"How did you know I secretly love Muenster cheese?" Larissa asked as they ate their sandwiches at Wilacre Park later that afternoon.
"Just a lucky guess," he smiled. She couldn't help but notice the way the sun glinted in Chris' eyes, making them that much more gorgeous and brilliant.
"Why do I feel like nothing is just 'luck' with you?" she squinted her eyes at him, but couldn't erase the smile from her face.Chris laughed.
"Come on. Don't we all believe in luck? At least a little bit?"
"Oh, Jesus. You're not going to get all 'Just My Luck' on me, are you?" Larissa interrupted.
"Oh God. Can we just never speak of that movie ever again?" they both chuckled.
"Let me ask you this, then: Do you think we met by luck, chance,whatever you want to call it, or do you think it was...fate?" she grew serious. Chris pondered a moment before answering.
"A little of both. Well, not a little of both. That's not exactly correct, at least the way I feel about it. Let me start over," he waved his hands in the air. "I think it was mostly fate, destiny, what have you. But I think we got lucky that we were actually able to find each other...Does that make sense?"Chris looked to her.
"Yes," Larissa whispered. There was a long pause between them as they held each others gaze. "We're going to be alright, aren't we?"she asked quietly.
"I think we already are," he ran a hand through her long blonde hair, leaning forward to kiss her on the lips. "Aren't we?"Chris pulled back, looking at her expectantly.
It wasn't the first time in the past several days that she had purposely tried to imagine what life would be like without Chris or just having a random flash of it when her emotions had run extra high. She couldn't. Well, she could, but it was not a life she had any desire to lead. Thinking about not living with him in her life hurt even more than his words had.
"Yah," Larissa nodded her head vigorously, wiping a few errant tears away just as quickly.
"What is it?" Chris asked, his brow instantly furrowing with concern as he took both of her hands in his.
"Nothing. It's silly," Larissa tried to be as dismissive as possible, shaking her head.
"No. I want to know. Matter of fact, I want you to promise me something. From now on, no hiding things from each other, no secrets.That's what marriage is about, right? Being totally honest with each other? Can you do that for me if I promise the same?"
Larissa swallowed the lump forming in her throat and tried hard not to start full on crying.
"Mmhmm," she nodded quickly, afraid the floodgates would open if she said anything more.
"Then please, tell me what's upsetting you," a veil of sadness had clouded his eyes. "Is it...what I said? The other day?" Much to Chris' surprise, Larissa let out a sharp laugh.
"No," she shook her head, looking down at their intertwined hands briefly.
"What's funny?" he lightened up some, but was still wary.
"Just now I was thinking how you have puppy dog eyes when you're sad. That's why I was laughing. Not that it's funny to me when you're sad. Just...," she sighed. "My thoughts are all over the place today," she forced a smile.
"I guess," Chris chuckled. "So what's eating you, Gilbert Grape?" Larissa took another deep breath.
"I've been thinking about what life would be like without you a lot over the past few days...And I hated it. I just got all worked up because it makes me sad to think about, you know? And you're being so sweet today...", she choked back sobs.
"Hey, hey," Chris leaned forward, embracing her as he rubbed comforting circles around her back. "You'll never have to worry about that. Ok? You'd have to do something really bad to drive me away. Like, kill my parents, or something," they both laughed.They sat there holding each other in silence as the minutes passed by.
"We're ok," Chris looked her in the eyes and reassured her. "We'll get past this. I'm going to make it up to you. If not this week, then the rest of my life, if I have to. I promise."
"Oh, Chris. You already have," Larissa replied, exasperated, before kissing him hard on the mouth. "I can't stay mad at you. I love you too much, damn it. I need you."
"Does that mean I don't have to butter you up for the rest of the week?" Chris dead panned.
"Don't push your luck."