As the auditorium doors swung open, the six friends - Aurelia, Nickolas, Selena, Gallus, Lead, and Thalia - stepped out into the cool evening air. The dean’s words about powers and their instructions still echoed in their minds. The talk had been enlightening, a reminder of the responsibility that came with their unique abilities.
“Moral of the story, Gallus, don’t forget your pills,” Selena said to Gallus, whose arm was slung around her shoulder casually.
Gallus smiled, and rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah… I will. Especially after what happened yesterday.”
“What happened yesterday?” Nickolas asked, trying to mimic Aurelia’s hovering.
“Uncle Frank…” Gallus grumbled.
“Francium episode,” Selena clarified, seeing his eyebrow raised. “It decided to disrupt a relaxing walk,”
“And a thrilling game of Mario Kart,” Aurelia said, a mock frown on her face.
“Wait, you have video games in your room?” Lead asked. “Damn, you’ve really got it all…”
“No, she snuck the game from the teachers’ quarters.” Thalia replied, a small chuckle on her face.
“Very bad…” Lead tutted, shaking his head playfully. “Sneaking into the teachers’ quarters, Aurelia.”
The group all started laughing, except for Lead, who was still trying to wrap his head around the situation. “What? She’s not allowed to do that, and could get in serious trouble!” he shouted, out of concern and confusion. “Do you guys not get how ”
Lead, still not understanding the group’s laughter, was about to voice his concern again when Aurelia cut him off. “Lead, relax. I’ve been sneaking into the teachers’ quarters since my first year here, that is, when I was 1?” she said, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “Besides, it’s not like I’m causing any harm. I just borrow the games for a bit and return them before anyone notices.”
“But— how?!”
“Exactly, Lead,” Aurelia continued, her voice filled with amusement. “My parents are professors here, remember? I was actually playing with my dad, at home. I didn’t actually sneak the game anywhere. Though if you guys want, I can ask him, and bring them over to one of our rooms to play,”
Lead looked at Aurelia, his expression softening. “Alright, I get it. Just… be careful, okay? We don’t want you getting into trouble.”
Aurelia nodded, her smile reassuring. “Don’t worry… I’ve got things under control.”
“Yeah, I can get my video games as well. We can have a game night tonight!” Thalia chimed in.
“Not you too…” Lead grumbled. “You’re a professor’s kid too?”
“The dean’s, actually,” Thalia answered. “But I don’t tell anybody, unlike Miss Math Teacher's Daughter over here.”
Fast forward to later that evening, the friends gathered in Aurelia and Selena’s room, a cozy space filled with laughter and anticipation. The room was a flurry of activity, with everyone pitching in to set up for the game night.
Aurelia and Thalia had brought a variety of video games, their collection a testament to their privileged access as professors’ kids. The games ranged from racing and adventure to strategy and role-playing, offering something for everyone.
Nickolas and Gallus were in charge of setting up the gaming console, their powers coming in handy to quickly connect the wires and adjust the settings. Meanwhile, Selena and Lead were busy arranging the snacks, their table laden with an assortment of chips, popcorn, and sodas.
Finally, the satisfying boot-up noise of the two consoles was heard, and the group cheered in excitement. They came up with a challenge. They divided themselves into teams of two - Aurelia and Nickolas, Selena and Gallus, and Lead and Thalia. Each team would get a turn in choosing the game, and each game would be played for two rounds, adding up to a total of 6 rounds. The room buzzed with excitement, the friends settled down, controllers in hand, ready to dive into a night of fun and friendly competition.
As the game night kicked off, the room was filled with an electric energy. The first game chosen was a racing game, and the teams took turns trying to outdo each other. Aurelia and Nickolas, with their quick reflexes, took an early lead. However, Selena and Gallus, not to be outdone, strategized and managed to win the second round.
Next up was an adventure game, which required teamwork and communication. Lead and Thalia, despite their initial disagreements, found a rhythm and won one round, tying the score with Aurelia and Nickolas, while Selena and Gallus stood at two points.
The final game was a strategy game, a test of their planning and decision-making skills. It was a close competition, with Aurelia and Nickolas winning the first round. The final round was intense, with all teams vying for the win, which was eventually taken by Lead and Thalia.
The championship was tied, with each team scoring two points.
“Wow… a tie.” Selena deadpanned, as she jotted down the scores on her notepad, where they had been keeping track.
“How about this?” Nickolas suggested. “Maybe we all switch teams for the final round, and play another game?”
“Good idea!” Thalia replied. “We’ll all choose our new teams.”
“How about you and me, Aurelia?” Lead piped in. “We’d make a good team, like during the storm.”
“Sure,” Aurelia shrugged. “How about we all just go for the same teams as we did during our second split-up session?”
“All right,” Gallus replied, before glancing at Thalia. “You ready, Thalia?”
“Yep,” Thalia nodded. “We worked well together that day, didn’t we?”
“So, that leaves us, huh, Nicky?” Selena asked, a smirk playing on her face.
“You don’t get to call him that,” Aurelia said, frowning playfully. “Only I do.”
“Only cause I can’t stop her.” Nickolas added. “It’s just Nickolas or Nick to the rest of you.”
With the new teams set - Aurelia and Lead, Thalia and Gallus, and Selena and Nickolas - they decided to play a role-playing game for their final round. The room was filled with a renewed sense of excitement and anticipation.
Aurelia and Lead, with their strategic planning, managed to complete their quest successfully, adding points to their in-game score. Thalia and Gallus, with their excellent teamwork, also completed their quest, adding points to their score. The tension was visible as Selena and Nickolas took their turn. They played with determination, their eyes focused on the screen. After a nail-biting round, they emerged victorious, completing their quest and breaking the tie.
The room erupted in cheers and laughter, the friends congratulating each other on their victories and memorable plays. The game night had been a success, filled with fun, friendly competition, and bonding. As they started cleaning up, they couldn’t help but look forward to the next game night, already planning which games to play and what snacks to bring.
Just as the laughter was dying down and the friends were about to call it a night, Lead suddenly stood up, his face serious. “Guys, I think we have a problem,” he said, pointing towards the window. The others followed his gaze and gasped. Outside, the sky was lit up with an eerie glow, and a strange, pulsating energy seemed to be emanating from the school grounds. The game night had taken an unexpected turn, and it looked like their powers were about to be put to the test in a way they hadn’t anticipated. The room fell silent, the earlier laughter replaced by a tense anticipation of the challenge that lay ahead.