Girls take absolutely forever to get ready. I was already in my tux and I watched two episodes of breaking bad before I hear the door open from upstairs. I cut off the TV and stand up to wait on Bambi to walk down the stairs.
It was only a few seconds later that I heard the footsteps on the stairs. I look up to see Kelsie running quickly down the stairs with a huge smile on her face.
"Why are you smiling like that?" I ask her with an arched eyebrow.
"I told her not to come down until I call her so that I can get a picture of her coming down the stairs." She tells me excitedly.
I roll my eyes at her weirdness. "What are you, her mother?"
She sticks her tongue at me before calling Bambi's name. I look up as Bambi starts to walk down the stairs and wow. She was beautiful. The dress she chose matched her perfectly. She looked like an angel and I could look at her beauty forever.
When she looked at me, she smiled brightly. She was perfect in every way possible.
Click. Click. Click.
The sound of Kelsie's camera made me realize my mouth was dropped open in surprise and I quickly cleared my throat and stood up straight.
I stretch out my hand for Bambina to grab as she descended the stairs.
"You look amazing." I tell her as I check her out, shamelessly, once again.
Her cheeks turn a slight pink at my comment, causing me to smirk down at her.
I don't know what it is about her or what she's doing to me, but I absolutely love being around her. She's the brightest part of my day which is ironic because I only get to see her at night.
"Thank you." She says softly before glancing over at Kelsie, who is grinning like the Cheshire cat.
I then give her a 'go home now' look and she instantly understand that she should leave.
"Well, I should get going. Alex is probably wondering where I am by now." Kelsie says quickly before giving Bambina a hug. "See you later! Have fun!" She says as she turns to wink at me.
I glare at her before she turns and rushes to her car.
I look back at Bambina and once again I'm struck by her beauty. She makes my heart race ten times faster than it should.
"Are you ready to go?" I ask her.
The restaurant, Ruth's Chris Steak House, is absolutely gorgeous and the food is delightful. Definitely better than seafood. Although they did have lobster tail and shrimp.
It was really fancy, which explains why he had me dress up to eat. He looked nice as well. He cleans up very nicely. I think I like him in a suit. The thought causes my face to heat up with a blush.
"What are you blushing for?" Aiden asks me with a grin.
I smile up at him, trying to play it off, but to no avail.
"I just.. I think you look, um... good looking, in a suit." I admit as I look down at my plate.
He smirks as he leans in closer. "Oh yeah?"
I nod as I look back up. He was really close to my chair so I look into his eyes, watching his every movement.
"I'm having a really great time with you, Bambi." He says before dropping his eyes to my lips then back to my eyes.
"We're just eating." I whisper back, to nervous to actually speak.
"Not just tonight."
He leans in a little more, his lips getting closer to mine. He looks into my eyes before closing his. I close mine as well, waiting for the connection. I could already feel the warmth.
"Aiden!" We both pull apart quickly and look over to see who called his name. "What are you doing here?" The red head who always comes around smiles at aiden then looks at me with a smug look.
Well, I guess she doesn't like me very much. The feeling is definitely mutual. Although, I attempt to put on a fake smile for her.
"Hey, Darcy. You remember Bambi?" Aiden says to her.
She fakes a smile as she looks over me. "Oh, yes. The deer."
I clear my throat. "I'm not actually a deer."
She smirks at me before turning toward Aiden. "I thought you were leaving today."
He nods. "I am. I was just saying bye to Bambi before I go. She's going back to Chicago tomorrow to see her parents so I thought I'd have dinner with her before I leave since I won't get to see her tomorrow."
She scoffs. "Have fun in Chicago."
Aiden looks at me before looking back at Darcy.
"So, what are you doing here?" He asks her.
"I have a date." She shrugs.
I watch their conversation, feeling more and more left out and insecure. This girl was drop dead gorgeous. Her and Aiden would make a great couple, even if he had to ditch me. She seems to like him and I really couldn't tell if the feeling for him was mutual. Probably was but she's on a date so maybe they are both trying to make the other jealous.
Not that this is a date or anything but, Darcy doesn't know that.
"Anyway, you should probably get back to your date. Bambi and I were about to leave anyway." Aiden tells her.
She looks over at me with a smirk. "Sorry I ruined your date."
I then smirk back at her. If Aiden wants to make her jealous, them I'll play along because I'm going to be as good of a friend as he is.
"Don't worry. You didn't."