It was almost noon the next day when an unknown number popped up on Chris' phone. He almost didn't answer it...Then remembered he had given Larissa his number, but didn't have hers.
"Hi," a soft, feminine voice answered on the other end. "I didn't wake you, did I?"
"No," Chris scoffed and pretended to be offended. "I woke up 10 minutes ago." Larissa laughed on the other end.
"What are you doing? I'm on my break at work. I thought I would give you a call and see what you were up to. I'd hate for someone so young to go to the looney bin over me." Chris could sense her smile on the other end of the line.
"Trying to find my damn glasses at the moment." He had fallen asleep watching tv on the couch after he had gotten home. He woke up in bed, not remembering walking there at all, and had no clue where he left his glasses. Chris has been hunting for them since he woke up.
"You wear glasses? Oh, that's right."
"Yah, I usually have my contacts in. Sadly, these beautiful blue eyes come at a price," he chuckled at his own joke as he continued searching. Then something Larissa had just said clicked in his groggy brain finally.
"What do you mean, 'Oh, that's right'? How could you have possibly known I wear corrective lenses of any sort?"
"Ummm...About that...And please don't be mad, but I kind of looked you up online after I got home last night." Chris groaned.
"I told you. You looked familiar and it was still driving me nuts trying to figure out where I knew you from."
"Well, which cheesy movie was it?" Chris sighed and rubbed his eyes. He was starting to get a headache already.
"Two, actually. That really terrible one with Lindsay Lohan and The Princess Diaries 2. It should go without saying that I also enjoy watching romance movies, cheesy or otherwise. I have to admit, though, despite the movie being a fucking train wreck overall, you were adorable in that one with LiLo. I can't believe that's only been a year. You look so different now." Chris grumbled again.
"You think that movie was a train wreck. Lindsay in general was a fucking train wreck. She's a hot mess." Larissa laughed.
"Yah, I can't believe you worked with her. Anyways, don't be mad. I'll try not to tease you too much...When do I get to see you with those sexy glasses, though?"
"I want you to know I'm rolling my eyes at you right now," Chris replied. "And never, at this rate. I still can't find the damn things."
"Hey, I don't have much time left," Larissa's tone changed suddenly. "I was actually wondering if you wanted to get together tomorrow. I have to work the afternoon shift, but I get off at 4." Chris was caught somewhat off guard. Not that he was complaining, but he hadn't expected her to want to get together again so soon.
"Yah. Sure. Of course," his words fumbled out. "Anything in mind?"
"Surprise me." Chris could just imagine her eyes sparkling with mischief.
"Alright. Send me your address and I'll pick you up around 5?"
"Sounds good. Bye, Chris. Good luck finding your glasses."
The next day, Chris received a text message from Larissa just as he was about to head out the door.
4:15-Just got home. What should I wear?
4:15-Something nice. We're going on a proper date. :) I was just about to head to your place.
4:16-How nice? Take your time. I still have to shower and get ready.
4:16-I don't know. Just something nice, like you'd wear to a dinner party, I guess. Quit being such a girl and get ready.
4:16-Chris I've never BEEN to a dinner party.
4:17-Do I need to dress you when I get there?
4:17-Shit, I didn't mean it like that.
4:17-ha ha You're cute when you're flustered. I'm getting in the shower.
4:18-Well thinking about that is not helping. See you soon.
Chris couldn't remember the last time he felt so excited. About anything. Well, except the first day of shooting for "So This Is Life" a couple of days before, of course. He even felt more energetic, too, as he drove to Larissa's house. It would take him close to 45 minutes this time of day, if he were lucky, but even that wasn't getting to him. Chris couldn't believe how amazing he felt. On the other hand, though, it was a little troubling that he hadn't even realized what a funk he had been in until now. It was always invigorating, in a way, when he dated someone new, but this felt different. Deep down he felt like his whole life was about to change in a good way.
Chris pulled up to a cute two story bungalow per the directions of his GPS. He parked his ugly, gray 2006 Toyota Corolla and took a second to gather his thoughts. He hated that car. He wanted something sexy, not this piece of shit. It was at the top of his list of "things to save up for". Chris tried to calm his nerves as he got out and approached the front porch. The door opened before he was even able to knock.
"Hi! You must be Chris," a short, black-haired woman close to his age answered the door. "I'm Molly, one of Larissa's roommates. Come on in. She's still upstairs getting dressed." Chris followed her into the house silently.
"Nice place," he commented politely as he looked around the large living room.
"Come, sit down. She shouldn't be too much longer," Molly invited him to sit on the couch as she exited to the kitchen off of the right side of the living room. Chris looked at his watch. It was already after 5 and he had made reservations for 6 o'clock at Providence. It was going to take a miracle to get there on time in rush hour L.A. traffic. Just then he heard someone coming down the stairs.
"Wow! You look amazing!" Larissa came down the stairs wearing a form-fitting black dress that ended in the tiniest bit of ruffles mid-thigh, black pumps to match, black beaded chandelier earrings, her make-up was done darker, more sultry, than usual (well, at least from what Chris had seen so far), and her blonde hair swept up, tucked away in a perfect up-do.
"You're not too bad yourself," Larissa replied as she laced her arm through his. He had tried to look spiffy. Chris wore his black Armani suit, which his father insisted on buying for him for business reasons, a powder blue dress shirt, and black Gucci loafers which his dad had also insisted on buying him.
"Perfect timing," Chris said as he guided her toward the door.
"Oh good. I'm glad you didn't have to wait long. Where are we going?"
"It's a surprise, remember?" he grinned evilly as he escorted her to the car and opened the door for her.
"My, aren't you a gentleman?" Larissa spoke in a fake southern belle accent.
"Hmm," Chris snickered. "My plan is coming along accordingly. I already have you fooled," he joked as he started the car.
"Oh, please. I can see right through your macho exterior. You're a big softy deep down."
"I wish that were true," he mumbled, more to himself. "Just for you, my dear."
"You are. You'll see," Larissa insisted.
"Reservation for Pine," Chris told the host standing at the podium as they entered Providence. The man looked at the schedule book in front of him and crossed a line off.
"Yes, right this way, sir."
As they walked to their table and took their seats, Chris noticed something seemed a little off with Larissa.
"Is everything ok?" he asked as they both took their menus.
"Yes, I've just never been to a place like this before."
"I told you we were going on a real date," he smiled charmingly. "Don't expect it all the time, though. I'm not made of money," he winked.
"Don't worry. I don't think I have enough nice outfits in my wardrobe to eat at places like this all the time," Larissa laughed.
"Did I at least do good tonight? Do you like seafood?" Chris inquired.
"Oh, yes. I love seafood! It's so hard to find any good seafood in Iowa. Surprise, surprise," they both chuckled. Larissa's eyes bulged out of her head as she finally opened her menu.
"Chris! This is insanely expensive!"
"Get whatever you want. It's my treat."
"But Chris..."
"Larissa, we're already here," Chris laughed a little as he interrupted her. "What would you normally get? If price weren't an issue?"
"Well, I would get crab legs. I can't possibly let you pay for this, though..." Chris held a finger up to her lips to hush her.
"If you don't order it for yourself, I will." Larissa finally resigned herself and flipped to the back of the menu for the drinks.
"What kind of wine do you like?" Larissa peered over her menu at him. "No arguing," Chris wagged a finger at her.
"Something sweet," she replied plainly. Just then their waitress approached and took their order. A few minutes later she returned with a bottle of red wine and poured two glasses for them. Chris raised his cup.
"To new beginnings," he declared, and clinked his glass with Larissa's. Chris was glad to see the sparkle returning to her eyes.
"So how was work today?"
"Ugh. I don't want to talk about work, Chris. Tell me what exciting things you did today," she winked. "Did you find your glasses yesterday?"
"God, yes! Took me 30 fucking minutes to find those damn things. They were on the kitchen counter for some reason."
"At least you found them. I don't know how I would afford new ones if I lost mine."
"You have glasses too?"
"Sadly, these beautiful blue eyes come at a price," Larissa teased, using his own line from the other day. Chris chuckled and stuck his tongue out. "So, how was your day? It had to have been more exciting than mine."
"Not really. I did go for a jog out in Rivas Canyon. Nice to get some fresher air and clear my head a little. Have you ever been there?"
"I've not really gone out exploring as much as I would like. To be honest, I'm kind of afraid to go by myself."
"I'll take you some time," Chris smiled. "There are tons of great places to go hiking around here."
"I'd like that," Larissa reflected the smile on his face as Chris took her hands in his on top of the table. They continued chatting comfortably until their food arrived. After dinner, they finished off their bottle of wine as Chris paid the bill.
"I'm guessing you have to work tomorrow?" Chris asked, secretly hoping that she didn't.
"Yes, unfortunately. I guess I shouldn't complain too much, huh? Otherwise I'd be living on the streets...Or worse, moving back to Iowa," she shuddered dramatically as they laughed.
"Are you up for one more stop? Before you even ask, it's 7:10,"he looked down at his watch.
"I shouldn't, but fuck it. Let's do it. I should warn you, though, you may have to carry me, wherever we're going. I'm a lightweight," Larissa shook her empty wine glass in the air. Chris chuckled.
"I'm ok with that. Are you sure you're up for it? It's a bit of a drive."
"I don't care. Maybe it's the wine talking, but I just don't feel like going home yet...Or maybe it's just you," she grinned.
Half an hour later they arrived at Santa Monica Beach. They somehow managed to arrive just in time to see the sun setting.
"Wow, the sunset is beautiful tonight," Larissa exclaimed as they paused at the edge of the sand to take their shoes off. The sun was already quickly sinking below the horizon, but caused the reds and oranges of it to become even more brilliant. The few tufts of clouds here and there were tinged pink. It really was breathtaking.
"May I?" Chris held his free hand that wasn't holding shoes out to Larissa.
"You are too charming for your own good, you know it?" she said as she took his hand. "Wait a second," Larissa pinched the skin between his thumb and index finger.
"Ow! What was that for?"
"Just making sure you're real," she grinned evilly. Chris shook his head and smiled.
"I think I like drunk you." They continued walking down the beach.
"Why's that? And I'm not drunk-drunk, thank you very much!" Chris shrugged.
"I don't know. I feel like you're not trying to hide as much. I like when people are open and honest with me."
"Me too," Larissa replied. "I'm trying to get better. At least with you," she squeezed his hand. "I'm really not as crazy as I seem. I'm more afraid I'll bore you to death."
"Never," he kissed the back of her hand and immediately wondered if he had gone too far. At least it was her hand he was kissing this time and she didn't seem to mind.
They decided to sit and enjoy watching the rest of the sunset in silence on the sand. As the last of the colors faded into darkness, Larissa broke the comfortable peace between them.
"What are you thinking about?" Chris couldn't help but laugh.
"That's such a 'girl question' to ask."
"Well, I am a girl, last time I checked." Chris chuckled again.
"Fair enough. Well..." he drug out. "I've been thinking. Scary,right? I've been thinking about how we're supposed to kiss a lot for one of our scenes next week..." he let the thought hang in the air for a minute.
"And?" Larissa was curious as to where he was going with this.
"And I don't want our first kiss to be fake and in front of a bunch of people we don't even know. I feel like it would feel dirty, doing it for other people's entertainment." Larissa just nodded.
"Ok, but you kissed me the other night."
"That doesn't count. That was an accident. Not that I didn't want to, but I really hadn't intended to. I swear." Larissa looked down and tried to hide her smile.
"I know. I told you it was ok. So, where were you going with your train of thought?"
"I wanted to know if I could kiss you. Before the show."
"So kiss me," she leaned in a little closer to his face.
"Right now?"
"Why not? You talk too much..." Larissa leaned in the rest of the way and pressed her full, soft lips against his before he could respond. Her fingertips lightly traced the edges of his face as he cupped hers in his own hands. Their lips locked tenderly together, it wasn't long before Chris was fighting the urge to kiss her even harder, more eagerly. He hoped Larissa didn't notice as he broke away from her.
"You're a good kisser," she said breathily, their faces still only an inch or so away from one another.
"You're a little too good," Chris' replied, voice getting the first hints of huskiness to it.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Nothing. Ready to head back? It's getting chilly already," he helped Larissa to her feet and wrapped his arm around her shoulders as they headed back to Chris' car.