As they entered the lab, the tension between Nickolas and Aurelia was still in the air. Selena, sensing the discomfort, decided to address the issue head-on.
“Guys, we need to talk. More importantly, you two need to talk,” she said, her voice firm yet gentle. “We can’t let personal issues affect our work.”
“Can we ‘talk’ later?” Nickolas asked, his eyes darting towards the door to Dr. Palladium’s lab, where Gallus was. “We need to first check on Gallus.”
“Yeah, I agree with him,” Aurelia replied, her voice barely above a whisper. She too was worried about Gallus, but it was clear that she was using it as an excuse to avoid the conversation.
Selena knew they were evading the topic at hand, but she too, was worried about Gallus. “All right, you got me. Let’s go,” she said, opening the door.
As they went inside in silence, each lost in their own thoughts, the air was thick with unspoken words and unresolved feelings.
“Good, you’re all here,” said Dr. Aurelius, a smile on his face. “We found out that Gallus’ radioactivity can be stabilized. It’s a miracle he lived for so long with the radioactivity, but the francium inside is beginning to decay. Thankfully, he’s used to only two powers, so he might lose this newfound power. If he had been using his francium for longer, then it would have been more dangerous.”
“When will it be lost?” asked Nickolas, in a quiet voice.
“Maybe only after your college life ends, if he’s careful with his powers.” Dr. Palladium replied.
Dr. Aurelius continued, “The decay of francium is a rapid process, and it’s hard to predict exactly when Gallus will lose his power. But if he’s careful and doesn’t overuse his abilities, it could last until the end of your college life. After that, he might revert back to his original two powers.”
Selena nodded, relief washing over her. “That’s… that’s good to hear,” she said, her voice choked with emotion. “We’ll make sure Gallus is careful.”
Aurelia, who had been silent all this while, finally spoke up. “Thank you, Dr. Palladium, and dad. We’ll do everything we can to help Gallus.”
“But…” Dr. Palladium added.
“Of course there’s a but…” Selena groaned.
“He can’t come too close to any of you. Selena, Nickolas, you two are metallic, so you aren’t at much risk of losing your powers, but you could behave as catalysts. And Aurelia, you’re non-metallic. You could lose your powers.” he continued. “If the francium is left to decay naturally, it won’t inflict too much harm on you, Gallus. But if you end up using it more and more, it may be deadly.”
“Right, don’t use it. But what about the surges?” asked Aurelia, a look of concern on her face.
“That can be controlled using a healthy dose of a different element. Admittedly it might hurt at first, but it’ll stabilize you for the time-being, like what happened last night - you were back to normal after the fluorine reaction.” Dr. Aurelius explained.
“A tablet or a syrup?” Nickolas asked.
“It’s a small pill, but with a lot of impact.” Dr. Palladium answered. Dr. Palladium handed Gallus a small box containing the pills. “Remember, only take these if you feel a surge coming on. And Gallus, try to avoid using your powers as much as possible.”
“Right, thank you, sir,” he replied. It was the first thing he had said since his friends returned.
With that, the group thanked the doctor and slowly filed out of the lab, each lost in their own thoughts. The weight of the situation was heavy on their shoulders, but they were determined to face it together. As they left, Dr. Palladium watched them go, hoping that he had done enough to prepare them for the challenges ahead. The lab, once filled with tension and worry, was now silent, the only sound being the soft hum of the machines. The doctor’s face showed a knowing look, knowing that they could only wait and hope for the best.
“So…” Gallus muttered, breaking the cold, sterile silence. “I guess I have to be careful around all of you.”
“That’s right…” Dr. Aurelius replied. “Anyway, let’s not focus on the lab for a bit. How was your day out, kids?” he asked the others.
“It was fun,” Selena replied. “We first had lunch, then explored the mall.”
The professor nodded. “Good, what about you, Aurelia, Nickolas? Did you two have a good time too?”
“Yeah, I did,” Nick answered, a slight sadness in his voice.
“Me too,” Aurelia added, a similar undertone in her words. “Tomorrow we’re planning to all watch a movie together.”
“That sounds good, but what really happened?”
“What do you mean, dad?”
“I’m your dad, I can tell when something’s off.” he replied, a knowing smile on his face.
Nickolas heaved a sigh of relief, so that he didn’t have to ask the big question himself.
“Fine… I’m just a bit homesick is all. I didn’t feel like telling any of you before…”
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that…” Selena replied, putting an arm around her best friend.
“That’s okay, it’s not your fault,”
As they all entered the car, Selena smiled and glanced back at Nickolas, who was yet to get inside, and then at Aurelia, who was already inside, seated in the last row. She sat down beside Gallus, in the middle row. Nickolas rolled his eyes so as to say, “I hate you, Selena…” and sat behind her, next to Aurelia.
Aurelia, seeing him seated beside her, stole a quick glance at him from the corner of her eye, then looked away and toward the window as the car began to move. The clock on her phone showed 8:02 PM, the only sounds being the soft hum of the car’s machinery and the muffled sounds of a videogame on her phone.
Selena and Gallus slowly began dozing off, the day’s events catching up to both of them. However, Aurelia and Nickolas were both still awake, lost in their phones and their thoughts. The city lights passed by in a blur, casting fleeting shadows inside the car. The echoes of horns blaring and cars speeding by was by no means comfortable, yet it held a noisy promise - a promise of more teasing to come, of a return back home, and of city traffic.
The silence inside the car, however, was evident, punctuated only by the occasional beep from Nickolas’ phone as he scored another point in his game. Aurelia, her gaze fixed on the passing cityscape, couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle.
“What’s so funny?” Nickolas asked, his curiosity piqued as he glanced over at Aurelia.
“Nothing,” she replied, her lips curving into a smirk. “Just enjoying the view.”
“The view, huh?” Nickolas scoffed, returning his attention to his phone. “If you’re so interested in the view, why don’t you take a picture? It’ll last longer. Selena does it all the time.”
Aurelia rolled her eyes, a playful retort on the tip of her tongue. “Please, like your game is any more interesting than the outside world.”
Nickolas raised an eyebrow, a challenge forming in his mind. “Wanna bet? If I beat my high score, you owe me a coffee.”
“You’re on, Nicky,” Aurelia said, shaking her head with a smile. “But if you lose, you’re buying me ice cream.”
“Ugh, Aurelia, it’s too late for this…” he replied, pausing his game. “You know the drill, don’t call me Nicky.”
“No way.”
That was when an ingenious idea entered his mind. A wonderful, smart idea.
“Fine, Goldilocks,” Nickolas said, rolling his eyes but with a smile tugging at his lips. He resumed his game, fingers flying over the screen.
“Could you be any more creative?” she asked, sarcastically.
“Hey- if I’m letting you call me Nicky, I’m calling you Goldilocks.”
That did not work how he expected it to.
Nickolas was taken aback by Aurelia’s nonchalant acceptance of the nickname. He had expected her to protest or at least show some annoyance. But instead, she just shrugged and said, “Sure, Nicky.”
He blinked, a bit stunned. “Wait, really?”
Aurelia nodded, her eyes twinkling with amusement. “Why not? It’s just a nickname.”
“But… it’s weird,” Nickolas protested weakly.
Aurelia just laughed. “No weirder than ‘Nicky.’”
Nickolas opened his mouth to argue, then closed it again. He couldn’t really argue with that logic. But still… “Fine,” he grumbled, “But only for today.”
Aurelia grinned, victorious. “Deal.”
And so, for the rest of the night, Nickolas found himself calling Aurelia ‘Goldilocks.’ It was weird, and he felt ridiculous every time the word left his lips. But seeing the smile on Aurelia’s face made it worth it. Even if he would never admit it out loud. By the end of the day, he was more than ready to drop the nickname, much to Aurelia’s amusement. But he had to admit, it had been a fun day. A day he wouldn’t forget anytime soon. And maybe, just maybe, he didn’t mind being called ‘Nicky’ that much after all.
Aurelia smiled softly and let out a yawn. “I don’t know how Selena and Gallus fell asleep so fast,” she said, her voice soft and filled with wonder. She looked at her friends, their faces relaxed in sleep, and felt a pang of envy. She wished she could fall asleep as easily as they did, but her mind was too full of thoughts and worries.
Nickolas, who was still awake, glanced at Aurelia. “You should try to get some sleep too, Goldie,” he said, his voice gentle. He was worried about her. He knew she had a lot on her mind, and he wished he could do something to help.
Aurelia gave him a small smile. “I will… Just… not yet.”
They fell into a comfortable silence, the only sounds in the car being the soft hum of the engine and the occasional beep from Nickolas’ phone as he continued to play his game.
“By the way…” she spoke up again. “Can I ask you something?”
“Shoot.” he replied, eyes still fixed upon his phone.
“What happened out there… you know, at the mall, you were levitating?”
“It’s a new ability related to my element I was theorizing on for a while now. Whether I could repel myself from the earth just enough that I can hover in the air like you can.”
“That’s cool, but… you seemed to be pushing me off when I tried to hover up to you. It was some sort of… invisible wall.”
Nickolas paused his game and looked at Aurelia. “I don’t know,” he said honestly. “It must have just been my magnetic field. I didn’t even know you were there until I landed.”
Aurelia nodded; her gaze fixed on the passing cityscape. “Huh,” she said quietly. “I guess…”
“I guess… I guess I just need to be more aware of my surroundings,” Nickolas said, his voice filled with a hint of regret. He didn’t like the idea of pushing Aurelia away, even if it was unintentional. He had to admit, he was avoiding her a bit, but he didn’t like it any more than she did.
Aurelia looked at him, her eyes softening. “It’s okay, Nicky,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper. “We’re all still learning to control our powers. It’s not your fault.”
Nickolas glanced at her, a small smile tugging at his lips. “Thanks, Goldie,” he said, his voice sincere. He appreciated her understanding and support, even if he would have rather eaten a raw fish than admit it out loud.
“Of course,” she replied. “And at the cafe, you seemed really disconnected from us as well. Which made you the perfect victim for Selena’s teasing.”
Nickolas let out a soft laugh, the tension easing from his shoulders. “Yeah, Selena never misses a chance, does she? But I guess it’s all part of the fun.”
Aurelia nodded, her eyes twinkling. “It is. And you have to admit, ‘Nicky’ has a certain ring to it.”
He shook his head, feigning annoyance. “Only when you say it, Goldie. Anyone else, and it just sounds like nails on a chalkboard.”
“Only when I say it? Nothing beats the original, huh?”
“Well, when you say it, it’s about as annoying as your average city traffic jam. A close second to nails-on-chalkboard annoying.”
“Aw, shut up, you know you love it.” she replied, nudging him gently.
Nickolas’ laughter filled the car, a melodious counterpoint to the hum of the engine. “Love it? I think you’re confusing love with the mild annoyance of a pebble in a shoe.”
Aurelia pretended to ponder his words, a smirk playing on her lips. “A pebble, huh? Well, if I’m a pebble, then you’re the stubborn, un-openable jar lid.”
He laughed, the sound rich and genuine. “And you’re the spoon that falls into the soup bowl, Goldie. Always causing a splash.”
“You know, I wonder if Selena and Gallus have secret nicknames for each other…” Aurelia mused.
“Let them snooze on,” Nickolas replied. “Otherwise, Selena will be such a pain…”
“Nah, she’s chill.”
“Right, but don’t you just hate when she claims we have feelings for each other? It’s nonsense.” Nickolas joked. “Absolute lies. Sometimes she’s crazy as hell.”
Aurelia’s eyes beamed with laughter. “Crazy? I think she’s just observant. After all, she’s not the one coming up with ridiculous nicknames based on fairy tales.”
“It’s not my fault your hair is blonde, plus your power is literally gold. What makes you say she’s not crazy?”
“What makes you say she’s not observant?”
“The fact that we don’t like each other…”
“You know what?” Aurelia answered, a look of determination in her blue eyes. “I’m tired of this. I’ve got to say this upfront because you’re so oblivious, dude.” She took a deep breath, her gaze never wavering from Nickolas, who paused his game, in confusion. “I’m tired of the back and forth, the teasing, the games. It’s exhausting, and it’s not us,” she said, her voice steady.
Nickolas’ expression softened, the playful spark in his eyes giving way to something more sincere. “It’s been us since forever, but… I know what you mean,” he admitted. “It’s like we’re stuck in this infinite loop, and I’m not sure how to break out of it.”
The car’s gentle hum served as a backdrop to the tension that hung in the air between Aurelia and Nickolas. They had danced around their feelings for too long, and the night’s earlier banter had peeled away the final layers of their pretenses like a band-aid.
Aurelia turned to face Nickolas, her eyes searching his. “Nicky, I can’t keep pretending that these nicknames are just a joke. There’s something more, isn’t there?”
Nickolas met her gaze, the truth clear in his eyes. “Yeah, there is,” he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. “I’ve tried to ignore it, to make light of it, Goldie, but I can’t. Not anymore.”
The confession hung between them, a fragile truth that threatened to shatter the walls they had built. Aurelia reached out, her hand finding his. “I feel it too,” she said, her voice steady with conviction. “I’ve felt it for a while now.”
“So, what about it?” he asked, slowly sliding his phone into his pocket, to pay close attention to the game.
“Well, if Selena were up, she’d be like, ‘If y’all don’t do it yourselves, I’ll make you do it.’ I’d rather do it myself.” she replied, with a slight laugh. “But I’ll admit one thing - I did not expect this to happen at the back of a car at 10:00 in the night.”
Nickolas turned to face her fully, his phone forgotten. The soft glow of the headlights of the car behind them illuminated their faces, casting shadows that seemed to soften the moment. “Life’s weird like that,” he said, a half-smile forming. “The unexpected moments are the ones that hit the hardest.”
Aurelia nodded, her hand still in his. “Yeah, and sometimes those moments just straight-up change everything,” she whispered, her heart pounding in her chest.
They sat there for a heartbeat, the world outside fading away until there was nothing but the two of them and the truth they were about to share.
“Can we skip this part? I mean, we already know what we’re going to say.” Aurelia asked, eyebrow raised.
“Yeah, all right.”
And with those simple words, the walls crumbled, the nicknames became terms of endearment, and the backseat of the car transformed into the starting point of their new journey together. Well, that’s disappointing, they didn’t even say a thing. Will they though? You’ll see.
(A/N: I just really ran out of ideas there, huh? Side note... the car is still in the mall now? Please excuse that as a symbolic thing looking back at what happened)