Chapter 17. CXM In high orbit around the terrestrial planet Anemone
Captain's Log:
Convoy XM-25 has emerged from the Higgs Glebe on its second stopping point, the planet Anemone, to rendezvous with the Eridanus for transfer of High Duchess Aria and her party.
"It looks so much like Earth," said Duchess Aria. "Will we have a chance to set our feet on its terra firma?"
"You would have to ask Captain Promis of the Prinz," said Captain Sorin Simme. "I would guess as convoy leader, he might not be able to spare the time."
"Thank you for your hospitality, Captain" said Councilor Vegan.
"It was my pleasure. The dock is pressurized and CPO Modine and Specialist Bisher will escort you across."
CPO Modine took the lead, followed by Councilor Vegan and Duchess Aria while Egon operated the stream-slip with the luggage and their staff."
"It's not dignified to be carried like an old sack of flour," said Chef Enzo, sitting next to the other two staff, each on a black space-flight bag.
"Flour is made by grinding cereal grains or other seeds or roots, into a powder," said Isla. "Shall I continue?"
"I don't really know. I'm not a baker. Perhaps a round of janken pon?" asked Chef Enzo.
Egon looked at the Chef.
"Oh, yes, indeed," said Chef Enzo. "It seems this young man prefers the suspense."
"The suspense is killing me," said Isla. "It's very mysterious."
"Most human conflict is settled by posturing," said Ezio.
"I prefer Janken pon,"said the Chef. "My posture is so poor when it's bent like a flour sack."
The door to the Prinz blinked open. Everyone crossed over. Egon guided his stream-slip of automatons and impedimenta. The door blinked shut.
"Welcome to the Prinz. I am Subcommander Xan. Ensign Amoso will guide you to your quarters."
Egon heart beat a little faster. It was Zina! Egon stared into her deep auburn eyes. There was no doubt. She did not acknowledge his presence in any way.
Subcommander Xan turned to CPO Modien and Egon. "Thank you, gentlemen. Please give my regards to Captain Simme from Captain Promis and myself."
Egon looked over his shoulder as he entered the airlock. Chef Enzo winked in his direction and Egon gave him a short wave. The door sealed behind him.
"How are you feeling today?" ask Egon.
"Better. Thanks for asking," said Modine and he held up his palm. Egon bumped his palm. "But inside, I'm still feeling a little angry. Life is not fair."
"If there is anything I can do, let me know. I heard it can get worse before it gets better."
"I'll keep that in mind. Thanks again."
The door to the Eridanus opened with a swish. Subcom Mauve stood on the other side.
"Okay. Let's look alive."
Egon saw Modine clench his fist, but he (Modine) looked away and he did not say anything.
"I need someone to accompany the Tucana survivors down to Anemone," said Subcom Mauve looking at Egon.
"I'll do it," said Egon.
To be continued . . .