The next few weeks were hard on Katie due to the fact that it was only one week before final exams and the following week after that was winter break. With Helen living with Katie and Jackie it turned out to be rather hard for Katie to study for the exams. Finally after finals were over Katie realizes she has to buy two Christmas presents this year and she figures out how to fill out how to get an application and with her mother's help fill it out in order to get a part time job.
Finally after filling out at least 12 applications she finally got the job at a local business. Two days later she started her on the job training. Finally after two days of her on the job training they removed her from the training class and put her to work in the front of the store helping customers find what they are looking for. She worked 8 hours a day five to six days a week and got paid about $9.00 an hour.
Finally after working all week she finally had enough money to buy the presents for her great grandmother and her mother. She went to the store to buy the presents for her family and finally she figured out what to get for her great grandmother. A very large blanket for her to stay warm under since she got cold easily.
When Katie got home she wrapped the presents and placed them under the tree since the next day was Christmas. When Katie woke up the next morning she realized that almost all of the presents under the tree were from her great grandmother. It was sort of a shock to her because she was used t it being just her and her mother for holidays.