Chapter 2
The next morning I found myself in bed with a pack of ice on my forehead and my mom was playing with my long shiny black hair while talking with Isabella. I couldn’t remember what happened after I passed out.
"What happened," I demanded.
"Don't worry I put a sleeping spell on Monroe and returned him to his castle."
"What about Trevor and the marriage?"
"We will have to continue the marriage arrangement until you come back from camp."
"I refuse to marry Trevor." Mother pretended that she hadn't heard me.
"I'll get you some medicine to ease your pain from using all that magic all at once. Trevor will be in charge of you until it's time for you to go to camp." I shut my mouth knowing that there was no point in arguing anymore. I spent the next week sleeping and waking up laying on Trevor's lap on a bench in the castle's garden which is his favorite place to be.
In my cabin at the camp, I realize that each cabin holds four people of the same gender."My name is Snow. What is your name?" Asked this bold with the palest looking skin I've ever seen. She had cherry red cheeks and bright blood red lips. I can tell that she is the most popular stuck-up girl at camp and she knows it.
"Of course, does it look like any of those other girls want to talk with me," said Snow with a bit of an attitude. I turned to look at the other two girls on the other side the room. They appeared to be nice enough. The taller one looked like she would is the shy quiet type while the other shorter girl looked like the always cheerful happy type of girl.
"You're right. My name is Rachael. Why do guys hate each other?"
"They think I stole their man from them," said Snow rolling her eyes as she applied more bright red lipstick to her lips. Oh so her lips are not actually naturally that red. The shorter girl rolled her eyes and muttered a "whatever" in response. I yawned. I’m still taking my mother’s medicine and it makes me extremely tired.
"Ok time to go get into our teams at the dock," Snow called out as her bouncy blonde curls bounced out of the cabin following her.
"You better be careful around her when she finds out who you like. She'll try to take him away from you," whispered the tall lanky girl. She had nutmeg brown toned skin and she had thick black eyelashes with long straight hair. I was right: she is the quiet one.
"Yea she took away my Tommy and she doesn't even like him that much," pouted the other girl. She looked to be just above average height and the more thick boned than the other girl. She had skin as light as soft sand and had light golden blonde hair. Her body language was very expressive in contrast to the taller girl and the two girls seemed very close.
"Okay thank you for the warning," I said.
"You're welcome alright I think it's time to go to the dock. Oh, and by the way my name is Bethany and the other girl is Ashley," Said the short girl. At the dock ,each person is called up to go up on stage and be given a group name and place to meet other group members. I was silently looking around at the other people around me when I realized that the loudspeaker has been calling my name for a while. When I step up on stage, I'm surprised to see Snow waiting for me. Her mouth was in a straight line and her feet was tapping at a very pace.
"Oh hey Snow, were you waiting for me?" Snow rolls her eyes at me.
"I'm in your group." My group’s meeting spot is by the woods surrounding the cabins, but since I was still taking the medication that my mom gave me, I was the last one to arrive at our meeting place. Gale, the guy I've had a crush on long before my mom married my step-dad and we had to move away from each other, was standing at the meeting place for my group with some other guy talking. He had obviously grown up as his stick figure is now replaced with a muscular physique. I almost didn’t recognize him with his broad shoulders and small waist, but his face though older was still the same. His bright light green eyes still sparkled in the sun and his big smile still brightened up his whole face. I guess the shock from seeing him was too much because I threw up all my breakfast and the medicine my mom had given me. Dizziness soon overtook me and I passed out. In my sleep, I heard Isabella, my always-there spirit friend, tell me that Monroe was the third person I saw the next to Gale in my group before I passed out. I woke up instantly in the medical cabin to see all of the necklaces with my group name on it on my fellow group members: Gale, Snow, and Monroe.
"Woah don't give her that. She's awake," I heard Gale say with his arms spread out wide stopping the nurse from giving me a shot of medicine. The medicine looked ridiculous filled in a tube 1 inch thick and 4 inches long fully loaded.
"Thanks, Gale, but I think I'll go back to my cabin and sleep."
He turns around looking at me with puppy eyes and says,"You sure you don't want to talk a little yet. We haven't seen each other in a long time." I think about his words for a moment while checking over my hands twisting my wrists all over the place. I didn’t want him to see my blush from seeing him or the smirk I had as I thought up a little plan to tease him.
"Fine," I say waving him closer to me. I absolutely love teasing him and this chance is just too good to pass. He moves closer to me and I pecked him on his cheek making his face turn bright red. "That is a promise that we will talk later,” I whispered as he backs away slowly. I clapped my hands then looked in each of my other group members’ faces, “Now which one of you people is going to help me back to my cabin?" I try to compose my face as best as I could when my eyes passed over Monroe. I wasn’t very surprised to see him as Isabella had just told me he was in my group, but it was still shocking to spent my summer with my soon-to-not-be fiancee’s older brother. Mom also didn't say that she had completely erased his memory of that night when I tried to kill him. I don't want him to have pieced together what happened that night: it's best to pretend to have never met or seen him before.
"I’m sorry that's not going to happen. Your mom is on her way with some more medicine for you," said the nurse whose name tag spelled out Mrs. Celeb.
"Then can we stay here until her mom comes to get her then please," asked Snow politely. Mrs. Celeb looks very moved by Snow`s request. I, on the other hand, saw right through her request. On the way to my group’s meeting place, I checked the schedule that I got for my group to see that all of our activities for the rest of the day involved mud. Snow doesn’t seem like the person that would be okay with getting that well acquainted with mother nature.
"Trevor is coming with your mom," whispered Isabella. Gale meeting Trevor would probably not work out very well. My soon to be financial meeting my childhood friend who promised to marry me. There would be too many questions and too many scenarios that will end badly. Somebody will be crushed.
"Well, it should be fine if I go talk with..." Mrs. Celeb started.
"No! that won't be necessary. You guys should go out and have fun, making new friends, or," I look straight at Snow "new relationships." Now it was Snow`s turn to pink. In my stupor of waiting to be in called into a group, I for some reason was able to spy Snow checking out and assessing a group of guys not so far away. Gale scratching the back of his head not blushing anymore and says "Well I guess we should leave. Try not to beat up this Trevor dude too much, Rachel." Monro and Mrs. Celeb who are trying not to appear too much interested in a conversation both perked up and looked at Gale me while Snow gasps at me and her jaw drops. I glare and Gale knowing that he used his witch powers to read my mind. He winked back at me confirming my suspicions as he herds Monroe and Snow out of the cabin.
"That is your group I presume," Mrs. Celeb said making me jump slightly having forgotten about her.
"Yes," I said staring after Gale who gives me a thumbs up behind his back. A small smile crept on my face: it’s the small actions that those that made me fall for him many years ago.
"Well, aren't you so lucky my dear. You have what appears to be the two most good looking guys in the camp and it seems that you're able to tame that Snow. You know that Snow is always getting into trouble. Just last..." I fall into a deep sleep from my medicine, before I ever got to finish hearing what she had to say. I ended up sleeping there for 2 days as I still had two more days of taking my mother’s mysterious medicine. Those days were a blur of going in and out of sleep hearing Mom, Trevor, Isabelle, and Mrs. Celeb talking to me about different things. By the third day, I was done having to take any more medicine and I felt well rested and energetic. I woke up early and forced my roommates to talk out their problems and the start of a good friendship began. Apparently, Ashley and Bethany’s boyfriends were sex crazed sadists with a long history with lots of other girls while still dating them. Snow one day had caught the guys red-handed and the boyfriends instead of choosing to stop their bad habits which is what Snow forcibly suggested, the boyfriends broke up with their girlfriends to never be seen or heard of after coming to the camp. We were all really touched and had our first group hug together. Other than feeling certain that Snow had something to do with the mysterious disappearance of Ashley and Bethany’s boyfriend, I also had a strong sinking feeling that the four of us were all interconnected somehow in a bad way. The feeling lessened when I let them go from our group hug, but it never did actually go away completely. I choose to ignore the feeling for a bit as I got the three other people involved with my little prank for Gale. I’m not really sure when it started, but I and Gale would always come up with little semi-serious pranks to pull on each other. Snow although projecting herself to be really tough and uptight was really excited to help aid me in coming up with a good plan and being a part of it. I’ve, since hearing her side of the story with Ashley and Bethany’s boyfriend, had started to suspect that Snow wasn’t all that she pretended to be, but with her help and awesome co-planning on my prank for Gale I’ve officially decided that she is actually a really relaxed and would be a great friend. By the end of the day, I had a plan and had filled Mrs. Celeb in who gladly obliged to it and promised to not tell anyone else about it. The plan was to take place the next day.