Jason Ryder was the son of the current gang leader. We've known each other since kindergarten as well but were never friends. I did my best to avoid crossing paths with him because trouble followed closely behind him.
A gun with the Laughing Coffin gang tattoo pointed his pistal at me. "Tell me why I shouldn't kill you?" He asked. "I can save him." I told him quickly. My hands became shakey due to fear but what I spoke was the truth.
"Why should I believe you?" He asked. "I'm going to be a certified doctor in a week and I've had to help gun shot victims during my residency training." I replied quickly. "Come on man if he doesn't get help then we're dead as well." Another gun said.
"Fine." The gun pointing a gun at me muttered. I quickly rushed down the stairs to the guy on the ground and noticed the bullet was in his left shoulder. "We need to get some where sanitary." I told them more confidently now that I was no longer staring down the nose of a pistal. Two guys lifted him off the ground causing Jason to cry out. I quickly followed behind them as they carried him to a black Hummer. I was forced to get in the back seat and I pressed a rag against his wound, trying to slow the bleeding. Jason studied my face, while I concentrated on the task at hand.
Five minutes later we pulled up to some large mansion and I was made to follow them. They took him to the large kitchen and laid him down on the cleared kitchen table. I quickly grabbed the pencil on the counter and twisted my hair up before using the pencil to pin it in place. I grabbed a butter knife and washed it and my hands. I went over to Jason and ripped his shirt. I looked to the guys who were watching me, "Get something for him to bite down on then hold him down."
They didn't hesitate before doing as I said. He was given a wooden spoon to bite down on and when they were ready I began to take the bullet out. It was deeper than I thought, but I managed to get it out. I then took a cereal spoon and took a lighter and heated it before placing it against the wound. He cried out in pain as I held the hot spoon to the wound but when the wound was closed I took the spoon off. "You can let him go." I told them. I then cleaned the blood on his chest to make sure I didn't miss anything.
My dress was covered in blood and I knew I would never be able to wear it again. Jason then passed out on the table and I sighed. "He'll be fine, just needs to have his arm in a sling. If he uses that arm to much then he'll reopen his wound." I told them. "How do we know you won't go tell anyone?" The guy who pointed a gun at me asked. I took a piece of paper that was on the kitchen counter then took the pencil out of my hair. I wrote down my name, phone number, and address before handing it to them. "Call me when you need me. I won't say anything because I really don't feel like dying. I don't expect payments for whatever I do in the future, because I know my life will be on the line each time. I grew up here, so I know how you guys operate." I told him.
He looked at the paper, "Well Nicole Greene, we can't let you leave just yet. It's not up for us to decide, you have to wait for the leader to show up." I nodded, "I understand." He gestured for me to follow him and we walked into the living room. I sat down on the couch and waited patiently. We waitied for thirty minutes before a man came in. He had the same midnight hair as Jason but it was greying and receeding.
"Where is he?" The man asked gruffly. "In the kitchen asleep." The guy who threatened to kill me earlier replied. The man then fell on to me, "Who is she?" "The witness." He replied. "Why isn't she dead?" The man asked. "Because she saved Jason's life." Was his reply.
"What's your name?" The man asked me. "Nicole Greene." I replied while standing up. "Why save my son?" He asked. "Because I became a job to save lives. Why turn him down just because of who he is? Plus a gun in my face was another reason." I replied. He gave me a small smirk and nodded. Then it dropped, "Why shouldn't I kill you noe that you saved him?" "Because things happen, people get hurt. Like I told him, call me when you need me. I don't expect payment because I know if I fail it could mean my life." I answered. He had me follow him while he went to inspect his son.
"How will is arm be?" He asked after a minute. "It'll be fine if he keeps it in a sling for a few weeks. He could end up reopening his wound or causing himself more pain and slow the healing process." I explained. "You seem pretty young to know this." He stated. "I graduated highschool when I was fifteen then began training to become a doctor, I'll be fully certified after next week." I said.
"You're that nerd a few of the younger members were complaining about eleven years ago." He commented. I blushed, "I guess." He then turned and looked down at me. I knew I looked a mess due to the blood soaking my dress, some on my face, hair, and glasses. "I will let you live, but I will call you when I need you." He told me. I nodded, "They've got my information already."
"I will have one of them drive you to whereever it is you need to go." He said. I nodded, "Thank you Mr. Ryder."
After getting back to my car I drove home to Mushu. I had thrown the dress in the trash and scrubbed roughly at my skin in the shower. When I finally felt clean I crawled into bed.