The prince and his guards were walking around the marketplace.
"Prince your guard is inadequate, let me at least..."
"I don't want to hear about it anymore Marcus, inadequate? Against what? Look around you, are there any dangers?"
"Of course not, the only thing that could put me at risk are some outlaws, and I can easily deal with them myself, captain."
"I... yes sir," captain Marcus sighed and continued to follow the Prince.
"Look at the beautiful landscape, the scent of our crops and meals spreads wide across the country. Everyone is happy. Why can't you also be happy Marcus?" the Prince asked.
"Being happy is not my job or duty, sir."
"Hmm... you're still so negative, there's nothing to worry about..."
"My lord, Miss Elizabeth is already expecting you at Glowpeak," soldier arriving on horse exclaimed.
"Great, we won't let my sweetheart wait. Smile a little, Captain," the Prince laughed and threw captain Marcus an apple.
"Why on Glowpeak, sir... You know..."
"You know what? You can stay here, these cucumbers look like they're going to come alive and start attacking innocent people. Glowpeak is not far away, but I don't have time for this anyway." The Prince and his soldiers headed towards Glowpeak.
Meanwhile, at the Wall of Sorrow...
Two soldiers walked beside a huge tall wall.
"Another day in paradise, huh? That dark sky, dust and ash flying in the air. That deafening silence." "Yes, silence... wait. Can you hear that?"
The bottom of the wall burst and the soldiers were hit by the rubble. Some dark figures came in through the hole in the wall.
"Alarm! We're under..." shouted the running soldier before he was downed by several arrows.
To one of the soldiers struck by an arrow came a figure with a hood in massive armour and a large scalloped sword.
"Where's your emperor?" He asked with a deep voice, pulling the soldier by his collar.
"D... die you monster!" The soldier thrust his dagger into his hip, after which he was pierced by a man's sword.
"Stop the messengers, kill everyone. These ones are too proud and crazy to tell us something," a big man in black armour ordered the others.
“Marcus!" "So you are coming too?" the Prince laughed.
"Your uncle would be very angry."
"Hah, sure. All-day, he is hidden in the palace and gets drunk in the basement with his nobles."
"It is not good to talk about family like this, sir."
"And what should I do if it's true? Pretend that I appreciate it?"
"We are here, sir," one of the soldiers shouted.
Glowpeak is a small castle whose only defence is rather an aesthetic moat and a drawbridge, the castle is located at the very eastern edge of the Green Grove, farther east is the Wall of Sorrow.
The Prince walked through the small fortress into the garden where his dear Elizabeth was waiting for him. "You're finally here, what took you so long?" Elizabeth comes from the simple family of a blacksmith and seamstress to the resentment of most nobles.
"We just checked the quality of the vegetables, my dear," the prince laughed and kissed her hand. Then they embraced and started dancing together in the garden.
"Stop! Only the Imperial Guard can pass in here," the guard stopped a group of hooded subjects in front of the drawbridge.
"Hmm... what about the royal guard?" a tall man answered and pierced the guard with his sword.
The two men then drew small one-handed crossbows from under their cloaks and shot down the guards at the gate. Then they all run through the drawbridge to the courtyard. One of the soldiers fired an arrow from the fortress tower on the group leader. But one of his men covered him with a shield. On their side was a huge man with a massive two-handed hammer, he threw down the entire regiment of soldiers running out of the fortress with one hit. Others then stabbed them. They walked into the fortress and their leader went straight towards prince Enric.
"Run through the east gate!" Enric pushed Elizabeth aside and drew his sword.
"Hahaha... Gregorian!! Where are you, you coward?!" shouted the man against whom Prince Enric was like a scrag.
"Who are you?" prince Enric called.
"Ah... Prince Zarius, ruler of the Dark Ones. What are you, little boy?" the man scoffed.
"I'm Enric, the ruler of the Empire of mankind," Enric shouted with uncertainty in his voice.
"Hahaa... ahh, this day is full of surprises. You amused me, begone before I change my mind."
"I'm not afraid of you." Enric raised his sword.
"Thankfully, you're all so crazy, it would be boring to murder you like cattle." Zarius lifted his massive sword and ran against Enric, he was defending against him even though a few punches he got, but then Zarius stretched out and broke Enric's sword with a powerful blow, and Enric fell to the ground. Zarius leaned towards him. "Any last words?"
"Die, you monster!" Enric grabbed both ends of his broken sword and thrust them into Zarius's chest and began to run.
"Ahh... Again?!"
"He won't get too far, sir," said the man standing nearby, aiming at Enric with his bow.
Zarius put his hand in front of him. "Let him go, it's time for this famous Empire to know about us hahahaa," Zarius laughed.