The Empire is composed of several areas:
Dunes (home of desert people), Thunder Hills (dwarven scientists' homeland), Green Grove (home of the mankind), Gregorian (main area of the mankind), Ashnaton forest (elven homeland) and Forbidden Territory (damned landscape separated by the Wall of Sorrow).
The great part of the Empire (human part) is faith, people here worship the Saints as gods, there is also the "Brotherhood of the Saints", whose members are fanatical devotees of the Saints. Saints are ancestors who have significantly contributed to the Empire.
Young Prince Emeric (rather called simply Enric) takes the throne after his father, Gregorian the Great.
His father's death was a huge tragedy for the Empire, and many doubt Enric's abilities as a new emperor. He lives in the Imperial City in Gregorian at least, but he prefers to care about the common folk, and in many other ways he is the opposite of his father. For example, his attitude to the army, which he sees as unnecessary and would like to put all of their finances into town development, unlike his uncle Augustus. Perhaps the only reason he didn't do it is that the closest family friends are high military officers.
Five years after Enric's rule, the cities and the villages flourished and the army faded. Prince Enric, by his zero interest in the nobility and the army, built a strong core of enemies, but for most of them, killing the offspring of Gregorian was unthinkable due to their respect towards the fallen Emperor, so they waited for an opportunity to replace Enric with his uncle, and that moment was soon come...