But the real question is: Why?
Kids do it all the time, asking 'why' over and over again. It gets annoying, eventually. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's cute at first, all like "Aw, they're trying to learn more about the world", but then goes to "This child is so annoying !"
So, the question is: Why?
Why is there controversy on homosexuality, racial matters, and other sensitive topics in America? Why can't we be friends? Why is there even any concept of war these days? Why is the economy going to hell? Why are my taxes still evident to the long showers I take in the coldest water the Southern U.S. region can give? Why do wisdom teeth exist? Why can't I have more money? Why? WHY?
I don't know about you, but if someone were asking me all these questions, I'd probably just blank out their voice by the third question.
But sometimes, you should really listen.
You state your opinion, and an opposer asks "Why?" Why are you in the position you are now? Why do you stand by your argument? You need to be able to answer those questions with evidence to support your answers. There shouldn't be an argument that you support that you just blindly walk into. If you don't know everything in the field being argued, open your mind. Who knows, maybe your opponent might say something enlightening.
Being flexible is a good quality. Having an open, flexible mid can take you to great places. When you know you're wrong, admit it. If you give your opponent no time to speak but demand all the time in the world to speak yourself, stop and take a second to breath, then allow your opponent to talk for a bit. When you have a grudge, let it go. All this stuff will just stress you out if you stay with being wrong, demanding time to speak, having a grudge, demanding attention, being envious of others, et cetera, et cetera. Oh, also, never act all high and mighty as if you're smarter than someone; it's just plain mean!
Now, take it, this is just advise. We all have free will for a reason. But, I ask you: WHY???
Theology says we have free will because of a greater being. Science says we have free will because of being smart and sentient. But what's this whole theology-science clash that's been going on for hundreds of years? Why can't anyone be friends?
Make friends. Trust me, you'll regret not making good friends in the future if you don't try now. If you're in early high school years to late college years, that's the perfect time! But be careful about what friends you make. There are those who are just plain despicable and can't be changed for the life of anyone. Also be very careful if someone is volatile about their opinions being contradicted. If you have a friend who berates you for your opinions on war, religion, evolution, society, etc., then you don't have a very good friend. And if you berate someone for their opinions, shame on you. The way to do it, in my experience, is subtly go about, not like a snake but more like a butterfly. Suggest things, never demand.
And here's a suggestion: take time out of your day to peacefully release stress. Such as (though not limited to), taking a walk, talking with a friend (if not too introverted), playing with a pet (doesn't even have to be yours!), making a baby giggle or something, reading, writing, or just doing something you like, whether it's a sport or art! Take the time out of your day whenever you're free to get stress out, and not through video games or Netflix. Those are more recreational activity for pleasure, but aren't as good as releasing stress as something that is interaction between two people or nature or something. Playing a video game or watching a movie with a friend are good with releasing stress, though. Also, sometime help someone else release stress, whether they need a personal diary in the form of you, or just time to have a hug.
So yeah, I'm not sure where I went with this little chapter. Just some random stuffs. Anyways, have a good day, everyone!