Watching Bambi get to know her little sister and also get to know her mother all over again this week, warmed my heart. Especially when she would swim as a mermaid with her little sister, who I learned was named Bethany.
The next day, before her sister woke up, she told me how she could break the curse. It surprised me a bit because I've never thought fairy tales could be true. Then again, I didn't believe in mermaids until I met Bambina..
I even listened to her cry because she doesn't even know what love feels like. I wish I could've helped in that situation, but I've never been in love either. What I do know, is that I like Bambina. More than I've ever liked any girl before. But, she doesn't see me that way. And, that's okay.
She's basically in a new world. She has no idea what's out there so I'm going to help her. I'll put my feelings aside so that she can be happy. Even if it means she won't be happy with me. At least, once the curse is broken, I won't lose her.
The rest of the week, she would wake up, get in the pool, become a mermaid until dusk, then we would hang out with her mom and Bethany before going to bed. After the week ended, there were lots of crying before I promised I would bring Bambina back soon.
After her mom hugged me and told me thank you, we left. I hated seeing Bambina so upset but, if she wanted to break the curse, we needed to get started.
Now, she is getting a shower before we head out to a party. Maybe we can find someone she will be interested in.
"Aiden!" She calls me from the bathroom and I instantly jump up, thinking something must be wrong.
I open the door and stop as I stare at what is stood before me.
What? I'm a guy, okay?
Bambina is stood in a very sexy baby blue lingerie set, I remember buying it for her because she said it was cute and it would make her look beautiful. She was right although I thought she was beautiful either way.
"This one, or this one?" She asks holding up a little black dress and short red fluffy one.
"Uh.. You would.. Um.. The red one." I stutter out, stupidly.
I've never had anyone cause me, Aiden Parker, to stutter.
She smiles before kissing my cheek. Still in her underwear, might I add. I feel my cheeks get warmer before I clear my throat.
"I'll just be getting ready." I tell her. "I need to shower, as well."
I walk out and head to the bathroom in my room.
God, what is this girl doing to me?
I quickly get dressed into the red dress before brushing out the tangles in my hair. I decided, I didn't need any makeup because, let's face it, haha, get it? Makeup. Face. It's funny.. Anyway, I don't know how to put the stuff on.
Once I finished, I go into my room to wait for Aiden. I slip on the red heels I chose for this dress, and sit on my bed. It was about thirty minutes later when a knock is on my door.
"Come in." I call out.
Aiden opens the door and I stand up. He smiles as he looks over my dress. I look over him, as well. He was only wearing a nice t-shirts and some black pants but he sure did make it look amazing.
"You look, beautiful." Aiden says at the same time that I say, "You look nice."
I blush, looking down to cover my face. I glance up at him to see he has a beautiful smile on his face.
"You ready?" He asks.
I nod before walking through the doorway. Aiden follows behind me after a few seconds and we leave the house. The party is only fifteen minutes away so we basically just listened to music.
"I like this music." I tell him.
He smiles. "He's my favorite rapper. He's a legend if you ask me."
I nod. "And, who is he?"
"Juice world, baby."
My heart stops in my chest. Did he just call me baby? I look over to see him stiffen. We sat in awkward silence until this song and the next one went off. Finally he spoke and I couldn't have been happier at his words.
"We're here."
He pulls into an empty spot and explains that we'll have to walk the rest of the way. It was only about a three minute walk so I nod in acknowledgment.
In these heels, it took us longer than three minutes.
It was a horrible walk but we finally made it to the front door. Aiden puts his arm around my waist to keep us from losing one another on the way in.
The guy at the front door winks at me, causing Aiden to tighten his hold on my waist on our way through. I don't know what that was about but, as I look at him, I don't think he even realized he did it.
He leans down close to my ear. "Remember, don't accept drinks from anyone and don't leave your drink unattended."
I nod before going over to the person pouring drinks. He looks up and smiles as I sit down. He was pretty cute and had a very nice smile. Not Aiden cute but definitely cute.
I don't know why I just compared him to Aiden.
"Hey, pretty lady. What can I get for you?" He asks as he leans against the bar toward me.
"Coke, please." I smile politely.
He winks before turning around and grabbing a red solo cup. He sits it in front of me and grabs the coke before pouring it in slowly.
"I haven't seen you around before." He comments as he gives me my drink. "What school do you go to?"
Aiden told me what to say if I was asked this question. He said it was most likely going to be the first question people asked since they've never saw me before.
"I'm being homeschooled." I smile. "What about you?"
He smirks leaning down. "Crystal River High School. I'll be a senior when school starts back."
A senior?
"Me too!" I say even though I have no idea what that means.
He smiles before turning to talk to the other guy behind him. After a few seconds, he turns back to me.
"I'm Alex. Wanna dance?"
I smile as I look back at Aiden who sends me a smile back. Only his smile seems forced. I turn back and nod.
"Yeah, sure." I accept his offer. "Oh! I'm Bambina."