Over the next few days, Hannes and I hung out more. He even introduced me to the rest of the band: Joakim, the lead singer; Tommy and Chris, the two guitarists; and Par, the bass player. Of course, I already knew all their names but it was awesome to finally meet them in person. I’d gotten a little notebook to use solely for my conversations with them.
“Hey Sophia, how would you like to come to our show tomorrow night? You can hang out with us before the show backstage and have a really good seat,” Joakim offered after a few days we had been hanging out.
I would love to, but I don’t have that kind of money. I’m barely managing to get by with just enough food and water, even with the cheapest rent I could get. Plus, I don’t have a car or money to take the bus, I wrote out.
“Oh, don’t worry about that,” Par mentioned.
“Yeah, you don’t need to do anything except be able to make it,” Tommy smiled.
“We can come pick you up, too,” Chris added.
“Are you guys sure?” I signed, but then remembered none of them understood sign language so I grabbed my notebook.
“Yeah, we’re sure,” Hannes said.
“Wait…you know ASL?” I asked him in surprise.
“Well, sort of. I’ve been trying to learn. I only know bits, but I know enough to understand what you just said, at least. I know sure and sign, as well as a few other simple words,” Hannes explained.
I smiled excitedly. “I would love to come to your concert!”
Hannes chuckled. “I picked out love, come, and concert. Also judging by your reaction, I’d say you’re excited to come with us,” he said with a smile. I nodded happily.
“Then it’s settled. Hannes will let you know when we’re on our way to pick you up,” Joakim said.