" Fine you don't have to go back at least not tonight it's getting too dark out to take you back", said Katie and Jackie in unison. " Thank goodness," replied katie's great grandmother. In the morning when Katie woke up there was a note from her mom saying that she would be back in a little bit because she was taking Great grandma back to the nursing home.
Little did Katie and Jackie know but their relative was telling the truth. When Jackie walked into the nursing home with her grand mother the " Warden" as everybody seemed to call her was standing guard at the front desk so when Jackie walked in the first thing she did was scream at Jackie for keeping a resident out overnight without proper notice, but next she totally switches gears and started yelling at an elderly resident asking him what the rule about staying out at night was, and his response was if you want to stay out at night you must give the warden one months notice ahead of time so she can prepare for your absence.
"What the hell woman? What do you think your doing, yelling At him because you are mad at me. Well what do you have to say for yourself?" screamed Jackie.The next thing you know the "warden" was telling Jackie her name and the warden's name was Jennifer, when Jennifer was done talking to Jackie she apologized to the man and to Helen, Jackie's grandmother, for being so harsh.
When Jennifer was done apologizing Jackie asked "now was that so hard?" Then all of a sudden Helen asked Jackie if she could stay at her house a little longer until all of it blows over and Jackie said fine but still informed Jennifer what was happening with Helen's situation. two hours later Jackie and Helen where back at home after stopping at the local Goodwill for quarter day so Helen could get some new clothes for the next five months or so.
Four months after Helen moved in with Jackie and Katie, she was forced to move back into the nursing home because Jackie and Katie were forced to move due to Jackie's job relocating her. Jackie promised to allow Helen to move back in with them after they got settled in their new home and with Katie being in a new school and all she need time to make new friends. One month after they moved in to there new home Helen moved back in with them in order to protect her self from her few enemies that she has on the nursing home staff.