"Libby, wake up. You have school. If you wake up now, there will be time for breakfast."
I rub my eyes and sit up in bed to see Veronica kneeling beside me. There is still boxes everywhere as we never really unpacked last night, only the essentials and there is even more boxes in the corridor and kitchen.
"I'm up."
"Good. Have a quick shower and I'll see you in the kitchen."
She leaves me be and I proceed to get ready.
"Morning, Zekey!" I smile, bending down to scratch his furry little head after I leave the shower. His still snoozing on my bed. Waking up, he lets out a yawn and hops off to follow me to the kitchen.
"Morning, Mitchell." I whisper, seeing him seated at the dining table, tucking into some eggs on toast.
"Libby, sit." Veronica says, leaving the stove and placing down the same for me on a plate, she then begins to dish out dog-food for Zekey.
"Do I have to go high-school so soon? We just arrived here last night."
"It's mandatory, you need to attend. Don't worry, it will be great and when you return home, Mitchell and me will have unfinished unpacking the rest of the house." Veronica smiles.
"You had jobs lined up to, right?"
"Yeah, totally. I'm working at the convenience store, and Veronica at the planetarium. That's what 18-year old's who graduated do, we're adults. But you're not so you still have to go to school for now. You're 17, Libby."
"I know. Ow."
"Are you okay?" Veronica panics slightly.
"I kind of just felt a pain in my chest slightly."
"Is it sharp? Dull?" She asks me.
"I-I don't know!"
"Okay... Well, if it gets worse, give either of us a call..."
I finish the toast with eggs and head off to school with Zekey, I snuck him into my school-bag. For school, I have a huge shoulder bag and I live it fairly unzipped so he can sit out and look around, yet also breathe.
"I am so glad he is paying our expenses. There is no way we are working into our old part-time jobs." Veronica says, taking a sip of tea now that Libby has left for school with Zekey, unknown to them that Zekey is missing.
"Well, I guess we better unpack these boxes and prepare faking tired from being at work when she returns in the afternoon, babe."
"I guess. You want coffee first?"
"Cool, I'll make you some-"
When there is a knock on the door. They head to answer it, worried Libby forgot something, but it's far from Libby.
"Expected we'd be seeing you sooner or later." Mitchell speaks up.
"Knock off the attitude, Mitchell. What are you two playing at? You're seventeen and should be in school. You've been missing for months, both of you and what have you done to that girl? She went missing too, and last we checked, you both and her weren't friends." Says a police officer.
"Playing pretend." Mitchell says back snarkily.
"I'm sorry?"
"Dude, come back with everyone you have. We aren't doing this now, trust me. You don't want to emotionally traumatize Libby and there be no help in place for her."
And Mitchell closes the door, shaking his head and Veronica remains quiet.
"The hell..." The officer says, left dumbfounded and confused on the door-step. He heads back to his police cruiser.
Libby feels like she's struggling to breathe slightly as she runs for the school. Making it just in time, she hears the bell ring, but an alert also goes off, on her phone. It's tattered and the screen half cracked, but still works. She dropped it apparently a few months ago on a floor.
She stops, pulling it out to see a notification there is a text from Veronica.
Veronica: Libby... Where is Zekey? Whatever you do... Just don't get yourself Detention on your first day because you brought him to school. I would appreciate it though if tomorrow, you left him at home. I know you feel like you need him as he's a comfort to you, but there are other ways to cope. I promise!
She hesitates to respond and closes the lid of her phone when she hears footsteps behind her. "You're late, head inside already. I don't want to give you detention." Says a girl, walking past, hair in a ponytail and hands in pockets, seemingly annoyed.
As I make my way to the office, I gulp and freeze in my path when I see a group this time of people all dressed in trench-coats walking towards me, but I can't see their face as they all have long hair. I turn around to go back the way I just came when I see them on the other side of me too. How many of these people are there?! I'm cornered.
"What do you want with me?!" I scream out. They don't even respond back, just keep staring having stopped walking.
"Hey, emo's!" I hear a voice yell and I turn to see a pretty, fit and tanned with slightly wavy blonde hair is standing there in a fairly sporty looking outfit. "Over here!" She calls and I start sprinting to her as she grasps my hand and pulls me inside the school.
"Where are we going?" I ask her.
"The office. We've been expecting you..." She says, looking me up and down.
"Well, you're not muddy so clearly you didn't get lost on your way here." She speaks. "I'm Maple." She says shortly.
"M-Maple, can I ask who those people were? They we're just staring at me." I tell her.
She doesn't even look at me as she responds. "Just stay clear of them and I suggest you don't go looking for trouble, Libby if you know what's good for you."
"How do you know my name?!" I exclaim.
"I just do..." She says shortly.
"Are you a teacher?" I ask.
"No." She responds, no other words and takes my hand again, leading me to the office.
I don't push my luck as she doesn't seem to want to talk. The receptionist is shaking the whole time as Maple helps me get enrolled and marked off. Is something wrong?" I ask as I watch the fingers shiver of the receptionist.
"N-no! What did you say your name was again?" She asks.
"Libby Biscuit." Maple says for me before I can answer. "Thank you," I say giving her a warm smile, but she just scowls at me, turning her back on me and crosses her arms. So much for being potential friends then... The receptionist gives me a funny look.
"How did you know that? I never told you my first name let alone my last name." I say angrily in Maple's direction.
"Everyone knows you, Libby. How could any of us ever forget?" She says crossly.
Afterwards I'm sent to a series of classes and finally recess comes soon enough. I cuddle Zekey in my lap as I sit on a toilet lid in one of the girl's bathrooms, my shoulder bag lying open at my feet. I scratch just under his chin as I run my hand down his soft white fur.
"Zekey, today has been weird and frustrating so far. I wish we had never had to move here, I never wanted to move here.
I liked it back there! And everyone is so unfriendly here too..." I trail off, telling him. "I'm glad it's recess, Zekey. What do you want for lunch?" I ask him, but I don't have time to wait for an answer as I hear the door of the bathroom open and the footsteps of someone coming in. I head out of my stall at that exact time, Zekey hidden and wash my hands. Not looking at who came in, I hear an audible gasp and they run out.
"I'm done." I say out, and leave the school, I'm just going to go home.
I make my way down the footpath while Zekey yaps slightly from my bag. I see a car instantly pull up, the girl with hair in a ponytail from before. "You leaving school?" She says.
"Uh, yeah..."
"Want a lift?" She asks me.
"I don't know you!" I cry out.
"So, you would rather walk home? I'm not going to march you back inside also, not worth the hassle. I'm too tired these days for any more shit." She responds back.
"N-no..." I stammer.
"Then hop in!" She says, leaning over and pushing the passenger door open for me to climb in.
I jump in and place my bag on the backseat, opening the bag more and Zekey pops his head out. The girl puts her foot on the gas as we speed off around the block of the school. "You bought a dog to sch- nevermind. You, okay?" She asks me.
"N-no, I'm pretty shaken up. Moving here is hard, I'm not from here." I tell her as I lean back in my seat. I should have known better than to get into a stranger's car...
"I know the feeling. So, what's been happening? She asks me.
"What do you mean?"
"Uh, nevermind." She says shortly. "I'm Gwen."
"Hi, Gwen."
"How'd you like my cousin?" She asks, gently turning the steering wheel as we drive through town and stop at a set of traffic lights.
"Who? I stammer.
"Maple. You and her talked earlier. So how long have you been new to town?"
"One night."
"One night and you're already the talk of the town and school. Where did you come from?"
"I'm what?!"
Uh, I came from... somewhere..."
I can feel a slight headache forming, my brain foggy.
"Why'd you leave?"
"I don't want to talk about it..."
"Okay, do you want any music or should we drive in silence?" She asks me.
"I'm sorry?"
I watch as she reaches for the radio and a rock tune plays. She bops her head to it. "Like it?"
"There we're students in trench-coats before, they surrounded me and we're silent." I tell her.
"No idea, people will just be weird sometimes. Ignore it till they find something else new to focus their attention on, Libby. It's what they naturally do. I wouldn't worry..."
"It's hard to..."
"Just try. The sooner you ignore it and accept it, the happier you'll feel." She says as the lights change and we speed off again.
"Um, Gwen... I live-"
"No need to tell me, I know where you live. I'm taking you there now."
"Uh, thanks? That's not completely creepy...
"You're welcome, Libby"
We sit in silence for a few minutes when I see a home-made looking flyer or something at my feet. I bend down to grab it and gulp when I see it. Gwen turns to look at me and quickly pulls the car over to the side of the road, snatching it from me.
"Hey!" I cry out and she sadly hands it back to me sort of, but doesn't let go though, keeping slight hold on it.
"You shouldn't have seen this..." She says as I take a hard long look at it.
Name: Becky Winters199Please respect copyright.PENANA4AUFb28sE4
199Please respect copyright.PENANAqWV8QOTuxu
Age: 17
Last known location: Ender Falls High School in Ender Falls – Two months ago.
If you have any information on her whereabouts, please contact Ender Falls Police Department.
"It's me!" I choke out. "This isn't possible!" I yell, stuffing the paper into my pocket and she let's go. "How can I look like a girl that is missing?! I'm me!" I yell at her.
"Libby Biscuit... You need to stay out of this and away from this if you know what's good for you."
"Gwen! This is why everyone is staring at me every time I turn around. People are frightened of my presence. Who am I?! This can't be possible!"
"You're, Libby Biscuit This is a coincidence, you'll see. Do you want me to finish driving you home?"
I nod and she starts up the car again. Soon enough we arrive at my house and I see the door open which Mitchell and Veronica come running out. They we're supposed to be at work. I hear Gwen's phone get a text suddenly. She looks at it, then closes it and puts it down again.
"Get out." She says harshly.
"I'm sorry?" I ask.
"Get out, I need to go back to school!"
I nod and climb out as she passes me Zekey in my bag. She then quickly speeds off and I'm left standing in front of Mitchel and Veronica, holding Zekey in my bag.
"Libby, we we're so worried about you!" Veronica cries, throwing her arms around me. I push her away. "Pal. The school called us to say that you ran off campus... Why? Did something happen?" Mitchell questions me. I feel my eyes tear up and I just run into the house, straight to my bedroom and lock the door behind me. I loosely and gently drop my bag onto the floor and Zekey climbs out a second later.
I see my room is clear of boxes and I throw myself onto my bed and begin crying, my face buried into the pillow. Zekey hops up, snuggling into my side to try and calm me down.
I hear repeated knocking on my door. "Libby, what's wrong? Come out and talk to us or let us in so we can help." I hear Veronica call.
"Go away!" I yell out while choking from lack of air all day for some reason which my tears are making worse.
"Mitchell, can you get her some water and an after snack?" I hear Veronica speak up. "Libby. We'll leave something outside your door for you, okay? When you feel better after having had some alone time, come see us okay or we will come see you soon again?
Oh, and, I see you met Gwen Church-field. That's lovely... Don't feel reluctant to take a ride from her again in the future..." She ends with, finally walking away to leave me in peace to cry my heart out.
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