So the other day I saw this person offer to carry another person to their destination. I was thinking how crazy person A must be for carrying person B to their destination. Person B is perfectly capable of getting herself to a set of doors. Of course, person A decides to pick her up and basically kidnap her!
I said Sir, she really doesn't need help!
He acted offended and said But she can't walk, so I should help her. I'm really helping her!
I said No, you're making her life more awkward than it already is. She's perfectly healthy.
He said But she's not! This point he's yelling at me. She's in a wheelchair.
Sir, if somebody dragged you along a path that you could easily walk would you be pissed off?
Yes, I would, but this is different. I'm helping a disabled person!
At this point I should tell you the girl was in a wheelchair, and I am not me, but instead a friend of mine, and my friend was arguing with a man who insisted to push the girl to her destination even though she was perfectly fine by herself. Some woman, who was discovered to have no affiliation with the man, sided with the insisting man.
If you see a disabled person by him or herself in a wheelchair, don't ask if you can push them. It is, first off, stupid, and it is also very awkward. 'Disabled' people are perfectly fine by themselves.
If you see someone who isn't appearing physically disabled, then try to access your easy nerve-sensing scanning to see that not everyone in a wheelchair is physically disabled or unable to walk, many people are in wheelchairs because of extreme pain that you can't even imagine unless if you were shot by a bullet and they cannot walk without having that extreme pain.
Stop acting like you're helping or being smart. You're not.
However, if you give advice for small tricks, such as a shower chair, then be free to tell. Don't use a baby voice or ssssllllllllloooooooow voooooooooiiiiiiiiccccce because you think they're mentally retarded. Most of the time they're not.
Saying that you know some magical cure is bullshit. Now, I'm not one to say profane words aloud such as 'bullshit', but if you tell some wheelchairee that there's this magical cure that you thought about for two seconds and you obviously know that they never thought about such a magical cure before, then I'm going to yell in your fucking face that that's bullshit!
'You're too young to have back pains!' Really, ya danzy? You think so? So, of course, I have no scoliosis and a twenty-five year-old man can't have arthritis because, truly, that's impossible because of their age! Just like hicks that marry fifty years apart, joint pains don't care about your age, and they'll follow you everywhere like a yandere girlfriend.
I get pretty pissed off when people think that they can help a 'not-normal' person or they think that they know the magical cure. People who get shot by a bullet know what it's like to get shot by a bullet, nobody else does. People who kill a man know what it's like to kill a man, nobody else does. People who tie their shoes in Ian's knot know what it's like to tie their shoes in Ian's knot, nobody else does. No exceptions. In this case, people with physical or painful disabilities know what it's like to be in their situations, nobody else does.
They've had years or months to think about how to deal with their worries, just like how you've had years to learn to tie your shoes or say the letters 'th' without saying 'ff' (which, by the way, is a pain when you can't). If you can't whistle, the it's impossible to whistle unless if you practice every night for the next few years. It never magically happens. Same with handicaps.
Now, there are exceptions to what I mentioned above. If you see a person who looks mentally disabled, and their family members or friends have told you so, then treat them kindly, but under any circumstance do not talk to them like they're a baby. Don't even talk to babies like they're babies. If you see a person visibly having trouble with reaching something on a shelf, kindly ask to help. If they refuse, hightail yourself out of there because they don't want, and might not even need, your help.
So that's that.