Gallus was in the middle of his afternoon routine when his phone buzzed. It was a text from Lead. He opened it to find a lengthy rant about ‘his crush choosing him’. Before he could even process it, another buzz. Yet another rant, this time from Nick, echoing the same feeling.
Gallus stared at his phone, a puzzled smile playing on his lips. “Well, this is going to be an interesting day,” he muttered to himself.
“Aren’t you supposed to be focusing on class?” he said to both, not wanting to head directly into the facts.
Gallus shifted in his seat, torn between the lecture on hardware engineering and the digital chaos unfolding in his pocket. His phone buzzed again—this time, a simultaneous barrage of messages from Lead and Nick. It was like watching a tennis match of emotions, and he was the bewildered spectator.
Gallus suppressed a chuckle. The universe had decided to play a cosmic prank on him. He was the confidant, the friend who knew both sides of the story. And now, he was juggling their heartaches like a novice magician with too many balls in the air.
Hardware engineering and wire entanglement had nothing on this emotional entanglement.
He glanced at the clock. Five minutes until the break. He needed a plan. Maybe he could—
Gallus sighed. Luck? Surprise dates? They were both charging headlong into a collision course. And he was the hapless referee, trying to keep the game fair.
As the bell rang, Gallus slipped out of the lecture hall, phone in hand. He found a quiet corner in the hallway, away from prying eyes.
Gallus massaged his temples. “Way too cliche. It’s Aurelia we’re talking here. She’d roast it like it’s a barbecue,” he typed to Nick, before switching chats. “Casual. It’s only the first date,”
“Grenade? What, you wanna literally blow her away? Sorry, francium isn’t used to make grenades. Can’t help you there…” he typed, a smirk on his face.
“You mean serenade?” he asked.
When Gallus thought he was done with that, he received another text.
Gallus sighed, feeling slightly proud.
As he sent the messages, Gallus couldn’t help but feel a twinge of sympathy for Aurelia. She was unaware of the emotional whirlwind she was at the center of. He hoped that, in the end, friendship would prevail over the brewing storm.
“Good luck. Remember, whatever happens, I’m here for you,” he ended, sliding his phone into his pocket and headed toward the dorms. He was going to have a long talk with Aurelia.
Gallus walked briskly toward the dorms, his mind racing. The hallway seemed to stretch infinitely, echoing with the buzz of unanswered questions. He needed to find Aurelia, to unravel this emotional knot before it tightened further.
As he reached her door, he hesitated. What would he say? How could he navigate this delicate situation without causing more harm? Gallus took a deep breath and knocked.
The door swung open, revealing Aurelia. Her eyes widened in surprise. “Gallus? What are you doing? Selena just left to see you, so you better go fast.”
He stepped inside, glancing around the familiar room. “This isn’t about Selena. We need to talk. About Lead. And Nick.”
Aurelia’s room, usually a sanctuary of calm, felt charged with tension. Gallus closed the door behind him, ensuring privacy for the conversation that was about to unfold.
“Aurelia,” Gallus began, his voice steady despite the turmoil he felt, “What is going on?”
“What do you mean?” she asked.
“Let’s just say you’ve got two dates tonight…” he replied. “And neither knows.”
Aurelia looked at Gallus, her eyes wide with surprise. “You know about Lead and Nick?”
Gallus nodded. “Yes, I’ve been receiving their texts. They both think you’ve chosen them. But they don’t know about each other’s messages.”
Aurelia’s face paled. “I never meant for this to happen. It was just an experiment, a way to compare compatibility.”
“Right, just an experiment…” he replied, shaking his head. “How would you react if Lead or Nick was experimenting on you and Thalia like this?”
“Why didn’t you say Selena?” she asked, raising an eyebrow, smirking.
Gallus chuckled, caught off guard by Aurelia’s observation. “Selena? Well, she’s not part of this particular equation,” he replied, trying to keep the conversation light. “Besides, I think she’d rather be solving quantum algorithms than dealing with our emotional nonsense.”
“Yeah. Besides, she’s got you to deal with. You’re enough emotional nonsense to last her a lifetime.” Aurelia replied, nudging him slightly.
Gallus chuckled, caught off guard by Aurelia’s observation. “Well, I suppose I’m an acquired taste,” he said, leaning against the door frame. “But Selena’s got her own brand of chaos. We balance each other out. But answer the question. How would you react if Lead or Nick was experimenting on you and Thalia like this?”
“Honestly? I’d be honored. Being part of a groundbreaking study would be amazing.”
Gallus stared at Aurelia, his disbelief evident. “You’re treating this like an experiment? Their feelings aren’t variables to manipulate!”
Aurelia’s eyes widened. “But Gallus, think about it. We could learn so much about human emotions, decision-making, and compatibility.”
He shook his head. “This isn’t a lab. It’s real life. You’re playing with fire.”
“But what if we discover something groundbreaking?” she pressed. “What if we find the perfect algorithm for love?”
Gallus sighed. “Love isn’t an algorithm. It’s messy, irrational, and beautiful. You can’t reduce it to data points.”
Aurelia’s resolve hardened. “I won’t stop. Lead and Nick deserve the best partner. And I’ll find out who that is.”
“I can’t stop you, can I?” he asked.
“No, you can’t. Just, please don’t tell them… it’s part of the experiment, and I can’t risk them knowing.” she said, her tone softening slightly.
Gallus ran a hand through his hair, the weight of the situation settling on his shoulders. “Aurelia, this isn’t just about data or outcomes. You’re dealing with people’s lives, their emotions. It’s not something to be taken lightly.”
Aurelia looked down, her fingers tracing the patterns on her bedspread. “I know it’s risky, but I need to see this through. I need to understand.”
He sighed, recognizing the stubborn set of her jaw, the same determination that led her to excel in her studies. “If you’re set on this path, at least consider the ethical implications. And be ready to face the consequences if things go south.”
She nodded, a silent agreement to his unspoken warning. “I will. And Gallus… thank you for not judging me too harshly.”
Gallus offered a small smile, though his heart was heavy. “Just be careful, Aurelia. Sometimes the quest for knowledge can cost more than we anticipate. Anyway, Selena’s probably heading back here as we speak, since I wasn’t there. I’ll see you later, Aurelia. And remember, you’ve got two dates tonight. Accept one, reject the other, or just reject both. That’s my advice.”
“Got it. See you Gallus,” she said, as he stood up and went outside.
As Gallus left her room, he wondered if Aurelia’s pursuit of knowledge would cost her more than she bargained for. The universe might be laughing, but he feared that in the end, two of his best friends’ hearts would break.
Gallus sighed. It was going to be a long night for Aurelia Oxide.
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Gallus had barely made it a few steps away from Aurelia’s room when his phone buzzed again. It was a message from Selena.
Selena: “Hey, where are you? I thought we were meeting up. I’m at your room, trying to help Nick write a romantic haiku. He’s in a hurry to head to Aurelia’s.”
Gallus quickly typed a response, “Got caught up. On my way now.”
As he made his way towards his dorm, his mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. He was stuck in the middle of a love triangle, and he had no idea how to navigate it. He knew he had to talk to Selena about it. She was always good at seeing things from a different perspective.
When he reached his room, he pulled out his keys and opened the door. Selena opened it, her eyes lighting up when she saw him. “Gallus! I was starting to think you stood me up.”
Gallus gave her a small smile. “I would never. Can we talk?”
Selena’s smile faded slightly, replaced by a look of concern. “Of course. But let’s go outside first. I don’t think Nick would want any distractions while writing.”
Gallus stepped outside and after a quick walk to the cafeteria, took a seat on one of the chairs. He took a deep breath, trying to gather his thoughts. “It’s about Aurelia… and Lead… and Nick.”
Selena raised an eyebrow. “Sounds like a soap opera. What’s going on?”
Gallus explained everything - the texts, the dates, Aurelia’s experiment. As he spoke, Selena’s expression shifted from surprise to concern to frustration.
“So let me get this straight,” she said once he finished. “Aurelia is dating both Lead and Nick as part of an experiment, and they have no idea?”
Gallus nodded. “That’s about the size of it.”
Selena sighed, running a hand through her hair. “This is a mess, Gallus. A big, complicated mess.”
“I know,” Gallus replied. “I just… I don’t know what to do.”
“Let it unfold,” Selena shrugged. “You and I both know that Aurelia’s experimenting, and wouldn’t want to be interrupted.”
Gallus nodded, taking in Selena’s words. “You’re right. We should let it unfold. But I can’t help but worry about Lead and Nick. They’re our friends.”
Selena reached out, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. “I know. But we can’t control other people’s actions, only our reactions to them. We’ll be there for them, no matter what happens.”
With that, they decided to head back to their dorms. As Gallus walked back, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of unease. He knew that the upcoming night was going to be a long one.
Back in his room, he found Nick still struggling with his haiku. Seeing his friend so invested in winning Aurelia’s heart made Gallus feel a pang of guilt. He knew what was coming, yet he couldn’t do anything to prevent it.
Meanwhile, Selena had gone to find Lead. She found him in the music room, strumming his guitar and humming a tune. Seeing him so happy and excited about his date with Aurelia made her heart ache. She knew the truth, yet she couldn’t bring herself to shatter his happiness.
“Hey,” she started, disrupting his flow of thoughts.
“Selena, perfect timing,” he chirped, “I need help with lyrics. Desperately.”
“Well, I don’t know… you have time, don’t you?” she asked, a thoughtful expression on her face.
“No, actually. Our first date’s tonight, and I’m planning to do it now.” he replied.
“Didn’t Aurelia tell you? She’s a bit busy tonight, so she can’t come.” asked Selena, weaving the first thread of a web of lies, saving her best friend’s life.
“She actually didn’t reply yet when I texted her,” Lead said, looking into his phone for a reply.
“Well, she’s just busy. As soon as she saw the notification on her phone, she told me she couldn’t go. You know how Aurelia can get with her studies. Why don’t you wait for her to reply first before making any plans?” she suggested. “By the way, please don’t tell her I said this, but… oh, never mind. I’m probably just not allowed to.”
“Alright, I’ll wait for her to reply. But what were you going to say?” he asked, genuinely curious.
“Oh, it’s nothing. Just… remember to keep things casual and friendly, okay?” Selena explained. “Aurelia doesn’t like too much publicity. And… well, she wouldn’t want you to talk about her with Nick. It could hurt his feelings, you know, cause the algorithm didn’t pick him and all… So, while with the group, she only wants you guys to be casual and friendly.”
“Got it. Thanks, Selena.” he nodded. “I’ll probably try asking her some other time.”
Meanwhile, Gallus was helping Nickolas with his haiku. Nick suggested, “How about this?
‘In the realm of code, Our hearts sync like algorithms, Love in every node.’ ”
“Nah, she’s not a computer student. In our group, only Thalia may be slightly flattered by it.” Gallus shook his head. “And besides, knowing Aurelia, the contract may have something against this whole haiku thing.”
“You’re right!” he nodded, facepalming. “Operative Clause 11: Strongly condemns physical displays of affection, crazy stunts performed by one to impress the other, cheesy gestures which are more desperate than sweet, and other such cliché acts,”
“Wow, you memorized it?” Gallus asked. “That’s impressive.”
“Thanks, but I need to think of something else. Something that she would appreciate.”
“How about you discuss a new algorithm or something? Aurelia loves groundbreaking discoveries. It might be more meaningful to her than a romantic gesture.”
“True, but I’ve got nothing…” he replied, face curving into a small frown.
“Well, you could talk about the latest advancements in quantum computing. Or maybe discuss a recent breakthrough in machine learning. Just keep it light and interesting.”
“That sounds like a plan. Thanks, Gallus. You’re a lifesaver.”
Just as Gallus was about to reply, his phone buzzed again. It was a message from Selena.
Gallus quickly typed a response, “That’s a lot. But will do. Thanks, Selena.”
Turning his attention back to Nickolas, Gallus said, “Nick, I just heard from Selena. Aurelia’s a bit tied up with her studies tonight. Maybe you should wait for her to reply before planning anything.”
“Oh, okay. I guess I’ll wait then. Thanks for letting me know, Gallus.” he replied, with a small frown. “Maybe tomorrow, then…”
“Also, one more thing. I don’t think you should mention Aurelia around Lead. Just act like friends. You don’t want to hurt his feelings, right?”
Nickolas nodded slightly. “Right, got it. Besides, it’s not anyone’s fault that the algorithm picked me and not him, right? Can’t rub it in.”
With that, Gallus breathed a sigh of relief. At least for tonight, the imminent collision course was averted. But he knew that the emotional entanglement was far from over. As he settled into his bed, he couldn’t help but wonder what the next day would bring. For now, all he could do was hope for the best.
【 No science teacher quote today. But I will add a mini bonus scene.
"Aurelia, your algorithm is insane." Selena said with a groan as she ran a hairbrush into her dense, black hair. Aurelia, on the other hand, was seated on her favorite spot on her bed, back rested against the wall, thinking about what was next while scribbling something.
"I know, but just think about the research paper. I'd give me a full scholarship for masters here for it just for extra credit." she answered, pausing her doodling for a minute. "I wonder what it would be like if I grew up and became one of those doctors who tests babies for powers. I'd be better at detecting radioactivity in them, that's for sure."
"I wonder what it'd be like if you grew up. Oh well, in another life," Selena said sarcastically, bending down to pick up a fallen hairpin. "You told Thalia and Alithea yet?"
"No, but I'll do that soon... As for growing up, probably sonna postpone it a bit. Let me enjoy college."
"Fair," Selena shrugged. "Anyway, what are the boys up to now that me and Gallus told them you're busy tonight?"
"I got spoilers to Lead's song. It's so cheesy I'm surprise I didn't barf yet. He kept grumbling about singing off-key, or forgetting the chords." she said, cracking a teasing smile as she thought about it. "Oh, and his room mate is losing a battle of wits to his new fancy noise cancelling headphones."
"How do you know?"
"Carbon butt-dialed me." she answers casually, pointing to her call history. "Well, I'ma keep reading now so please dont disturb me."