you and bye." Said Atlas mom.
The director finally left the house and back to his office.
To be continued...........