The city stretched out before them, a maze of streets and secrets waiting to be discovered. Aurelia clutched the car keys, her excitement palpable. Nickolas, ever the pragmatic one, adjusted his glasses and scanned the bustling sidewalks. Selena, camera in hand, wore an anticipatory grin.
“Where to first?” Aurelia asked, her eyes dancing with mischief. “The Elemental Café for a dose of caffeine magic, or the Quantum Park to ponder the mysteries of the universe?”
Nickolas raised an eyebrow. “I vote for the library. You know, a quiet place to—”
Aurelia cut him off. “Oh, Nicky, you’re such a bookworm. But we’re in the heart of the city! Let’s live a little.”
Selena chimed in. “How about the Elemental Art Gallery? They’re showcasing a collection of kinetic sculptures. Perfect for capturing on film.”
Nickolas sighed. “Fine, fine. But can we at least swing by the Elemental Science Museum later? I heard they have a new exhibit on magnetism.”
Aurelia teased him. “Sure, Nicky. We’ll save that for our ‘thrilling’ date night. Come on, we get one weekend away from school and all you think about is school.”
“Shut up, Ari. And for the trillionth time, do not, and I repeat, do not call me Nicky!” he hissed. His cheeks flushed, and Selena burst into laughter.
“Oh, this is too good. Nicky, the ever-serious guy, caught in Aurelia’s web of playfulness.”
Nickolas mumbled something about equations and rolled his eyes. “Let’s just go already.”
As they strolled through the city, Aurelia snapped photos of colorful murals, while Selena captured candid moments of passersby. Nickolas, ever the observer, pointed out architectural details and hidden symbols.
“Look,” he said, pointing at a wrought-iron gate. “That emblem—it’s a chemical symbol for transformation.”
Aurelia grinned. “And there’s a café nearby. Let’s transform our hunger into a feast!”
“Seriously? We’ve come outside on a break and all you can think about is food. You know, I really hate you sometimes, Aurelia.”
“You’re adorable when you’re angry, you know?”
“Whatever…” he grumbled. “Let’s just go eat.”
Selena sighed, watching the two. She was happy for them but wished she herself had someone to tease and call by a ridiculous nickname. But for now, she’d capture their moments, freeze them in time, and savor the company of this unlikely trio.
The Elemental Café stood at the corner of a narrow cobblestone street, its facade adorned with whimsical murals depicting steaming coffee cups, swirling galaxies, and dancing flames. As Aurelia, Nickolas, and Selena stepped inside, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloped them like a warm embrace.
The interior was equally enchanting. Sunlight streamed through stained glass windows, casting kaleidoscopic patterns on the mosaic-tiled floor. The walls were adorned with abstract paintings that seemed to shift and change as if responding to the cafe’s mystical energy.
Aurelia led the way to a cozy corner table, its surface embedded with shimmering crystals. She slid onto the cushioned seat, her eyes still sparkling with mischief. Selena followed suit, camera strap slung across her chest, ready to capture every moment. Nickolas hesitated, then sat down, adjusting his glasses and glancing around as if assessing whether or not the structure could fall apart anytime soon.
“Welcome, may I take your order?” the waiter asked, dressed in a white shirt and black pants.
“Yes, one chicken burger for me,” Selena replied. “What about you, Ari?”
“I don’t know, Lina… it all looks delicious,” she muttered to herself, “I’ll get the popcorn chicken rice bowl. And you, Nicky?”
“I’ll get the macaroni and cheese pasta.” Nickolas replied.
“Done. I’ve noted that down, please wait for a few minutes, and your order will be ready.” the waiter said, clicking the top of his pen and walked off with their order.
Aurelia’s gaze lingered on Nickolas as he adjusted his glasses, his eyes darting around the café. The stained-glass windows painted colorful patterns on his face, and for a moment, she wondered if he was part of the café’s enchantment. Selena, busy framing the perfect shot with her camera, seemed oblivious to the vibrant atmosphere.
“So,” Aurelia began, her voice low, “what brings you both to this mystical corner of the world?”
Nickolas cleared his throat, avoiding her eyes. “Curiosity, I suppose. And perhaps a touch of fate.” His fingers traced the edge of the crystal-embedded table, and Aurelia noticed how they trembled ever so slightly.
Selena leaned in, her eyes alight with mischief. “Fate, huh? Is that what we’re calling it now?” She nudged Aurelia. “I think Nicky here’s not such a man of science after all.”
“How many times do I have to teach you all the pronunciation of my name? Hell, even Gallus has started calling me Nicky when he’s teasing me.” he complained.
“I miss him…” Selena said, sighing slightly. “I wonder how he’s doing in the lab. I hope he can still come to college every day just as he used to… minus the power fluctuations.”
“Yeah, so do I…” Nickolas added. “In the beginning of the year, there was this power cut in the college cafeteria, which he fixed. But he was complaining to me later on that a certain ‘Aurelia Oxide’s’ luminescence kind of stole his spotlight.”
“Huh… you probably didn’t expect me to heal him later, and for all of us to become friends.”
“I wonder what nickname we could call him by when he comes back out of the lab,” Selena mused. “Maybe we can use the new francium element. France? Frankie?”
Aurelia smirked and nudged Nickolas. “Looks like someone has a crush…” she teased Selena.
“I do not!”
“Then, what’s with the nickname thing?” Aurelia asked.
“I have to ask you two that!” Selena exclaimed.
“Exactly!” Nickolas chimed in. “What is with the nickname thing, Aurelia?”
“Cause it’s cute, duh.”
“It is not cute, Aurelia. It’s weird.” Nickolas affirmed, cheeks heating up as he spoke.
“Admit it, you love it…”
“I admit nothing. What makes you say I love it?”
Aurelia leaned back in her chair, her eyes dancing with mischief. “Oh, Nicky,” she drawled, “you’re practically glowing with affection. It’s like your own personal element.”
Nickolas’s cheeks flushed even deeper. “That’s ridiculous! I assure you; my feelings are purely—”
“Platonic?” Selena interrupted, her grin widening. “Come on, Nicky, you can’t deny the chemistry between you two.”
Nickolas sputtered, adjusting his glasses with exaggerated precision. “I was going to say non-existent. Wait… chemistry? We are discussing elemental powers, right? Not—”
“—not the tension between you and Aurelia? Sorry, that’s exactly what we’re discussing.” Selena finished, winking at Aurelia, who frowned slightly. “You know, I’ve been researching the effects of exposure to gold (II) oxide.”
“What, contagious stupidity? Excessive annoyance?” he answered, sarcastically.
“Nope. Rapid heartbeat, heightened emotions, blushing and an inability to form sentences.”
Nickolas threw his hands up. “Nonsense! I’m a man of logic, sense and-”
“Feelings for a certain girl who brightens up the room. Literally and figuratively.” Selena interrupted.
“Selena, eat your food or I’ma keep you suspended in the air,” Aurelia threatened her, munching on her own food which had just arrived. Her cheeks were just as red as his. Selena smiled, taking a big bite into her burger. Her mission was accomplished.
The young man sighed, swallowing his slight rising anger along with his pasta. “Thank you, Aurelia.”
“Oh, no. We’re not done annoying you yet. Just giving you a break.”
“Fine then, I’ll just come up with comebacks. Because there is absolutely no way that I will ever like Aurelia in that way. No offense, you’re nice and all, but we’re only friends.”
As the three of them ate, talking and sharing conversations and food, a reminder of their friendship despite how much of a pain they were to each other. They left the cafe, stomachs full of food and conversation full of fun, to go explore the next place on the itinerary ahead.
(High school chemistry does things to ya man don't blame me for the references Exposure to too much gold (ii) oxide i guess...)
[A/N #2: A person in a car in the mall isn't even the weirdest spectacle of the day. A dude was floating amd doing stunts in the air. Without related powers.]