Chapter 4
"Are you Gale?" I heard a girl ask not too far away from where I was using my magic to read one couple’s mind. The guy was having a difficult time trying to find the words to ask the girl to be his girlfriend while the girl was trying to find a way to get the guy’s help to get the attention of the guy’s best friend.
"Nope, he's over there." I had enough of listening to the hopeless situation and turned to see one of Snow’s roommates jogging over to me.
“Aren’t you one of Snow’s roommate?” I asked her. She’s short and thick boned.
"Yes, I'm Becka. I think you should go see Snow. She went to the medical cabin earlier and came back crying and told me to tell you to put on something black and come meet her at the medical cabin. I think she was saying something about giving respect to the dead?” I quickly ran as fast as I could to the medical cabin. I had to see Rachael! One of the first lessons I was taught when I started going to school for my magic powers is that I had to use magic: a witch and or a warlock had to use magic if they want to live. Witches and warlocks, unlike some of the other magical creatures from my homeland, will innately absorb and store magic from our surrounding which great as we have an almost endless supply of power from the magic, but we have to use some of it in order to live. According to a story, I was taught from school, there was once a warlock that had planned to try to take over the world and so had decided to not use magic. The warlock eventually died early because by not using up the magic his body would naturally absorb, it got to the point that his body became overstuff with magic and he died. As I ran to Rachael who has been forbidden to use magic for the years we were together as children, the story of the dead warlock played on repeat inside my mind. Rachael might use her magic now, but the probably of that is very slim as she has been living with humans for years now and was taught from a very young age to not use her magic. I earnestly hoped that for whatever reason that I would be called to see Rachael is for her silly demand to see me and not from anything life-threatening or from a sudden early death.
I opened the door to my cabin to see Ashley, one of Snow’s roommates standing there with a note in her hand. I remembered her name from yesterday when at breakfast Snow introduced the two other girls from her cabin other Rachael. Out of the three roommates Snow has, I like her the best and if she isn’t so quiet and mysterious I wouldn’t mind marry her instead of Snow. Yea Snow is very pretty and all and she is supposed to be my fiance, but she isn’t really my type nor is Becka: Becka is too loud and too idealistic and Snow can be very conceited sometimes. Then there’s Rachael. She’s the most interesting of them all: I feel like there’s something not right about her and her mother. For example last week before camp, I could have sworn I had met with her when I sneaked out of my castle, but after sneaking in and seeing her mother I blacked out and woke up in bed in my castle the next morning wearing different clothes than the ones I had worn when I know I left to go to Rachael’s palace . I hazily remember Rachael saying something really rude and I spoke out about it before seeing her mother and then everything just fades into darkness.
“Here you go It’s from Snow,” said a small Ashley. I took the note and glanced up to see that Ashley had already disappeared. She’s just too mysterious and too quiet. I shrugged and looked down to read the note.
It said, “Meet me at the medical cabin -Snow.”
As I was rounding a corner to the medical cabin, I bumped into Monroe. I tried to quickly run around him, but Monroe, the only other guy in my camp group, forced me to sit back down and explain why I was in such a rush. After a while of struggling to get up, I finally gave up and stood still. I’m in the human realm now and I had to calm down before I recklessly use my magic to kill him. I absolutely hate his guts. He is supposedly happily engaged to Snow, a childhood friend, and will get married in less than a year, yet he has his eyes set on another girl. Or to be more specific Rachael, my girl. Since the first day of camp and he saw Rachael, his eyes would always stray towards Rachael even when our group, given the nickname the mistakes, are nowhere near the medical cabin where she has been locked up since camp started.
“Woah wait what’s up dude,” Monroe asked with his big right hands on my shoulder.
With a strained voice from trying to not punch him, I answered, “Something important has come up and I need to be somewhere urgently.” There’s no way I’m gonna give him more chances to stare at my girl.
Soon after crashing into Gale, I followed him to the medical cabin. Obviously, we must have been given the same genre message, but from the urgency he ran to get there, his message must have been more exaggerated. As I absentmindedly jogged behind Gale, I thought about how he and Rachael were connected. Gale, the new prince of a new mysterious kingdom made about a month ago, and Rachael who is the adopted daughter and next in line to inherit an already well-establish kingdom. How could they possibly be connected? Also, from Rachael’s public kiss they are well-acquainted too.