The next day the five friends were at Kate's house and in the bathroom Jessica saw a bunch of scattered bobby pins on the counter and a shattered hand mirror lying on the floor just sitting there no one around. the following day Kate saw the same thing only in the attic of the doll house witch in turn caused her to look though the attic to find the bobby pins and hand mirror so no one would get cut or hurt. the next time the five friends and Kate's mom went into the attic Kate found the bobby pins and hand mirror under neath the dollhouse which caused her to believe that they had been under there the whole time and not in plain sight at all. so the following week Kate's mom had not realized the mirror in her room was broken and she stepped ion the glass and she had to go to the hospital to get it removed and get stitches so it did not get infected. When all that was over with she figured out what had made the crash in her room the night before she had stepped on the glass. it was the fact that bobby pins and glass were all over her be.
Then when Jackie told Kate to go see if her great grandmother was okay at the nursing home down the street Kate brought her friends with her to meet her great grandmother just for the fun of it. when they got there to their surprise Kate's great grandmother had died the day before trying to go see them at their house. But that is when she collapsed for a stroke that was caused by massive stress. and the emts could not get her stabilized and she died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. the nursing home was just about to call them when take and her 4 friends walked in though the door. so a few minutes later on their way back to Kate's house Jackie called Kate's phone only to hear her balling her eyes out. when Kristen explain what they had found out Jackie also started balling her eyes out with sadness. blaming herself for her grand mother's death saying if she had just stayed with them none of this would have happened and she would still be alive and not in a morgue of some hospital in who knows where with no one to claim her as their family
When Kate and Jackie went back to the nursing home to figure out what hospital morgue she was in hey got there only to find out she was actually stabilized at the hospital and all well and good back in her room. The nursing only found out she was still alive after Kate had left the week before, so the hospital kept her over night and brought her back to the nursing home to still be able to see Jackie and Kate. the next morning after Jackie found out that her grand mother was still alive she had all of her stuff moved into her house and Kate's great grandmother moved in with them due to the degeneration of her bones and the fact the the house was only one story. Kate got to see her great grandmother every day and Kate's friends got to meet her too, they all had a grand time hearing Kate's great grandmother tell them stories from her childhood. the stories caused Jackie to laugh because she did some of the same things when she was a kid growing up it that house and now that they lived in the house again Kate did some of the same things too. that is what ended up making her great grandmother very happy at the end of each and everyday. When she had finally figured out what was going on she told her great grandmother that it was her husband trying to tell her something.