Xander and Gerard is in the restaurant the two of them are still discussing.
"So what we gonna do now?" Ask Xander.
"We will track the phone.." Said Gerard.
"And then?" Ask Xander.
"After we found the location of that phone, we will put the voice recorder somewhere around their base and listening to their conversation to found the clue where they buried Atlas." Said Gerard.
"Alright. So let's do it now." Said Xander.
"Kay. Let's go to my office." Said Gerard.
"No. If we do it in the police station, they will easily tracking us back. I think it's better to track them from Atlas apartment." Said Xander.
"Good idea. Let's go." Said Gerard.
Gerard and Xander are now driving to Atlas apartment. They are bringing laptop there, trying to track Atlas old phone. They are getting inside his apartment, sitting on the dining room with the laptop on the table.
"Alright, I can do this." Said Xander, she is sitting in front f the laptop, while Gerard standing behind her waching, while drinking a cup of coffee.
Xander is typing a lot of things on the laptop while Gerard only looking at her. She is doing her IT work for nearing 30 minutes.
"How is it going?" Ask Gerard.
"Wait. A lil bit more. It's so tricky." Said Xander.
"Allright.. No need to be hurry. Take your time." Said Gerard.
"No. We must hurry. His family are waiting for his where being.." Said Xander.
"Okay. Just do what you like." Said Gerard.
Some minutes later she finally found it.
"Yeah! Got it!!!" Said Xander.
"Yeah! Where is the phone now?!" Ask Gerard.
"This is weird.. His phone is not in the basecamp.." Said Xander.
"Where is it?" Ask Gerard.
"In a village?? How come it is in a village?!" Ask Xander.
Meanwhile the past story when Yin ask his subordinate to bury Atlas in a forest..
"Tch. Boss always ask us to do so many things, even though it is not our job.." Said subordinate 1.
"Well, atleast he pay us the money.." Said subordinate 2.
"For real, why he need to ask us buried this man..??? Let alone his family will did that.. But why us?" Said subordinate 1.
"Well he is a cops.. If his friend know he has been killed, we are doomed. You and I won't have anymore jobs." Said subordinate 2.
"Not to mention our boss still ask us to keep replying message to his family even tho he is already dead.. Isn't it a sin to lie to people like that?..." Said subordinate 1.
"I have an idea.." Said subordinate 2.
"What is it?? It should be good, if not you better keep it for yourself." Said subordinate 1.
"How about we split some of our money and give it to 2 villager. Let them do all this job and we will just go back to our basecamp." Said subordinate 2.
"Oh, and we can give this phone and ask them to always reply the message on that phone." Said subordinate 1.
"Great idea! Let's go!" Said subordinate 2.
The two subordinate go to the village. They ask 2 man to bury Atlas in the forest. They also give Atlas phone and instruct them to always reply to the message. They pay them a greatly. After that they leave.
back to the present.
"We should go to that place now." Said Xander.
"It takes like 3 hours to go there." Said Gerard.
"We must go now before it's getting dark." Said Xander.
"Alright, this might be easier since it's not in their basecamp right?" Ask Gerard.
"Not too sure.. Because I cannot visualize the place and not too familiar.." Said Xander.
"Should we bring my people to back up some things? incase bad stuff happen onsite.." Said Gerard.
"Well just send them the location where we are going now." Said Xander.
"Alright." Said Gerard.
The two of them went to a village. They are putting the radar on their phone so they can still connect to Atlas phone. It takes 3 hour to go to the village. Gérard also already sent their location to the cops. When they are arrive overthere, they saw it was a normal village like others. There are a lot of people there. They begin the research by coming to head of the village. Over there they start asking the questions.
Inside the head of the village house.
"Hey do you by any chance know if there is someone buried a dead body here?" Ask Xander.
"What do you mean? In our village, if a person in a family died, they will be burned not buried. It's a tradition here." Said the head of the village.
"No. But, our friends phone radar is here. He is already died. But some people stolen his body, and we think that he is buried here." Said Gerard.
"I'm feeling bad to hear that. But we will make a notice and ask the villager about this. You can stay here for few days untill we heard from them." Said the head of the village.
"Alright. Thank you." Said Gerard.
The two of them leaving the house. They stay with a villager for a night to wait for the news from the head of the village.
Meanwhile the two man that already burying Atlas body is still in the village.
"I heard from the villager there are 2 people coming from a city and searching their dead friend.." Said man 1.
"Oh.. dang it.. are they cops?" Ask man 2.
"I don't think so.. the two of them clothes normally like us." Said man 1.
"So what should we do now? If they found out we will be in jail.." Said man 2.
"Well, why would they jailed us.. we only run the order and get paid.. Maybe we should tell them the truth.." Said man 1.
"Are you sure..?" Said man 2.
"I think so.. Let's tell them tomorrow." Said man 1.
To be continued........