I traveled with them to their next show. They played Shiroyama again and let me go up too. It was still a little nerve-racking for me being in front of so many people, but it felt a little easier.
After the show, I put on my earbuds and started packing up while the guys started with the heavier things. I found some drumsticks and before I knew it, I was startled from my thoughts by a hand on my shoulder. I dropped the drum sticks and took out my ear buds as I spun around, only to see Hannes with a sheepish smile.
"Heh, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you," he apologized.
“ It's okay. It's my own fault. I easily get lost when I listen to your music,” I signed with a small smile. He smiled and chuckled a little.
"Well, I couldn't help noticing that you have really good timing with the beat. You were listening to To Hell and Back, weren't you?"
“Yeah! How'd you know?”
He laughed. "I should hope I'd know, after all I am the drummer. But it also helps that you're really good."
“Thanks, but I've never actually been able to take drum lessons even though I've always wanted to.”
"Well, I could teach you if you'd like."
“ Seriously!? That would be amazing!”
Hannes nodded and smiled.
"Whenever we have downtime, perhaps before shows, we'll sit down at the drums and play," he said and I smiled excitedly. We finished packing up and on the road again. That night I texted my best friend again.
Girl, you're so lucky but I'm also so happy for you. I know how much of a dream come true this must be, not only on a fangirl level but to me it also sounds like you've finally found your forever family.
Thank you. Yeah, I think you're right. I've never felt truly happy or at peace with my other families, but with the Sabaton gang, I do, I sent back.
After a few days we got to the next city. We still had a few days before the concert, but Hannes started teaching me about drums by drawing a picture of a drum set, and explaining what notes were on what drum.
Later in the day, he asked me if I could teach him more sign language. I smiled and nodded happily. In those few days, we also explored the city, sometimes all of us and sometimes just Hannes and me. The day before the concert, Joakim was asked to do an interview at the local news station. We sat off camera to the side while he talked with the reporter.
She was tall and gangly with olive skin and had a naïve feel about her. A particularly notable feature was her crooked smile, and she had a large bruise on her left arm, which she acted proud of. Her short, wavy, salt and pepper hair was worn in an asymmetrical style. She had beady, angular, green eyes, thin lips with a piercing in the top and bottom, defined cheekbones and small ears. She had a long neck, straight hips, a slender torso with small breasts and a narrow waist, small hands, and slanted shoulders.
After talking about the history of the Sabaton band, the reporter asked, "Word has been spreading quickly that you guys have added a new band member; a girl who knows sign language. How did that come about?"
Joakim looked over at us and smiled before turning back to her. "Well, that's a long story and frankly quite a special story. I'll leave that for the two who it all started with to tell. If they'd like," he replied as he stood.
"Do you want to do an interview together, Sophia?" Hannes asked as Joakim shook hands with the reporter and thanked her.
I thought for a moment then shook my head.
“ I don't think I'm ready for that yet.”
"Alright then," Hannes smiled as Joakim came over. He told him not today.
"Sounds good to me. We've got a big day tomorrow. Let's get the hell outta here so we can get rested for tomorrow," Joakim said and we all walked out together.