Bambina's POV
I went back into the ocean with a huge smile on my face. Knowing now that Aiden didn't like Darcy was such a relief. Even though he probably doesn't like me either.. Maybe I'm in over my head. He doesn't like me that way. If he did, he would've told me by now. Its not like he doesn't speak his mind.
I'm definitely in over my head.
Eventually he's going to like someone and I'm going to have to be okay with it. There's nothing I can do. If I want to continue this friendship, I'm going to have to accept whoever will end up being his.
I guess it'll be easier once I find love.
I just wish I knew what it felt like so that I could know for sure when it does happen. With Aiden, I feel something that I've never felt before. Its all new. But, is it love? I'm not sure. It doesn't matter though. Its probably just because I like him but when he's close, my heart speeds up, and when he's gone, I'm lonely again. When he touches me, my body reacts in a way thats foreign to me but its the best feeling in the world but when he takes his hands away, I'm cold like I need to feel his touch.
I want to tell Aiden that I like him now that I know he doesn't like Darcy but how an I supposed to tell him? What if he rejects me? Which he will. Then our friendship is ruined. Yeah, not going to happen.
So inserted of over thinking I go for a swim around the ocean until I have to go back to land. Which by the way, I'm extremely excited about going to Hazel's birthday party. I wasn't invited until last minute so I wasn't able to get her a gift. But, I think I know what she would love.
I turn around quickly at the call of my name to see Aqua swimming quickly toward me. She wraps her arms around me tightly. If I was on land, I'd probably not be able to breath.
"I missed you so much, Bambina and I'm so sorry for how everything ended with us all. I understand that you want to break the curse to be with your family. I do. Please forgive me?" Aqua belts out quickly.
I smile at her. "I missed you, too, Aqua. I'm really sorry that it's something I must do. I have a sister that I never even knew I had.."
I continue by telling her all about my sister, Hazel, my mom, and how my dad died. I told her breaking the curse wouldn't be easy because I'd have to fall in love with someone within three months which seems almost impossible. Then I told her about how I like Aiden but I don't know how to turn these feelings off. I explained to her the way I feel when we're together and then how I feel when we are apart. By the end, she was smiling from ear to ear.
"What?" I ask her curiosity soaring through me at her creepy little smile. Like she knows something I'm unaware of.
"It sounds like breaking your curse is simple." She shrugs.
My mouth falls open in shock at her words. Was she crazy? If it was simple, I'd have done it already.
"Listen, Bambina, it sounds like you more than like him." She leans in closer with a smirk. "Sounds like you already fell in love. The next step is to tell him and break your curse."
Yep. She's definitely delusional.
I shake my head and sigh. "I'm not in love with Aiden. And even if I was, it has to be true love. It'll only work if Aiden loved me back. Which he doesn't."
She snorts before rolling her eyes. "How do you know he doesn't?"
I open my mouth to respond but, someone calling out to Aqua catches our attention. We both follow the sound of the voice and see Aquarius swimming over to us.
I wave at him, confirming its definitely me. Although I'm no princess.
He wraps his arms around me. "I thought you broke the curse. I didn't think I'd ever see you again." Aqua clears her throat. "Sorry, we."
I laugh at that. I've missed them. Being in the ocean without them was pretty lonely.
"Will you be back tonight?" Aqua asks me.
I nod. "Yes, I will be."
She smiles. "Great! I have to go speak with my dad but remember what we talked about. Think about it."
I agree as I say my goodbyes. It was getting late but it wasn't time to go just yet. Aquarius didn't leave so I told him everything I had told Aqua. I almost left out my feelings for Aiden bit decided to just tell him. He listened though, without saying anything until the end.
"Can I just say something?" Aquarius asks me.
I nod with a shrug. "Of course, Aquarius."
I understand why you want to break the curse. I didn't at first because I let my feelings get in the way of rationality. So just keep that in mind when I say this.. " I nod, urging him to continue. "Although I understand, I still don't want you to break the curse. I won't stop you if it's what you decide but I have to tell you or I'll always wonder 'what if?'" He takes a deep sigh before grabbing my hands. "I love you, Bambina. So much. It physically hurt me when you left and I wasn't able to see you. I can tell that you love Aiden, there's no doubt about that. Although I don't know what you see in that landboy. But, you said it yourself. He doesn't like you back. By the way, I don't think it's possible for him not to but, you know him better than me. So why waste your time on him. I love you, princess. I want you to choose me. I will always give you the love you want, deserve, and need. I won't ask for an answer now, but just think about it okay?"
I just stare at him. I didn't know what to say. I knew he liked me but I didn't know that he loved me. I wanted to say anything but nothing aside from one thing came to mind.
"I never said I love Aiden."
He smirks. "You didn't have to."487Please respect copyright.PENANA9EP8XPMyVW