We got back to the stadium about three hours before the show was to start. I watched them rehearse a couple songs and "sung" along by signing the words or pretended to drum along depending on if I knew how to sign that song yet or not, which is what I often did when I really liked a song. Afterwards, we had about an hour and a half before the show so the six of us just hung out backstage, messing around and having fun.
Then, when it was thirty minutes before the show, I went to my seat right up front in the middle. Other people started coming in a few minutes after I was at my seat. I decided to text my friend for a little bit.
About 30 minutes. I can't wait to tell ya all about it! Hannes got food for me earlier, and I got to hang with them backstage after watching them practice a few songs. I got the best seat too, I sent with a smiley face emoji.
Then I texted her a picture of my view of the stage.
Lucky! You know it's gonna be really loud being that close, right?
Haha, yeah I know. I'm counting on it, I responded.
Time seemed to fly by and before I knew it, the stadium was almost completely packed. The lights dimmed and everyone cheered as the familiar intro of Ghost Division began.
"Good evening, Cape Hope! We are Sabaton, we play heavy metal and this is Ghost Division!" Joakim greeted, as was their custom.
"Fast as the wind, the invasion has begun. Shaking the ground with a force of a thousand guns. First in the line of fire, first into hostile land. Tanks leading the way, leading the way."
It was a lot louder right up by the stage but I didn't care. Just like everyone else, I was jumping around and smiling. The second song they played was Midway. Before the third song started, I saw Joakim hand the mic to Hannes.
"I would like to share this next song with a very dear and special friend of ours. She knows sign language very well, which I think is amazing. I mean, I've been trying to learn it but it's hard. Sophia, would you like to come up and join us for Shiroyama?" he asked.
I was completely caught off guard but I smiled like a little kid in a candy store and nodded. Joakim smiled and helped me up. He led me over by the drums. I smiled up at Hannes.
"You ready?" he chuckled softly and I nodded.
"It's the nature of time that the old ways must give in. It's the nature of time that the new ways comes in sin. When the new meets the old it always ends the ancient ways, and as history told the old ways go out in a blaze."
It took me a few moments, as I was still processing the fact that I was actually on stage with my all time favorite band, in front of a stadium almost full of people but after that I got absorbed in the words and started signing along with the song. Time seemed to slow down but by the end of it, it had felt too quick.
"Give it up for Sophia! Learning the sign language for our songs, and being able to keep up is no easy feat," Joakim told the crowd as he led me forward after the song.
I smiled sheepishly as the people clapped and cheered. Then, he helped me back down to my seat. The people around me smiled, told me great job, and said how lucky I was. The next few songs they played were Bismark, Primo Victoria, Blood of Bannockburn, and Night Witches.
After that, the crowd started chanting the opening to Swedish Pagans. I smiled and laughed silently. Chris, Tommy and Hannes encouraged everyone. Joakim turned to his band brothers and flipped them off, making everyone laugh. Then, he gave in and they played Swedish Pagans.
"The wise woman said, once you're hardened in battle there's no coming back."
"Fight or fall."
"And before the attack, feel your blood start to boil in your veins as you charge."
"Hundreds fallen."
Following Swedish Pagans, they played Great War and The Last Stand. After that, they did ten more and finished the night. Everyone slowly filtered out, while I was led backstage.