Cameran was so excited about starting our family. It was going to take me months to find the person I needed. As i walked down stairs and into the kitchen I found everyone sitting at the table waiting to start dinner. I sat down and James brought out or food. It was frilled chicken, mashed potatos, and corn. I took my first bite and everyone else started eating. I reached into my pocket when I noticed Cameran was almost done and turned the vibrator on high. I seen her start to squirm in hef seat she jumped up and said i'm finished and ran to the bed room.
I pushed back from the table and walked up stairs to find Cameran laying on the bed panting. I walked in and locked the door and then went over to the dresser and removed my jacket, tie, shoes, socks, belt, pants, and shirt. Leaving me in my boxers and t shirt. I made my way over to the bed and layed down beside Cameran and ran my hand up her left leg. She jumped and sat straight up.
"Omg babe you scared me I didn't hear you come in. What are you doing? Can I please take this damn thing out now?" she pouted
"Oh i'm going to take it out alright and stick something else in." I said
She tensed up and rolled over.
"Babe I have something to tell you."
" Sure babe whats up?" i said
"Well I haven't had sex in like two years. So today was intense for me." She said
"Babe why didn't you tell me. I wouldn't have stuck that thing inside you. I'm so sorry." i told her
"It's OK. I liked it. And I really want some more." she said blushing
"Come here babe and lay bad." i told her
She turned over and laid back. I ran my hand up and down her leg. Once i got to the top of her leg i pushed her skirt up. Ugh her clothes are getting on my nerves. I pulled her up and reached around her to unzip her skirt. I pulled her skirt down and tossed it on the floor. I started unbuttoning her shirt and threw it on the floor near her skirt. I layed her back down and went back to running my hand up and down her leg. I slowly made my way up to kiss her. I placed my lips on hers and kissed her slowly and passionately. I pulled away and started trailing kisses down her jaw to her neck. I searched for her sweet spot and when i found it she moaned really loud. I sucked on the spot for a long time i'm sure I left a hickey there. I moved down and kissed down the valley between her breasts and then down her tummy. I pushed my hands up her sides and around her back to unhook her bra. I slowly slid the straps down her arms and pulled it off just to fling it across the room.
After getting her completely naked I started to kiss down her neck. I stopped when she moaned, i smirked. I had found her soft spot. I sucked on that spot for another minute. I moved my way down to her breasts. I kissed the top of both of them then moved to her right nipple and sucked on it hard and my hand moved to her left nipple and squeezed it rolling it between my fingers. She moaned loudly I switched and did the same to the left nipple and squeezed her right nipple. After a few minutes of her squirming I moved down to her heat. I moved my finger over her clit and rubbed slowly. She arched her back and I slid down to where my head was between her beautiful legs. I blew cool air up her slot. I pushed my head into her pussy and licked up her slit and she groaned. I plunged my tongue into her core and licked, sucked and bit down slightly.
I licked and sucked her til she came all over my lips. I licked up her juices and sat up and rolled on a condom. Before she realized what was happening I sunk into her slowly. Her eyes went wide and she started to tear up. I didn't move and waited for her to get use to my size. I looked down at her and she nodded for me to move. I pulled back and slid back in fast. She seemed to be good so I started going faster and harder. I pounded into her pussy and she clung to me and ran her nails down my back most likely leaving bleeding scratches down my back. I kept going and felt her tighten around my dick. When she found her release I followed filling the condom.
i pulled out and she winced and layed beside her. We were both panting trying to calm our breathing. She rolled over and said "that was amazing"
I smirked " yes it was" and kissed her
"I know Christmas is next week so I have been thinking of presents for the pets and I've figured out Lily's but not the others yet" I said
"What are you going to get her?" she asked
"Well I know she loved animals and she loved Eco but I thought i would go to the pet shop on Christmas eve and get her a pet of her own. I think she will love it and it will teach her some responsibility." I told her
"Baby that's a great idea. Can I go with you?" Cameran asked
"Sure you can. You can even help me pick out what to get her." i said
She grinned and got up naked still and stretched "I'm going to have a shower real quick." she said
I nodded and stood up and pulled on some boxers and sweats and walked out to check on the pets. As I walked down the hall I walked in Jake's room and asked "Did you have your shower yet?" he nodded and I walked out turning out the light. i walked across the hall to Jades room to find him asleep already so walked to into Lily's room and sat down and said "What's wrong sweetie?"
"I'm just lonely. Jade is here but he doesn't talk very much. So I stay in here all by myself." she told me
"Well how about I have someone set up a swing set in the back yard for you and you can start going outside a few hours a day to play." I said rubbing her ear
She purred and nodded grinning.
"Alright sweetie bed time" i said
She slid into the covers and i said a goodnight, turned off the light and walked out closing the door.
I finally made my way to Sasha's room and opened the door and slipped on the light. She was still in her tiny cage. I walked over and unlocked the cage door and yanked her out. I drug her to the bathroom and turned on the water to fill the tub. Once full I picked her up and put her in. She hissed and scratched me. I slapped her across the face and started washing her hair and ears. She was silently crying still. I soaped up my hands and washed her arms and legs. I soaped them again and washed her back, tummy and then her pussy. She hissed at me again and it angered me more. I filled a cup with water and dumped it on her head to rinse the soap away. I pulled the plug and yanked her out and to the bedroom.
"Listen here you little slut you better lose the fucking attitude or I will lose it for you" I boomed at her
She flinched and nodded her head "Master I'm dripping can I have a towel or blanket I'm cold
I was so mad I grabbed her by the tail and threw her back into her cage soaking wet and locked her cage door. I flipped off the light and walked out closing the door. I made it back to my room. I crawled in beside Cameran and went to sleep right away.
I rolled over the next morning and turned off the alarm clock and rolled back over. I stunning running my hand up and down C amerans bare back. She rolled over and slowly opened her beautiful eyes and smiled at me.
" time to get up love. We won't be going to work today since we have to set up for the party. Since you want Ashs in a display cage you need to set it up in the center of the main living room and get it all ready for tonight." I told her
"ok baby. Let me get dressed and i'll get started" she said
We got out of bed and got dressed quickly. I walked down stairs to see all my pets except S asha waiting to earn I said down and decided to explain tonight to them.
"Ok pets tonight is the Christmas party. You havebto wear your collars but you will be in a room with everyone else's pets so pls nice. If another master touches you scream for me" I told them
I heard "yes sirs" all around the table.
After breakfast I checked on the menu and ok'd tonight's menu and walked into the main living room. Cameran was setting up the display cage in the middle of the room.
"I picked this one so everyone can see her. If she is in a small one she will be cramps up and no one can see or touch her." She explained
"That's fine. Now go get her and there is a bag on my bed bring it down with you. Then go up to the bedroom my designer is there waiting on you to pick your dress for tonight." I said
She nodded and headed up the stairs to fetch the pest. I walked up stairs and into my room to pick out my tux when I heard Cameran scream. I ran down the hall and into Sashas room. I found Cameran lying on the floor with a scratch on her neck.
"babe what happened?" I asked
"I went to get her out and she scratched me. She us being a little bit. So I may just let a new master have his way with her tonight. What do you think babe?" Cameran said
I looked at Sasha and she was shaking after what cameran said. I thought for a minute and thought of a great idea.
"Actually love that sounds great. And I'm going to punish her right now." I said
Sasha was sobbing and shaking. I picked her up and threw her on the bed.
"Babe go get a condom" I said
I looked down at Sasha and shoved two fingers inside her. She screamed for me to stop so and slapped her across the face. I decided sex wasn't a good idea. Cameran walked back in and brought the black bag with her. I opened it and pulled out a whip.
"Turn over now slut" I said
She whispered but rolled over. I brought the whip down in her back and it split the skin and started bleeding. I did it again, again and again. Once I had enough her back was covered in blood. I yanked her up and to the bathroom. I pulled her to the bathroom and stood her in the shower and picked up peroxide and dumped it down her back. She yelled out. Judt then Cameran pulled her out to the living room and threw her into the cage.
Once we made our way back up stairs Cameran sat down on the bed and huffed.
"What's wrong babe?" I asked
"I hate punishing them" she said
"I know but they have to learn who their master is" I said
She went to pick out her dress and picked out a gorgeous red dress for tonight.
*time skip to the party*
The party was in full swing. People kept asking why we had a display cage with a pet in it. So I decided to tell everyone at once.
"Good evening everyone. Some of you were wondering about our pet display. Well this slut cant seem to behave her masters and she attacked her mistress this morning. So feel to do anything you want to her. There are a bag of toys under her cage. Have fun and enjoy your evening." I said
Everyone nodded and headed off to different places. I walked down the hall to cage cage my other pets. I see another pet standing in front of a smaller pet. As I walked closer I realised the bigger pet hand its hand down the smaller ones pants. The smaller one was crying and saying please stop. Once I looked over the bigger ones should I seen that it was my lily being tortured.
"What the fuck do you thinking your doing to my pet?" I asked
I grabbed the bigger pet and drug him out into the living room.
"Who does the little bastard belong to?" I shouted
A woman stepped forward. "He belongs to me. What seems to be the problem?" She asked
"Well this piece of shit had his filthy hand down my eight year old female nekos pants. That is not acceptable." I yelled
Everyone was looking at what was happening.
"I'm so sorry Mr. Cambell. I promise to Dr with him or you or your wife can." She said
"Cameran what do you think?" I asked her
"What pet was it baby?" She asked
"It was Lily love." I said
Her face turned bright red and I know she went mamma bear mode.
"I want to do it and I'm going to do it in front of everyone and Sasha will participate in this." She said angrily
"Well miss you heard her. Are you ok with any and everything she does?" I asked the woman
She nodded and I passed him to cameran.
Cameran drug him to the center of the room. She let go of him and pushed him to the floor. She pulled Sasha out and threw her to the floor as well. I could tell she was pissed.
"Now you remove all your clothes. Sasha stroke his tail and get him hard the once he is hard suck him." Cameran said pissed
Sasha was rubbing his tail silently crying. Cameran pulled out a flogger and said "now suck him"
Sasha shook her head no and Cameran slapped her across the face.
"Do it now slut! I will be a you to death if you don't listen. Or maybe the auction house would like to have you back. Now do it" she screamed
Sasha bent down and stuck the male nekos sick in her mouth and bobbed her head up and down.
"You pest tell me when you about to cum" cameran said
After five minute he said he was about to cum.
"Ok Sasha stop." Cameran said
Sasha pulled away and the male nekos whimpered.
"Now you pest put you dick inside her and full her but you both better not cum." She said
He rolled over on top of sasha and shoved his dick inside her and started ducking her. Just as cameran was about to pull him away he came inside her. Cameran was pissed. She pulled out a whip and whipped him for thirty minutes. Once she was finished she threw sasha back in her cage.
"Get up you filthy pest. Oh and if you got her pregnant you neither of you will be seeing it. I will have it killed or she can have it and ill sell it. Now miss get the filthy thing out of my house now." Cameran said
The lady nodded and drug the nekos out screaming.
"Ok everyone I think its time to end tonight. My girlfriend here is upset and needs to rest. Thank you for coming and have nice night." I said
After the last guess was gone and the cleaning crew was done I walked up stairs to find cameran. She was in Lily room rocking her crying.
"Babe I know you upset but you need to sleep its almost Christmas. I already put all the presents down stairs. We just need to get up early to get lilys pet. We were supposr to today but w we forgot. Now Come to bed. She sleeping. I got to her in time." I said
She laid lily down and went to the room stopped out of her dress removed her bra and put on one of my t shirts. She got in bed and I stripped out of my tux and got in beside her. I pulled her to my chest and she went right to sleep. I watched her sleep for a little bit and then I drifted off to sleep.
*skip to buying lilys pet*
We entered the pet shop and looked around.
"I don't want to get her a cat or dog that's to cliche." I said
Just as I walked around the corner the owner ran out of the back. I was looking around when I heard "Abby the sugar bear" a man screamed
Cameran screamed and relax out and caught the thing out of the air and started running and jumped onto the counter while dogs barked at her. The abby woman walked up to cameran and snatched the thing out of her hands and threw it in a cage.
" hey don't do that to the poor thing" cameran screamed
" What's it to you?" The sales lady said
"Well we are paying costumers. So show some respect " cameran said
"And for your information I want the thing you just put into that cage" I told her
The lady rolled her eyes and opened the cage and I picked up the poor.... wait its a sugar glider. Lily will love this thing. Cameran picked out a cage, collar, and leash. The sugar bear started whinning and Cameran snuggled her to her chest and the thing went to sleep.
We pulled up to the house and walked in. I was quiet some I'm guessing the pets were still asleep. I put the sugar bear in its cage and in my office. We walked up stairs and screamed its christmas everyone up and downstairs. Once everyone made it down stairs lily gave out her presents followed by sasha, jade, safe and then cameran.
Lily received a new baby doll, fake jewelry, a new dress, and paint to paint her room.
Zade received a bicycle, computer, skates, and ipod.
Sasha got jewelry, new shoes, laptop, and a spa day with Cameran.
Jake got a bicycle, laptop, skateboard, and a ipod.
I picked up Camerans present and handed it to her. She picked it up and opened it she smiled from ear to ear and rushed to hug and kiss me.
"I love it. Thank you babe" she said
I placed the bracelet on her wrist and sat back down.
"Lily you can give cameran hers now" I said
Lily pulled out a velvet box and handed it to cameran. Cameran gently opened it and smiled with tears in her eyes. She scooped lily in her arms and squeezed her tight.
"Thank you baby I love it. Put it on for me please." Cameran said
Lily placed the necklace on cameran and hugged her from behind.
Once that was done I said "ok lily you didnt get your present from me. So follow me everyone"
I had rose see up the little thing in lilys room while we were opening other presents. We walked up stairs and into lilys room and I walked over to the small cage and opened it.
I pulled out the sugar bear and turned around to face lily. Lily screamed with joy and the littlecthing starting whinning.
"Easy lily. To scared her you have to be quiet and gentle. What do you think?" I asked
She passed the thing to cameran and rushed to hug me.
" I love her. Thank you daddy" lily said
Woah did she just call me daddy?
"Lily did you just call me daddy?" I asked
She dropped her head and nodded
"Im sorry sir. I didn't mean to" she said
"No its ok. You can call me that if your mom comfortable." I said
She smiled and nodded.
"Now this pet is your responsibility. She sleeping in her cage at night not in your bed. You have to clean her cage, feed her, and take her outside. She has a little collar and leash so shec doesn't run away." I said
She nodded and cuddle the thing.
"Whats her name"sasha asked
"Shelby" lily said
We all nodded.
"Ok guys we are gonna go relax. So have fun." I said
We walked into my room and sat down on the bed to watch a movie.
"Babe I got you something but you will have to wait til tonight ok?" Cameran said
I nodded. We layer there thought the whole movie laughing and talking. We got up and went down stairs.
"Pets come down here" I yelled
Once they were all in from of me I said " we are going outside to play in the snow so wait Lily got put Shelby in her cage now" I said
"No she hates her cage. I'm taking her outside" she yelled
I walked over to her and took the thing from her.
"Rose" I hollered
"Yes sir" she said
" go put this thing in her cage and feed her a apple. The pulled her in my office and lock the door." I said
She nodded and walked off.
" you three go put warm clothes and shoes on. Lily got wait in your room for me and cameran." I said
They all took off upstairs. Once upstairs we walked into lilys room.
"Babe choose her punishment or I will" I said
"You do it" she said
"Lily come here and pull down you pants and panties and lay over my lap. Cameran give me your belt." I said
Camerans eyes widened but took off her belt and handiled it to me. I held lily down and brought it down on her little ass. After spanking her ten times. She stood up sobbing and went to pull her panties and pants but I took them from her.
"No only good pets get clothes. You Wil not get shelby back for a few days and your going to be in your cage until I say otherwise. Now go!" I said
She scurried away and got into her cage and curled up in a ball. I locked her cage walked over to the door and switched off the light and walked out closing the door.
We walked downstairs to meet the other pets. We got to the back door and we all walked outside. They were loving the snow. Even eco and Lancey were loving the snow.
"Snowball fight" screamed Jake
Thats when all he'll be loose. I picked up a snowball and threw it a cameran and it hit her in the back. She turned out and came running at me when.....