Chapter 8:
Rachael’s been missing for three days now and the fact has been eating at me slowly the entire time. Me, Monroe, Snow, and Isabella after our talk in the dining hall had snuck into Snow’s cabin to finish talking. There are very few incidents in which the magic council will allow a magical creature to tell a human about our land and even when we do there is a sacred ritual that the human must perform to know about us. Unfortunately with the kidnap of Rachael and that the whole situation was very dire, Snow and Monroe weren’t fortunate to know how it feels to go through the ritual. Instead me and Isabella just told them the whole secret about my kingdom, how Rachael fits into it, why Rachael’s kidnapping is a big issue to us and my kingdom, and then finished it off with threatening to completely destroy their kingdom and end their family lineage if they told anyone about what we told them. Obviously, we didn’t tell them the whole truth, we just told them enough everything so they can get that Rachael’s disappearance after the mountain hike is a big deal. Isabella before she left told me in secret that she was going to continue looking for Rachael and told me about her suspicion that she thinks either Monroe and or Snow are one of the Seven Dwarfs. I was shocked, to say the least, but after much thought, it really appealed to me and I hoped desperately that she was right. It would explain why Monroe’s eyes are always on the watch for Rachael and how Snow is always so protective of Rachael. I really clung to the idea of those two being one of the seven dwarfs because it took my mind off of my own failure. I had agreed to become a prince because I wanted to be with Rachael and protect her; however, I had failed. Rachael had gotten kidnapped because of my own foolish decision to put Monroe back in his place and to save myself in case I do use my magic.
Rachael has been gone for three days now. Our whole group since then has been walking around like the undead. We do our group activities and then immediately go to sit around together in silence. For example, right now we are sitting facing each other in the empty dining hall. I’m seated on the wooden benches with a book pretending to read, Gale is pacing in front of me, and Snow is sitting crossed leg on the floor a few feet checking and reapplying her red lipstick. Each of our nervous quirks on full display. As I stared down at the book, I thought about how quickly everything changed. I had met a witch, Rachael went missing, I found out that magic is real, I had spent my summer hanging out with a warlock and a ghost, and had been threatened by both a warlock and a ghost. It’s not a typical accomplishment for the next king of my kingdom. I thought back to the beginning of summer before all of these suddenly came up. I would spend the day keeping everyone else in my group out of trouble and then Snow would sometimes sneak me over to her cabin with Gale after lights out and I would talk with her other two roommates, Ashley and Becka about some of the most outrageous topics. I froze for a moment and looked dead at Snow. Snow saw my look and gave me a pointed look in return. Absentmindedly I heard Gale stop pacing, I motioned to Snow to the door to outside. Snow rolled her eyes and nodded as she got up and followed me outside.
“What is it that you want to say that you couldn’t say in there?” Snow got straight to the point.
“It’s bad to be inside all the time.” Snow rolled her eyes at me. For being engaged to each other, we really don’t act like it at all.
“Tell me what you really want to say.”
“I just to know if you’ve seen your other two roommates lately.” Snow looked taken back.
“Um, yea though we’re roommates although these past few days they’ve have to wake up early and come back late.” Just as I had suspected.
“So you haven’t physically seen them since Rachael disappeared.” She grunted.
“No. What does that have to do with anything.” Gale stormed out of the dining hall and was marching over to us. Now that I know about his magic, I can see the evidence of it seeping out of him and saw that every step he took left some magic residue on the ground as plants just sprouted out almost unnoticeably where he stepped.
“Have the Seven Dwarfs been looking for Rachael or what,” Gale demanded to know. The day Rachael disappeared he and Isabella told us about the Seven Dwarfs being a group of secret bodyguards that are supposed to protect Rachael. Snow shook her head and looked up me. I, however, was already a few steps ahead of them. I looked around at the throng of other princes and princesses trying to locate Ashley and Becka’s group. The obnoxiously loud group was easy to find. Just as I had suspected, there is only two of them. I quickly stride over to them with Gale and Snow trailing behind me.
“Hello, I’m Monroe and I’m looking for Ashley and Becka. Have you two seen them lately.” The two guys responded that they haven’t seen her for three days now and walked away. I turned around to Gale and Snow. Both held puzzled looks as they slowly started to figure out what that means.
“Gale, the Seven Dwarfs have been looking,” I said turning looking over at Snow and Gale: my words clicked with both of them and they gaped in return.